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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. I don't think the CFL or anyone really believes that. That's just easy marketing buzz speak, like saying you're being pro-active anytime you do anything. Empty filler. It's clothing that's for sale, just like hats and tshirts. Bbq covers, wall clocks, rugs, chairs, golf cozies, etc. A revenue stream. Nothing more. Reebok has a licensing deal with the CFL; this is the 7th different Bomber jersey released since 2007. Other than this one is a bit Argoesque, what's the big deal? Buy it. Don't buy it. Whatever. I know your post had a deeper question than the endless typical jersey griping, but there seems to be this notion that the soul and essence of the Bombers has somehow been violated and defiled by these novelty jerseys. They could have been better. It's still not a big deal. Some years the Bombers do a great job of getting the players out in the community and out into the rural areas. I haven't heard of much this year, but I've also been paying less attention than other years.
  2. No, that is very unlikely. Probably should not be necessary either. We have a PR with guys on it. Give one a chance. Moore isn't out for the season, in the meantime we might discover our next great receiver. And if it involves any kind of pick it's probably a bad idea, big picture-wise. Almost every need for this team to take the next step is a need involving a NI player/position. But hey, if they want to take Kuale for one of those guys, thumbs up. Aaron Kelly is a replacement level player and Romby Bryant isn't even at that level. Our receiving core is extremely shallow without Nick Moore in the lineup. For a team with a below average running game and competing for a playoff spot, we have to do better than Kelly & Romby for two of our three import receiver spots. I'm not suggesting selling the farm for anyone, but if someone like Green or even London can be acquired for a reasonable price I'd consider pulling the trigger. Nothing really needs to be said, does it?
  3. No, that is very unlikely. Probably should not be necessary either. We have a PR with guys on it. Give one a chance. Moore isn't out for the season, in the meantime we might discover our next great receiver. And if it involves any kind of pick it's probably a bad idea, big picture-wise. Almost every need for this team to take the next step is a need involving a NI player/position. But hey, if they want to take Kuale for one of those guys, thumbs up.
  4. That is a pretty understanding/nice move by O'Shea. BARKER IS SCREWING US OVER!!! THIS IS BULLCRAP AND I WANT SOMEONE'S HEAD ON A PLATTER!!! I AM VERY UPSET ABOUT THIS TINY THING THAT HAS NO IMPACT ON MY LIFE!!! BLAAARRRGGHHH!!! What? Oh, sorry. My internet reaction setting had switched to "default rage".
  5. Cam't blame him for that, but he seemed to leave on good terms with the Bombers, here's hoping he wants to come back here. He waited 2 years for this opportunity, he's not going to close the book on it until all 31 other teams have been contacted. Maybe he waits to see who gets injured early on in the season. He's not necessarily in any rush to get back into the CFL. As soon as he does, he closes the door on the NFL for another 2 years. Now I don't think the chances of him landing a job are good. There were enough WRs with name recognition released that the chances of an injury opening up a spot for him are almost nil. But he does have practise roster eligibility on his side. I wouldn't fault him at all if he takes the cash and goes to Ottawa. Players are expendable, the CFL doesn't pay big money, if you have a shot at a payday you might as well take it, there may never be another one.
  6. ESPN showed some CFL games back in the early days; that was Berman's beat. He always gives a brief report on the Grey Cup on the MNF halftime show the following day. I don't enjoy how he shoehorns so much schtick into everything, but I do appreciate that he is genuinely a fan of the CFL and understands a lot of the traditions. He doesn't look down on it as the NFL's inferior cousin.
  7. Grigsby hasn't always been an effective runner for the Bombers but he has almost always been an effective weapon. As a receiver he does a great job of finding open spaces on the field that lead to big gains. I paid more attention to his blocking watching the LDC and I found no reason to complain about the job he did. Most of his pickups were correct and well executed.
  8. Injury to Fraser, Vega hit and miss health wise.
  9. Not just missed in long snapping and linebacking, he has been a dominant cover man playing from the longsnapping spot and contributes excellent tackling on other team's returners. He's around the ball just as much as Unamba on cover teams.
  10. Some fans are pleased by wins. Others need a healthy dose of calamity to enjoy life. Reassurance that the sky is falling. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Sorry. It's a reflexive reaction to the idea that if you support a person that all their decisions are correct. OShea is not infallible and his decisions are not beyond examination. Mack was not all bad. OShea is not all good. (he's been pretty close so far though) We don't need to start two Canadians on the line to get Sears back in...we just need the coaches to decide that he's better than Dunn and re-install him at the SAM L'Backer position, (I think Etch calls it the dime). Other side - Sherman is in Sears' spot. There are ratio implications with re-inserting Sears.
  11. Ad on the radio today said season tix start at $25. That's crazy cheap. The Bison seasons? Holy crap, that's insane. For me and Dad, it was $120 combined for the Huskies. That might just be the student rate. I have not investigated. A single game ticket at Bison stadium cost $8. A single game ticket for IGF cost $20 last year. They may have brought that down a bit this year, a 2-1/2x increase is always a tough sell, even if it still is relatively cheap. But if it's still $20 for a single, many people will pay the extra and get the season ticket. Considering I would typically never go to more than one game a year, it becomes found money for them, and since almost all costs are sunk, it's a gamble that probably increases revenue for them rather than decreases it.
  12. Other NFL teams. Is he eligible for a P.R. position down there? Yes. Boy oh boy, if the ask wasn't too steep, even if he truly wants to play out his eligibility and we're not seeing him until next year, that would be a huge step in the right direction.
  13. As of 2 weeks ago, Montreal was 15-1 and Hamilton was 12-1 on one site I found. I'll admit I expected the odds to be a bit better than that. These are 2 win teams!
