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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. You driven around The 'Peg lately? Roads are bad all over the country. A lot of it is simply to do with weather. Go to North Dakota or Minnesota, where they get the same weather, and see how nice their roads are compared to ours. Must be a Canadian thing then. When looking for answers to humanity's great questions, always start with money. As in having a tenth of the population means our budget for capital works projects is a tenth of theirs. Less really, as we prioritize the tax dollars differently, with health care getting a massive chunk of the pie. Although their budget for miscellaneous wars is much higher than ours. The roads they construct have a base that's twice as thick as ours, that's why they don't experience similar road heaves when the temperatures fluctuate. In addition, for the US typically road repairs is the first idea that politicians trot out anytime there is a downturn in the economy. Job creation, yada yada yada, but the long term effect is not the creation of a sustainable job, so their economy cycles thru mini-recessions quite frequently, which helps keep their roads under constant repair. Which is why sections of road on the I-29 are getting ripped out and replaced despite being nicer than sections of the 75 that were poured 2 years ago.
  2. Mmmhmm. Not a single bad snap that I remember, and honestly I'd allow him a few considering he's learning the position. No complaints about his blocking either, though as the center he's seldom on an island. Big picture for the Bombers - what does this mean for Goossen? Make him wait 2 or 3 more years? Groom him to play right guard instead? Move him to another team for a guard? Move Morley for an asset in the offseason? Repeat same situation next year?
  3. Every time we try a screen pass and the blocks are so pathetic, I die a little inside. The blocks can be weak at times but I blame how predictable our screen plays are to defend. It's really hard for them to block when the defenders have already keyed in on the guy with the ball before he has the ball. Our best blocking receivers, Watson and Moore, have not been the healthiest pair.
  4. The benefits of taking our weapons off the field so we can get the ball to our ham and eggers instead are pretty limited.
  5. I wouldn't mind see Pointbriand getting more involved in the offence... watching him steam-roll T-Brack a few weeks ago was a thing of beauty... but I'm thinking more like 5 plays a game and the occasional short yardage hand-off People saw that and figured he might be the second coming of Mike Sellers. Um, nope. I like Pontbriand a lot, he contributes a ton to special teams and adds value in some packages on offense. Most of his successes on offense are a result of being forgotten. The caller was arguing that since Messam is a fullback and Pontbriand is a fullback, we should be using Pontbriand like Messam. Everyone here knows enough about football that I don't have to explain why that is wrong. I hope. Despite the warm fuzzy memories of Mike Sellers that everyone has, including me, he wasn't that difficult to stop behind the line. He had a wide body and didn't get up to his top speed in just 2 steps. If the hole was big enough that his feet didn't have to stutter step, he could carry a couple of defenders once he got past the line of scrimmage. He was a strong man. But in the backfield? Not that difficult to stop. He wasn't automatic on 2nd and 2.
  6. Whatever. It's a lazy comparison. You leave out all of the player's attributes and generalize based on a singular occurrence. As far as I'm concerned, calling anyone Someoneelse2.0 means there is little of substance being argued. Based on the criteria used, Bo Levi Mitchell, Drew Willy, Dan Lafevour, Darian Durant and Thomas DeMarco are all "Buck 2.0". And last month, were Collaros and Reilly "Buck 2.0"? Hellebuyck has enough good things on his resume to not be dismissed after one somewhat scrambly game in a pre-pre-season tournament. As for their roles with the Jets this year, there is likely only 1 forward position available barring injuries, and none of the guys we really want to see will benefit from being on the 4th line. Ehlers might surprise me, but I'm guessing he's got another year in junior on the horizon, especially with his age and size. Lowry is the most physically ready, but I could see Petan showing enough smarts to get the job. He's always going to be an undersized forward in the NHL, so if his mental game is ready now there isn't much else to wait for with him. On the back end, there aren't any positions open for the rookies like there is at forward; rather, it's simply a question of whether Morrissey is ready. 82 games of physical, defensively responsible play against men. If he is, he creates a space for himself and gets the job of one of the veterans.
  7. I don't think we'll "pass" on him. We're limited in what we can offer. BC can get a better deal from other teams. It's the downside of having no assets - it makes it tough to acquire assets.
  8. wooooooooosh That's okay, I'm not sure anyone noticed yet. Read it again. Then think back to this time last year. Then realize he's making a funny.
