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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. I agree, but that realization won't allow for them to scream about how the sky falling, so it's not going to happen. Hyperbole on your part does not respect the conversation. The point is that when the importance of the game is weighed against significant and undue risk to Willy, all reasonable caution should be taken. O'Shea is new to being a head coach along with all the attendant stressors, so it would be easy for him to look past the risk and want the win too badly. It's not about Lulay- if Willy is still taking analgesics, that is not a good sign, but we do not know if it is prescription or OTC. And what is the conversation? Can you even tell me what the injury is? Doesn't matter - OShea is under stress! The wrong decision is being made! If only the Bombers had doctors and trainers who could look into all of this! Actually, this is the start of a pretty standard Lawless column: "More assumptions I'm making about OShea with zero knowledge"
  2. I agree, but that realization won't allow for them to scream about how the sky falling, so it's not going to happen.
  3. Get him to pee in a cup - he could be on Advil.
  4. Agreed. They don't look ready yet. Hard to guess at the third and fourth line until they test them out in games to see what kind of chemistry exists, but I think they'll look at: Galiardi-Perreault-Byfuglien as their third as the offensive upside of Galiardi is higher than Thorburn and Hallischuk, with Halischuk-Slater-Thorburn as the starting point for their 4th line, with Peluso drawing in some nights for Halischuk. Or vice versa if Peluso does enough things with the puck during pre-season that Maurice thinks he can be a full time player and not just a meatsack. Lowry starts the year off in St Johns but draws back in towards the new year once the injury situation demands it. He plays well enough that he doesn't get sent back down.
  5. Why do you think they are risking Willy's future? Some people here seem to be of the impression that his arm is half attached, one hit away from falling off. If there was structural damage he wouldn't be throwing at all right now. They are evaluating progress every time he throws. If he shows enough, he plays. If he doesn't show enough, he doesn't play. This isn't about his ability to tolerate pain, although he certainly will have to do that. It's about how much the pain affects his throws. You or I can walk on a sprained ankle. We can even run. But it will be awkward, and the functionality of our walking will be diminished. This is what they are testing when he throws. If his functionality is diminished it will lead to incompletions and interceptions. And then Brohm ends up going in anyways, except without preparation. They would not be testing Willy in this manner if he wasn't close. Now the concern is that if he takes another hit, he'll be back to the point where the pain affects his throwing motion and he's forced to wait 2 more weeks to get back to this point. The concern isn't that he's putting his career at risk. Every time he steps on the field he puts his career at risk. There are 12 guys out there trying to hit him, 60+ times a game.
  6. Riders have had very good late round draft picks the last couple years. Steinheurer, Vonk, Anthony, Moore, Webster, Etc. Those aren't exactly "very good" picks. You have to consider where they were picked on the board and the overall quality of the draft.IMO Taman have been pretty average in draft performance but has shined in free agency. He certainly hasnt been the abject failure at the draft that I feared so that is a good thing. Anyway, flipping third rounders for fourth rounders doesn't usually amount to a hill of beans as by that point in the draft it is a crapshoot and usually only depth guys being picked. There are always exceptions (Getzlaf and Bagg for two) but I am more concerned about the neg lister. I'm considering everything. I'm not asking them to be stellar players, but what makes them good late round draft picks? Do they stand out in comparison to OTHER late round draft picks? Not really. They fit right in there with guys like Cam Thorn, Shane Bergman, Elie Ngoyi, Matt McGarva, Derek Jones, Michael Klassen, Neil King, David Menard, Thomas Miles, Alex Dupuis, etc etc. Nothing special, just decent young players who can fit in if necessary. And that's all you can really ask of them. But that doesn't make them VERY good. Derek Jones takes offence to that. True. Some of those names, Jones included, probably deserve a bit more credit than I'm giving them. For what it's worth, I think some of those guys (Bergman, Menard and Dupuis) WILL be very good. I'm just not sure they're there yet. I'll never be accused of being a 'homer' but of all the teams, the bombers have had the most success with late picks - probably in part because these guys get more chance to prove themselves because of our depth issues... But the percentage of players succeeding who are picked after the 3rd is super low... Thomas, Filer, Walter, JFG, SInopoli - these guys are few and far between I agree the win/loss in this deal is likely that neg list player Homer.
