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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Early nominee for most unexpected headline of the year? Hope he gets his life sorted out.
  2. If you want to play this game, rather than asking generic obvious Oline related questions, try explaining how Steve Myddleton answers any of these generic obvious Oline related questions. Here's a hint: he does not. Alternate answer: he changed his name to Gord Hinse and we already made this depth move a month ago.** **IMPORTANT NOTE: GORD HINSE DOES NOT ANSWER ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS EITHER.
  3. 1) does the coaches sees Myddleton an upgrade over Greaves and Neufeld? 2) we only played 3 import becuase of injury 3) adding Myddleton, will kept the sacks away ? 4) not the Bombers intention but injuries slowed the chemistry of their OL, when did we field the same OL in consecutive weeks? Myddleton could be a help with this team but will you trade away 2 draft picks for him? Myddleton could chose to retire after the season then you lose more. I've got to mail away for one of those doctorates. A couple of bottle tops should get me that and a snazzy pair of x-ray glasses. The ladies will never know!!!
  4. Whatever. You're just actually fishing for something to pin on Walters. Give it a rest man. And if it had gone down the other way.... "Why did Walters give up two draft picks for a player who isn't good enough to start?"
  5. - Bellefuile started stretching the field on our fifth pass... and we had a really nice drive - all short passes - for the TD in the 3rd - Etch does seem to have difficulty adjusting to Cortez' game, going to be in tough against Dickenson too Stretching out the field helps keep the underneath stuff open. We don't have to connect on all of them for it to have value. It was a bit odd that we failed to connect on any of them, but Saskatchewan still had to respect the deep game. And just like in the last Rider game, their Oline blew up massive holes in our Dline. More often than not their RBs went untouched until they were 7 yards past the line of scrimmage. 4 Riders in the top 15 in CFL rushing? Behind an Oline like that, I don't know why they waste plays passing. And the similar quality of Calgary's Oline will create similar problems. Compounding that, Calgary has a solid passing game, while the Riders passing attack kinda sucks this year. We were in a position to win both games against the Riders so far and made at least one too many mistakes to earn a W. The games against Calgary will have to be nearly mistake-free. They are the class of the CFL. I agree you have to stretch the field but wouldn't you want to wait until they had stopped the short stuff. Both the running and the short passing game were giving them troubles so why keep doing it. Throw long once just to keep them honest but on every second down. I know that game is done but the season isn't. The game was far from done. I'm not going to watch the game again but from what I remember only one of the deep passes you are referring to had more than one receiver going deep. In other words, most of the time the deep ball was Willy's option rather than a called play, probably based on a) matchup he liked/ pre-snap coverage read he thought he saw, or b ) all of the underneath routes were well covered. Only one pass looked like going deep was the original playcall. Of course it's hard to know what the order of the receiver reads are on any given play.
  6. And a lot of people would say that Khari's career got shortchanged due to injuries from playing behind our crap Oline. This Willy kid is the real deal. Hopefully our Oline gets a massive upgrade by the start of next year so Willy's career doesn't go the way of Khari's.
  7. In the CFL, being a committed owner is the bar that has been set for being a good owner. Hopefully someday in the future we'll be able to say that being a good owner is the standard for being a good owner.
  8. If the Bombers would have gone for it and got stuffed people would be screaming for his head. It was a full yard which is far from a gimme. I prefer to play to win rather than not to lose. Which is fair enough but it was pretty much a full yard and it would have probably been an even split amongst how coaches would have made that call. Not that the yellow line is a perfect system but if it's at all accurate then the ball should have been spotted about 18 inches from the first down marker. I thought it looked like the Bombers got a pretty stingy spot. He was short, but not nearly the yard short they spotted him. And as I understand the rules that spot is not challengeable - the Bombers would lose the challenge as it wasn't a first down and the rules make no provisions for placing the ball a foot and a half closer to the line to gain just to make a 3rd down attempt easier. As I understand that rule. Would I have gone for it? Probably. The decision becomes a lot easier if the ball is spotted correctly (thankfully there are no other reffing related complaints that we can point to), But taking the points that give us the lead in a tightly fought game when there is under 3 minutes left on the clock? That's never the wrong decision. That's a decision that doesn't always pay off.
