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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. You should always be optimistic about your team's chances. We were optimistic about Dinwiddie's abilities in November of 2007. IT WAS 3 YARDS!!! RUN FORWARD!!!
  2. It is a statistic. Nothing more. Sometimes it directly reflects what happened in a game, sometimes it does not. Might as well look at a passer rating and try to do play-by-play off of it.
  3. Yeah, where could we ever fit a loser like him in on this prestigious team? More people assuming Hall wants to play in the CFL this season. If he planned on returning he would have been signed by a team by now. It's obvious he hasn't given up on catching on with another NFL team. Chris Matthews doesn't want to play in the CFL either, but we at least know the Bombers are interested if he does plan too as opposed to ''where would he fit?'' in regards to Hall. So O'Shea doesn't want to publicly dump on his players by saying how great it would be to get Hall back to replace them. As for Matthews, I don't recall seeing any direct quotes from the Bombers about him - O'Shea might say the same thing about him if asked directly. There's a happy medium between not insulting your own players and professing that you have zero interest in a guy like Hall(which I believe to be true). That's not what he said - that's what you said. What he said was "where would he fit/who do you take out?" In OShea speak, what he's is saying is that he's happy with his guys. The same thing he has done in every other occasion. Support his team publicly.
  4. The thing everyone is overlooking is that the whole dynamic of their offense changes. They are able to run so effectively because yes, they have a great OL and a three headed running attack. But the other factor is that Durant has earned the respect of opposing defenses. You can't just key in on stopping the run entirely because Durant is still back there with the ability to hurt you for six points through the air. Tino isn't going to get handed that respect. Especially when teams watch film and see his inconsistency with the intermediate game. He's going to have to prove he can burn you with his arm before the run game can keep on trucking. The offence changes a bit but Tino's been with the team for awhile. Cortez will reconfigure the game plan. The Riders may stumble a bit with Sunseri but it is a great opportunity to get him some reps. I honestly think Tino will be a solid CFL qb. I'm not talking about what the Riders do. I'm talking about what other teams do against them. And that changes. A lot. I assume you believe other teams will stack the box and dare the Riders to pass? I'm sure Cortez will be anticipating that and prepare Tino accordingly. I'm pretty sure the Bombers prepared Kliff Kingsbury accordingly. And Tommy Chang. And Tee Martin. And Ryan Dinwiddie. And Alex Brink. And Joey Elliott. And Sammy Garza. And Brian Randle. And Brian Ah Yat. Hang on, going to go get a drink of water. Brb to finish the Brian section...
  5. This might be a duplicate thread. There is already one like this, except it says "Durant".
  6. The thing everyone is overlooking is that the whole dynamic of their offense changes. They are able to run so effectively because yes, they have a great OL and a three headed running attack. But the other factor is that Durant has earned the respect of opposing defenses. You can't just key in on stopping the run entirely because Durant is still back there with the ability to hurt you for six points through the air. Tino isn't going to get handed that respect. Especially when teams watch film and see his inconsistency with the intermediate game. He's going to have to prove he can burn you with his arm before the run game can keep on trucking. Yes, but given the number of points they have generated on defence and special teams this year, they will hang around in most games regardless of who's under center. Sunseri might not need to be anything beyond passably competent for the Riders to finish 3rd in the west.
  7. Sucks for Durant. He seems like a pretty good egg. Obviously this will hurt the Riders chances, but their passing game had looked pretty useless as of late anyways. The strength of that team is still it's trench players. They'll still make some noise before getting knocked out of the playoffs (and then have a handy-dandy excuse to point to).
  8. Thank god you aren't the GM. That receiving corps has a real lack of play makers. Too many one dimensional guys. Moore despite the fumbles is a multi faceted receiver and the best guy on the team AINEC. When he's healthy, Moore is the closest thing we have to a possession receiver. 2007 Terrence Edwards style. The fumbles are a problem but not a surprise, he had them in BC too. If we're building around a player for the next few years in our receiving corps, it should be this guy.