  7. 2015 is supposed to be a deep draft but really flipping a third for a fourth rounder isn't a steep price even in two drafts. If the Bombers were involved in a deal like this I'd hope they'd be playing the role of the Hamilton Ticats. For a team like the Bombers acquiring draft picks is pretty important. For other teams, less important. Just like in real life, it's tough to get assets if you don't have assets.
  8. Yeah, why are they sticking with this bum? If they were smart they'd put in the guy who started the first 6 games. Now that guy was decent.
  9. I'm pretty sure Dan Knapp has been healthy for quite a while, so if they wanted him back in they could have done it a month ago.
  10. Have patience, the usual suspects will all be gathered soon enough... Well then, sounds like you guys don't have a care in the world. Just keep skipping thru the fields of marigolds.
  11. Who isn't winning the GreyCup? Saskatchewan. I realize this is the inevitable first step towards what will become a locked thread. They have a pretty good team that will not win the cup this year because their starting QB is gone for the season. Winnipeg also won't win the cup this year. We have a pretty good team that is missing talent in a few areas and depth in a lot of areas. These aren't insults. They are assessments devoid of rivalry issues. The trade? A 3rd rounder in 2015 has comparable value to a second rounder in 2014. Teams that have lots of assets can afford to make moves like that. If the Bombers did that I'd be concerned. Easy to shrug it off when these picks don't have any names attached to them yet, but come draft day there will be some sting felt by their absence.
  12. Same. These are the proper decisions to enhance the development of all 3 goalies.
  13. Ya, das ist gut, aber das bedeuten sehr bissen. Oh forget it. It's a good thing, yes, because it likely means that the throwing he did yesterday did not cause any increase in swelling, at least not beyond a reasonably acceptable amount. But it isn't a great indicator of his readiness to play on Saturday. He will throw some more, it will get iced some more, they will evaluate the pain, strength and range of motion each day as he does it. As the pain decreases and the strength and range of motion increases, he will increase velocity and the circle of evaluation continues. At some point they will give a green light, but until then throwing the ball will be a part of his daily routine unless something bad happens. Safe to say his shoulder is in much better shape than Lulay's.
  14. Not the relevant question. Is Comrie ready to play in the NHL? No. Where does he go? Back to junior. Those same two questions will be asked of Hellebuyck soon as well.
  15. He did, but he kept breaking, Willy just doesn't break. He gets hurt, but he stays in the line up. Willy might be tough....but he breaks just like a little girl. Yes, he does. You remind me of a Rider fan. Sorry. That is the enigma that is Bob Dylan. Here's another Bob quote. He used to be greeeen but now he's unseeeen and noooobody knows why he's bluuuuuue. I've got more. I thought it was funny. I didn't want that song stuck in my head. Willy throwing some balls in practise would be a normal part of the rehabilitation and evaluation of his shoulder, barring structural damage. He'll do it again today. They'll determine the speed at which the injury is progressing. This will all hurt, but it will hurt less and less until it does not. Will it be ready by Saturday? Probably not, but there's a chance. Once the pain is not impeding full range of motion and he can throw fastballs, he'll be back in. Having him toss the ball in practise is not placing his career in jeopardy.
  16. Something something something...bite the hand that feeds you... Big picture it's not worth it to undermine the NHL's best development program just to get a few guys into the AHL a year or two sooner.
  17. Doesn't take too long to work your way back up - I did something similar this last long wknd and dropped from 300ish to 750. 3 weeks later I'm back up close to 200. Yes Logan, I know. Farts on head.
  18. It's almost impossible to have turf toe heal while playing a sprinting sport, more likely it's at a tolerable pain level. I got by by taping my toe to the next one with the help of some padding in between them to create rigidity. Won't be better till the offseason, but if it's splinted right it's unlikely to get too much worse.
  19. 11 for 12 with my picks over the last 3 weeks. The only miss in the whole bunch? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!
  20. What a weak week to start this, not a gimme in the bunch with all the quarterback death in the CFL. BC.
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