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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Considering no one has had anything good to say about our Dline and our run-stopping abilities when these players were healthy, wringing our hands about how we will stop the run now that these players have to be replaced is a bit ironic. (Both Harris and Logan rushed for less than 40 yards the first time we faced them)
  2. The coaching staff does not need to know for certain that Grigsby is the guy to decide that Cotton isn't the guy. They are not congenital twins. In June Cotton appeared to be the most dynamic player on our roster. If he's done nothing with his opportunities since then, that's on him. And opportunities happen every time you step on the practise field or into a meeting room, not just in games.
  3. You're taking it in that direction... And here I thought they bought him a bottle of Extenze... Good signing. Thumbs up.
  4. No longer a "red flag" destination will help. As in most years though, we can't count on the best guys even reaching free agency. We can keep dreaming about an Andrew Harris homecoming, but BC will keep doing everything in their power to extend his contracts. Odds are come February we will see one or two signings that we would not have otherwise seen if not for the positive changes that are happening here this year.
  5. yeah well you can't judge a running back when the most he gets are 4 carries in a game. Thankfully the coaching staff gets to watch him every day in practise, so they don't have to flip a coin to make personnel decisions.
  6. The best guys should always go at the top, but yes, the drop sounds like it is not nearly as steep or quick next year. I like the possibility that we could use our first rounder on the Dline and still get a talented Olineman the next time up. If our scouting is good, this is a really good year to have middle round picks. I'll gladly take all the top picks too.
  7. Poblah started ahead of him last week when they had to start three Canadian receivers. That's not a ringing endorsement. Lots of guys are huge prospects. Few of them will ever have the career Watson is having, the career some people can't stop complaining about. Marco Ianuzzi was a huge prospect. He has played more games than Watson this year and has half his yards. Adjei has 52 yards. CFL.ca has no useful sorting functions; I was going off of memory as which names to check. The trivia is wrong. The premise is not.
  8. Could just be due to injuries, he wasn't dressing the last few games anyway so why not put a couple other guys on the reserve list instead, guys that might help out a bit more.. Maybe both Booker Mosely and Pall get on the 46 man this week, one will probably sit though. I think this is the most logical conclusion, juggling the numbers to get more help for the D-line on game day. If the Bombers really really cared about not losing him they would have put him on the 1 game IR. But they didn't release him outright. His remaining time with this club may be pretty short.
  9. Grigsby is a case where the numbers don't tell the whole story. He is getting better though as the season progresses. But I wouldn't argue cuts as one of his strong points. He's fast and does a great job finding spaces on the field away from tacklers. I'd give Cotton the nod when it comes to cuts, by a sizable margin. His cuts were his most impressive attribute in pre-season.
  10. An unpopular opinion around here but I agree. Watson doesn't have very much time left, between his constant injuries and decently high salary I don't think he'll be here for more than another year or two. IF we could get a second rounder and a backup Canadian receiver for him, I'd pull the trigger on a Watson deal. A desperate team like Ottawa with a foolish GM might be willing to overpay for him. This makes no sense. I understand being frustrated that a player has been injured, but why would we make a deal that almost certainly makes this team worse? I think you might be overestimating the ease in which quality Canadian receivers can be found. Wildly overestimating. Here's a trivia question for you - of all the receivers drafted in the last two drafts, who has caught the most yardage (edit: this season)? answer - Carl Fitzgerald, Winnipeg Blue Bombers, 38 yards. Anthony Coombs: 22 receptions 214 yards, but I agree with your general point Oops. Forgot about him, being out for the season and all. Actually I probably overlooked him because he has a RB instead of a WR next to his name. I should have caught that since Fitz is kind of a trick answer anyways, everyone thinks of him as a fullback, not a receiver. Yeah, sure, I'll argue that he doesn't count cause he's not a receiver. That's it.
  11. 1rst round 2014 wide receiver Devon Bailey - 5 yards receiving so far in 2014. 2014 was a terrible draft. Ham and eggers for the most part. Sure, but that's sort of the point. Canadian talent is extremely hard to find. If you have a NI receiver who can get you more than 400 yards in a season you have to realize that this is something that is not easily replaceable. Sure we'd all like Watson to finally have that 800 yard season his potential has screamed out all these years, and will once again have to be disappointed, but outside of a very high pick it's making a move for making a move's sake. And we probably get weaker because of it.
  12. Could just be due to injuries, he wasn't dressing the last few games anyway so why not put a couple other guys on the reserve list instead, guys that might help out a bit more.. Maybe both Booker Mosely and Pall get on the 46 man this week, one will probably sit though. With all the injuries his spot likely goes to a Dlineman this week. If we have enough bodies.
  13. 1rst round 2014 wide receiver Devon Bailey - 5 yards receiving so far in 2014.