  9. All those special teams plays you listed were us giving the game away. A bit of column A and a bit of column B. It's too simple to say they didn't win the game, we lost the game. Sometimes we make a dumb mistake and give the ball away. Sometimes they have great pressure and create a turnover. A less than ideal snap gets turned into a low driving punt. Which one is that? Could be considered either, both. If the snap is perfect, odds are the punt has more hang time and our coverage has a chance to get down the field in their lanes. But that still doesn't mean there wasn't a fast returner who took advantage of a series of blocks and an uncalled hold to turn the corner and outrun the Bombers for a TD. If we eliminate our mistakes it might have been a win. They can also say if they eliminate their mistakes the game would not have been as close. Both teams can use their imagination to change what might have happened, but it doesn't change what happened.
  10. Well, I hope I'm not out of turn, but lately this has been on my mind anyways, so here's some story time. A long time ago in the wilderness, often called the official Winnipeg Blue Bombers Forum, there was a handsome young devil by the name of my blood runs gold. Sort of a cross between Robert Redford and Ghandi, and crazy humble too. Being somewhat younger than he is now, as we all tend to be when we travel back in time, this fellow, who we'll call mbrg for short, was still young enough to care about what random strangers said on the internet. Crazy! Now one day into this forum wilderness wandered a very young man. For the purposes of this totally fictional tale, I'll make up a name. We'll call him Fuhlooyuhd. Fuhlooyuhd was new to this wilderness, a wilderness that mbrg had taken some amount of pride and ownership in, and like many of his very young age, he thought that brashness was how a person should navigate through this wilderness. He had two pet birds, and to help him get around he would wave them in the air. And while in some internet wildernesses that is simply the way things are done, mbrg and many others thought it was unnecessary, since we were all in this same wilderness together. So often mbrg would take issue with Fuhlooyuhd, pointing out that he didn't need to use those birds so very often like young people of his age tended to do. Sometimes these discussions got heated, as the older people who didn't use birds for navigation and communication had limited use for those that did. It was probably a generational thing. Anyways, one day a forest ranger intervened in the heated argument and took mbrg aside. He acknowledged that while things were not ideal, arguing would do nothing to decrease this generational divide. He suggested to mbrg that immaturity will almost always walk hand in hand with youth, and rather than try and lecture him to change, he rather demonstrate to young Fuhlooyuhd that there were ways of navigating our wilderness without using those birds so often, and to let mbrg's actions speak instead. Mbrg tried to follow that ranger's advice, and though it wasn't always easy, after a while it was noticeable that young Fuhlooyuhd wasn't using his birds nearly as often as he once like to do. Eventually mbrg left that wilderness, and left all wildernesses. Time passed before mbrg ever found himself in such a wilderness again, but once he did, one of the first people he came across was young Fuhlooyuhd. Except young Fuhlooyuhd wasn't that young anymore. And he had matured enough that he navigated through the wilderness without ever resorting to bringing out his birds anymore. Mbrg marveled at how time had changed Fuhlooyuhd as a person, and he wondered how many other people that ranger had spoken to. Although they still didn't always agree on which path to take, mbrg thought that Fuhlooyuhd had become quite a fine young navigator in his own right. And mbrg? Well he had grown into a cross between George Clooney and Mother Teresa. And was still crazy humble to boot.
  11. 3 more NI starters worth their sauce. 2 on Oline. 1 on Dline. Everything else will sort itself out once this happens. There is not a single personnel change that would be difficult to make if we have those 3 players.