  9. I am anxiously waiting for Wiecek's new Wednesday sidebar: "THIS WEEK AT IGF!!!". All of the weekly goings on at the stadium. - Who went pee and when? - What kind of cake did Carol get for her birthday? - And just how old is Carol really? - 39 again? C'mon Carol. - Time in, time out for all football and non-football personnel. - Personal call transcriptions - were they able to shave grandma Miller's bunion down? It is OUR RIGHT to have these hard hitting facts. Cause, you know, tax dollars...
  10. Lots of revisionist history going on. Buono knew Lulay wouldn't be ready for the season on January 28th when Burris became a free agent? First I've heard of it. Uncertainty probably at that time, but I've never heard any report that Buono was certain 5 months out that Lulay would not be ready. Which is still moot - BC is Lulay's team. Until 10 days ago, Glenn and anyone else not named Lulay was strictly a placeholder until Lulay got healthy. Starting, not starter. The money and ego parts are right, that's why BC was never an option for Burris.
  11. Then why the **** did he go to Ottawa in the first place? And what makes him think that he can be a Grey Cup champion again (for only the 2nd time in a very long career) when he failed to accomplish anything in the playoffs so often throughout his career? Because there were no starter openings in Saskatchewan, BC, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto and Montreal.
  12. No. To almost all of it. No. A collection of weak and likely incorrect assumptions based on a completely flawed premise.
  13. What, so we can trade for Burris or something? Lol. What? Three way deal... Montreal sends troy smith and london to Ottawa , Ottawa sends Burris to Sask, Sask sends first round pic to Montreal Not interested. Everyone sends their first round picks to Winnipeg, we send them stale Twizzlers.
  14. I would rather live through a century of continuous Roughrider Grey Cup championships than see a single Toronto Stanley Cup. Leaf fans are way more insufferable than Roughrider fans. They are the same persons.
  15. If I want to find out where I am on the leaderboard, you will have to add a "next page" button...ugh
  16. Lawless does ask a lot of the zero day questions and I think the other voice must be Sir Paul. Not that I want to post in yet another "flagged" thread about complaints about complaints of the media - I think I'm beyawn that. This thread isn't a complaint thread about the media. It's a thread about the Bombers holding secret practises. Problem is that everyone is so overwhelmed by how dumb and poorly written the article is it's impossible to ignore. Even the rider fan reads it and goes "seriously, wtf?"
  17. Woldu deserved the fine. The official was positioned correctly and Woldu could have avoided him. Please. That is the very definition of a stretch. It wasn't like he steam-rolled the ref. He basically brushed into him. No, he hammered him in the back pretty good. A fine-worthy offence? I don't know. 50-50. Willy was across the goal line before Woldu hit the ref and he still would have had 2 more steps to get to Willy after that. So the ref stopped him from the chance to get flagged for a late hit? Sometimes the play is over. This play was over.
  18. Is that true? Yes it is. O'Shea stated at the beginning that all the media has to go through him, his assistants aren't allowed to speak to the media. I actually like that personally. What's amusing about it, is that Montreal did it last year, and I believe another team did as well but I can't recall who. Clowns like Wiecek act like it's never happened before. Welcome to professional football Paul. If he doesn't like it he can go back to covering the Downs. Calgary I think. More amusing for me is the main reason guys like Friesen want access to assistants is the hope that they can get them to say something they can cause a shitstorm about. It's kind of like a 9 year old trying to get a cookie - asking both parents doubles his chances of getting what he wants.
  19. Knapp for sure...either Carter or Alexander will be the other inactive I would guess Carter has been seeing action on the wide side on kickoff returns. Hardly an irreplaceable role, but he does have a role. Don't get why people are calling a player we've never seen play before "bad".
  20. Agreed. Our complaining is what raised his game. He actually came over to my house with some freshly baked muffins and apologized to me for not playing the way I wanted him to. What did he bring you? He said he had something for me, but when he reached inside his jacket pocket, all he pulled out was his middle finger. Then he yelled "NOT", ran down the alley and awkwardly got into the backseat of a 2 door '86 Ford Escort. Mike Myers and Dana Carvey were in the front. Peyote. Still works.
  21. The Lions from the Lions? These are the kind of things that will happen when one guy owns 2 teams.
  22. Give. Me. A. ****ing. Break. Like this has *ANY* relevance at all .. Average Joe Taxpayer doesn't care one iota if the Bombers are holding 'stealth' practices at IGF .. hell .. if anything I would think the average taxpayer would think something like this: "They damn well BETTER be practicing there for all the money we spent!" The shear audacity of this team. Doing stuff at the stadium. Just who in the hell do they think they are?
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