  14. Here's some more fun for people who wonder about some of the roster moves that happened over the last year. Receiving yards in 2014: Akeem Foster - 25 yards Kito Poblah - 37 yards Jade Etienne - ha, fooled you Giovanni Aprile - 0 yards A walk down memory lane: Jabari Arthur - 32 yards Aaron Hargreaves - see Jade Etienne Scott McHenry - 18 yards
  15. An unpopular opinion around here but I agree. Watson doesn't have very much time left, between his constant injuries and decently high salary I don't think he'll be here for more than another year or two. IF we could get a second rounder and a backup Canadian receiver for him, I'd pull the trigger on a Watson deal. A desperate team like Ottawa with a foolish GM might be willing to overpay for him. This makes no sense. I understand being frustrated that a player has been injured, but why would we make a deal that almost certainly makes this team worse? I think you might be overestimating the ease in which quality Canadian receivers can be found. Wildly overestimating. Here's a trivia question for you - of all the receivers drafted in the last two drafts, who has caught the most yardage (edit: this season)? answer - Carl Fitzgerald, Winnipeg Blue Bombers, 38 yards.
  16. It's supposed to be the CFL's version of clearing waivers. Did it change in the last CBA? Considering that other teams can already try to take players off the PR if they want to, eliminating this step would streamline the process of a simple roster shuffle.
  17. Can't play the game if you don't have a team to play against. I don't have any hatred towards any sports team*. But the last 15 years of rider fans braying like goats has gotten tiresome. * the toronto maple leaves are not a sports team, and do not even have the ability to properly pluralize their own name
  18. Definitely a surprise to me, but I'm not at practise every day. Or any day. I've seen Cotton put up 2 good performances 3 months ago. Making an argument for him to be on or off the team is just pushing air around.
  19. True. He only leads the league in TDS, yards from scrimmage and hasn't fumbled all year but besides that.. only has a 6.8 yard average per carry his last 40 carries too but other than that. Look at Goalie - dropping stats like Galileo dropped the orange!
  20. The nature of football unlike many other sports is that major changes in the middle of the season are just as likely to have negative outcomes as positive ones. There may be minor trades that can be made for complimentary pieces, but that player is just as likely to end the season on our practise roster. And giving up a pick for moves like this? We always gripe about our lack of picks in May. Calgary had more picks than anyone in this past draft, and they already had the best collection of NI talent in the league.
  21. Speaking of QBs, Jordan Yantz did not look out of place in training camp. Was 2014 his draft class, or is he draft eligible for this year?
  22. OMG did you hear what Blake Wheeler said about Evander Kane??!?! And Evander's HILARIOUS three word reply that could mean almost anything?! I wonder if they're not besties anymore? Tune into the Big Show to find some solid opinions on this based on nothing at all! Two days. Two days they've been going on about this non-story. Today the story is about how it might be a non-story, but we need to dissect the non-storyness of it. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...inally found the button to change the station.
  23. I suppose, But i would think that they wouldn't trade burris until they are sure they have someone that can take over from them. Qb is one of the hardest positions to find (see bombers pre 2014) so trading away a proven starter and future HOF QB for a starting Cdn o-linemen is insane to me. Oline is very important but if you have Troy Smith (or clone) it won't matter who is around him. If your QB lacks accuracy or the ability to read a defence he is worthless. Burris is an inconsistent QB, but he's not the reason the Redblacks are losing. That team could scrap out some hard fought wins if it cleans up some of the rest of that garbage, like that sequence with Chevon Walker last week. They will not be able to do that without Burris. Are they willing to completely write off 2014 to get an Olineman? And if they can't find a QB, 2015? I doubt it. The message that would send to season ticket holders in Ottawa would be awful. They are already supporting their stumblebum team through incompetence because at least they are trying. Now you tell them you aren't even trying anymore? Awful. Not going to happen. /checks google, sees Eric Tillman does not work in Ottawa... Not going to happen. Agreed, they bet the farm on Burris and so far haven't reaped any reward. RB management would look like complete fools if they admitted they'd made a mistake on their franchise player and gave up on him in their first season. Like him or not Henry hasn't deteriorated that much in one off season and hate to use a cliche but he does "give them the best chance to win", game to game. I think they were overly optimistic with what they thought they could achieve in their first season but they are making baby steps and will likely end the season with a record similar to the 2013 Bombers. Next season is a crap shoot but reasonable to think being in the East they could have a record of 6-10 wins if they get a better cast to support Henry. Burris is going to be 40 next year. His physical skills are going to be soon leaving him in a big way. I give it 50 / 50 that it hits him next year as he hasn't looked like age has really caught up with him yet. Calvillo was able to put up 5k yards passing when he was 40, but not many QBs can, especially when Hank relies so much on being able to scramble out of the pocket and shrug off tacklers to extend a play. Last season Calvillo was 41 and we all saw how that ended. They need to be finding their QB of the future now when they have some "grace" time with their fan base. You should be using a vet QB who is on their last legs when you have all the other pieces around him to make a push. They still have to sell tickets. Even without wins, something has to be there to get butts in the seats. Can they stand in front a microphone and tell their fans that Joey Elliott for the rest of the season is worth coming out and watching? It's not that it can't happen, but on average a first round pick talent wise still averages out to a Jason Pottinger most years. If DeMarco was healthy, they could at least sell the idea that this is their guy for the future and their giving him reps now. But that ship is also sailed. Or sunk. Just a collection of bad choices. They still have to field a team and try to win games. Fans deserve that. Long term cutting a deal is a better choice, but the short term can't be completely abandoned either. The Jets could trade every player for picks and tell the fans they will have a competitive team in 2022, but no one will want to watch 8 years of a collection of Tim Stapletons scrappily losing game after game.
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