  14. Now if we're turning this into a "who's going to win the cup" discussion instead of a "who's making the playoffs" discussion... Y'know what? If I was a gambling man, I'm putting down some money on Montreal and Hamilton today. The odds must still be pretty fantastic, and neither team is truly as bad as their record indicates. Montreal needs a QB and they may have found one. Hamilton needs some health and to stop shooting themselves in the foot with stupid penalties, both of which can happen. If I was looking to make some cash, this is not a bad season to play the long odds. Montreal does have a great defence and some solid receivers but I can't see them getting three wins in a row with any QB they have on their roster right now. Hamilton? Collaros is still a wild card. Bet on the crossover team or the Argos because QBs are key in the playoffs. There's no denying these are long odds for good reasons. But one of those two teams is making the playoffs and they both have a full half season to get better and sort some of these issues out. And there is enough talent on their rosters to catch lightning in a bottle come November. An 8-10 Stampeder team did it in 2001. Not saying it's the smart money, just saying the odds of one of these teams winning the cup are probably better than what Vegas has them at, and if there ever was a good time to put $100 on a 2-7 team to win it all (there is probably never a good time for that) on what could be 50-1 odds as of today, this year might be that year.
  15. Sometimes it gets so loud you can barely hear the outfielders yawning.
  16. Now if we're turning this into a "who's going to win the cup" discussion instead of a "who's making the playoffs" discussion... Y'know what? If I was a gambling man, I'm putting down some money on Montreal and Hamilton today. The odds must still be pretty fantastic, and neither team is truly as bad as their record indicates. Montreal needs a QB and they may have found one. Hamilton needs some health and to stop shooting themselves in the foot with stupid penalties, both of which can happen. If I was looking to make some cash, this is not a bad season to play the long odds.
  17. Couldn't answer that for you - but I do know of one guy who continually sticks photos of his kids in his avatar.
  18. The Riders have yet to play either Edmonton or Calgary so I'm not sure that this statement can be made yet. I think the Riders will beat Edmonton twice (at home) and split with Calgary so it may come down to point differential. Winnipeg will edge out BC for fourth and the bye to the finals. Calgary has shown excellence in all facets of football. Until the Riders improve their passing attack, I'm with TBurg.
  19. The Argos, similar to the Lions, do fairly well with regional television ratings (suggesting an appetite for CFL football). Personally I believe that both teams suffer from inappropriate sized and designed venues. The Argos should be in a venue around the size of Landsdowne or TH Field. This will make them a "hot" ticket again. our resident Argo fan around here (though I haven't seen him around much this year) swears that the location is just crap for the Argo fans out there. I'd be inclined to believe it. I think the big issue with the skydome isn't the size, it's the fact that the Argos are the unwanted tenant who can't get their choice of dates and times and it's in a location that is too much of a chore for a lot of fans to get to. If you want people to get to your stadium for a game you have to put the games at times when it makes sense for your fanbase and make it easy for them to get to and from the game. Last time I was staying in downtown Toronto (just down the street from the dome) it was pretty much a ghost town come evening. A couple of bars were open, a few scattered souls on the street, and nothing else really going on. And the rush hour traffic is insane. After fighting for 2 hours to get home, I wouldn't want to load up the family and head back into downtown either.
  20. I don't claim to be a football expert and I don't have any game film, but here's what I see. Or what I think I see. The Rider Oline absolutely blew up our Dline. They won almost all of their one on one battles and turned our linemen away from the running lane. That typically left our linebackers in a situation where they have to be in the right spot at the right time and be mistake free to make the tackle pretty much one on one unassisted. Easy enough to say that they are professional players and need to be able to do that, but the guys coming at them are professional players too. If our Dline is unable to get a hand on a player or even narrow his running lane, our linebackers (who are on the smaller side) are meeting the runner in the lane when he already has about a 10 yard head of steam. So you are right, a nose tackle and shifting another LB into the middle should solve that issue. The thing is this defence is obviously designed to take away the pass thru both great coverage and confusing looks. We'd love to be great against both the run and the pass, but being average against the run and the pass is a bad formula. So if we're choosing between being great against the run or great against the pass, I agree with what OShea is saying (in not so many words), this is the CFL, we have a better chance of winning if we take away the pass. I think our record substantiates that as well. The compromise I would like Etch to make is to do away with the attempts to confuse the QB when the other team has so clearly shifted into a running game. It doesn't matter what look you are showing if they are going to ram the ball down our throats. Stack the box, play man coverage, the blitz isn't going to get there or help at this point. Sneak the safety up if need be. I'm fine with continuing to make pass defending our strength as a defense, there just has to be points in the game where we sell out to defend against the run.
  21. The reason you're wrong THIS time, is because you assume Hall and Gibson are the same player... Alex Gibson and Thaddeus Hall are not the same player?
  22. Ad on the radio today said season tix start at $25. That's crazy cheap.
  23. Like that we got talented players that made it tough for our other talented players to get on the field. Also like that Suber gets a chance to make some more plays before his time in the CFL is done. He's a 110%-er. Not really familiar with him; sounds like Gibson plays at end. If he's healthy he'll probably get a chance to dress at some point.
  24. Haven't read the thread yet, but...BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! Now I'll go find out who/what we traded him for.
  25. This thread is both a little funny and a little sad. So the idea is what? To upgrade our C & C- Olinemen by bringing in a D? And give up picks for him? Better picks? We needed to outbid Edmonton for this player? Here's a challenge for you - rather than saying something bad about the guys we have, try saying something good about Myddleton. Other than his name is easy to remember. Which is likely the only reason this thread exists.
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