  12. I will agree, those 2 throws are back breakers BUT we shouldnt even be in those positions to have to force those throws... Also, the guy whos making those ints is the same cool customer who has orchastrated 2 (or 3?) Unreal last minute combacks.. Good with bad.. Unreal comebacks against the East. The interceptions are completely unacceptable. A #1 QB gets you those comeback wins while also not throwing games away. It's what makes qb's great. Frankly the lustre we saw on Drew is coming off mighty fast. Do you realize Willy is essentially a rookie? He's still learning but has all the tools, both mental and physical, that you'd want in your starting QB. He can be a rookie until the cows come home but he's had years learning behind Durant and is 28. And bad decision making isn't something you can necessarily fix overnight. If Willy indeed does have bad decision making and can be made to panic in the pocket we're in for a very very long rebuild. And people wonder why Winnipeg doesn't develop any Quarterbacks? Not everyone is Ricky Ray. So Willy is 28, has thrown for 2889 yards, 12 TD and 11 INT according to cfl.ca The first time Anthony Calvillo threw for 2889+ yards was in 2000 (and Willy is there with 7 games left) he also had 27 TD and 5 INT, that was his breakout year in those categories. He was 28 The difference between 28 year old calvillo and 28 year old Willy is prior to 28 Calvillo had 1697 pass attempts, 14,279 yards and 76 TD and 76 INT Willy prior to to this year had 147 pass attempts, 1182 yards 9TD and 5 INT's So give him time, it takes time playing to develop. Calvillo had 6 seasons under his belt before he broke out, you're freaking out when willy has half a season where he's actually playing. Nice informative stats. The problem is you aren't having a conversation with the poster. He essentially just walks into threads, takes a dump on the floor and walks away. Information is wasted on him.
  13. If you want things to change you can't look the other way.
  14. Seems like there's some people who think you get a point for every yard of rushing. In their minds Saskatchewan scored 196 points yesterday. If football was really scored that way I'd be crazy depressed too. The reason OShea says it isn't a problem with the exception of about 3 plays, the defence succeeded in doing what it was trying to do. Saskatchewan doesn't get bonus points for first downs or rushing yards. They got in the end zone once. In makeable field goal range twice. This is what the defence is. It held the defending Grey Cup champs to 107 yards passing and created multiple turnovers. If the opposition getting lots of yards rushing and lots of first downs and not being able to turn those things into points makes you angry, you're not going enjoy playing Calgary either. Their Oline will also push our Dline aside.
  15. He was incredibly over-rated. I desperately want him back, I'm so sick of this cold weather. Turn up the air conditioning. If I eat one more bite I'm going to puke. I'm so hungry. I hate every coach and player associated with this organization. I'm a Bomber fan.
  16. He still had a lot of maturing to do. Then you're using the wrong phraseology. Over-rated doesn't apply. When I get home I'll be sure to tell my 4 year old she's over-rated. Y'know. Potato Potahto. (need a gif here. something displaying serious mental trauma)
  17. Not in language simple enough for him to understand.
  18. That tweet was in reference to Rod Pederson's blog. http://www.rodpedersen.com/2014/09/daytona-homes-friday-rodservations.html Essentially CFL_News is a huge CFL fan, who retweets pretty much every single story out there referencing the CFL. So I normally would not consider him a valid source unless he showed his sources. Now if his source is Rod Pederson, I'm not sure that's much of an improvement. However, for the sake of the CFL, I hope there's some truth behind it and not just more of Pederson throwing out his crazy ideas as facts.
  19. Yes, hopefully Couture was just going with him because he has the key to the washroom? Maybe it hurts when he pees.
  20. Isn't "CFL News" some guy in Regina with absolutely no affiliation to the CFL?
  21. Once they see their first rouge, they'll be hooked for life.
  22. How many American football fans are going to choose the CFL over NFL? None, but I was surprised to the NFL only has 2 games scheduled in the late afternoon slot. Typically they have 4. So hey, if there is a perfect storm of commercial breaks, the banjo bowl might get some channel surfing viewers.
  23. That is pretty cool. Pointless, but cool. My guess is no one who is not family or friends of the players is tuning away from week 1 of the NFL season. But it's still a big deal.
  24. I realize that, it's just that the misconception that the jerseys are a result of some marketing study aimed at the youth keeps coming up, when the reality is much simpler. He uses way fewer words than me. As for getting new fans, it's just a matter of parents bringing their kids to the stadiums. I've brought my son to a game every year since he was either 2 or 3. He's hated it every time. It's really loud, the guys on the field aren't cartoons, it's long, he has to sit in his seat, and he doesn't understand what is going on. He's coming with me again Sunday. If we stay till the end of the third quarter that will be a major victory. And my parents have said I didn't enjoy going to games when I was his age either.
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