  9. - Bellefuile started stretching the field on our fifth pass... and we had a really nice drive - all short passes - for the TD in the 3rd - Etch does seem to have difficulty adjusting to Cortez' game, going to be in tough against Dickenson too Stretching out the field helps keep the underneath stuff open. We don't have to connect on all of them for it to have value. It was a bit odd that we failed to connect on any of them, but Saskatchewan still had to respect the deep game. And just like in the last Rider game, their Oline blew up massive holes in our Dline. More often than not their RBs went untouched until they were 7 yards past the line of scrimmage. 4 Riders in the top 15 in CFL rushing? Behind an Oline like that, I don't know why they waste plays passing. And the similar quality of Calgary's Oline will create similar problems. Compounding that, Calgary has a solid passing game, while the Riders passing attack kinda sucks this year. We were in a position to win both games against the Riders so far and made at least one too many mistakes to earn a W. The games against Calgary will have to be nearly mistake-free. They are the class of the CFL.
  10. I'm betting the number will be zero or so close to zero as to be indistinguishable from zero. What you see is what we got for the rest of the season. I guarantee we see new bodies in the coming weeks. They might not see the active roster until next season, but when the practice roster expands shortly, there will be new bodies brought in. Mostly to be evaluated for next year. Same as every year really. Unless there is a player who has been here before and would have a minimal learning curve, like Phillip Hunt, it takes an injury or high levels of incompetence before the couple of guys added to the PR have a crack at moving up to the 46. For most of them it's an early audition for next year's training camp. The amount of catch up an offensive player has to do learning the playbook, learning the CFL, and establishing some kind of rapport with our QB makes adding impact players pretty remote. Same as every year. And we'll see this same "airlift in new players" thread show up 365 days from now.
  11. Meh, I'm still waiting for Burke Dales to show up. You've seen my tramp stamp?
  12. So Wade Miller went from blocking David Asper's entrance to the Bomber locker room in 2005, rather briskly, to fitting uncomfortably in Asper's back pocket? Pardon me while I try to picture that. You're doing better than me - I'm still trying to wrap my head around "fact". As Inigo Montoya would say - "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
  13. Bell had a pretty modest cap hit, his deal was mostly incentive driven, based on games started at QB. I assume you are being sarcastic here. While there is a salary cap, my guess is that the Bombers have an internal overall budget handed down by the board, and aren't necessarily spending to the new cap this year. So if Wade wants to spend more on the football side, the board could tell him that's fine, but he can't exceed the overall budget. Would just be shuffling money around from the admin budget to the football operations. I'm just speculating, but that's how it would be done in practice. Gotta be honest Gbill, I thought your tongue was firmly planted in your cheek before.
  14. Not sure this is truly an anti-Miller crowd. More like an anti-everything crowd. New boss, different approach, philosophical differences, a mutual agreement to part ways because you realize there isn't a future together. Been there, done that. It can actually be that straightforward. What's with all the conspiracy garbage? This needs way more likes.
  15. The man thought he was worth more than we were offering. He was right. I won't fault him for that.
  16. I remember when Geroy Simon came back from the NFL .... coach couldn't see where he would fit into their plans either I would sooner make the argument that if we signed Bryant because we want to have veteran depth at the receiver position, that same logic could be extended to Hall and our Dline. Couldn't tell you if his skill set falls within the demands of an Etchvery Dlineman. He certainly doesn't lack athleticism. Gorgeous Bobby G will always have a roster spot on my Bomber team. The man was money. Pure money.
  17. absolutely. you add someone at the level of a Dressler and I'd have no problems calling the Bombers receivers tops in the league. IMO Dressler is over-hyped, over-rated and soon to be over-paid. His biggest season was 2012 when he gained 1,206 yards and most seasons he's right around 1,000 yards. He does not rank with CFL greats such as Steegal, Simon or Allan Pitts. Calling Dressler over rated, and making spelling errors in two out of the three greatest receivers to ever play the game is about all that needs to be said about the above post... Dressler runs fantastic routes, he has deceptive speed, makes catches in traffic, and he runs a tremendous corner route (which Willy happens to LOVE throwing in the endzone). He'd be a great addition to the team. Pretty sure using the 3 greatest players at their position in league history is not where the bar needs to be set before signing someone either.
  18. Checks with judges...yes, this indeed would be considered irony. The proper, non-Alanis Morrisette kind.
  19. Semi-related: I have one of these....the first year Reebok took over after Puma....and it's unstitched, whcih drives me nuts. So 17to85 and I have been in discussions as to who I should get stitched on there. I have a Doug Brown jersey, a Khari jersey, a Milt autographed jersey that hangs on the wall only....got a Stoddard one awhile back....would Brian Clark be appropriate? Maybe Wickman? Brian Clark is always appropriate. You can wear it to weddings, no questions asked.
  20. If the opposition is using one of their better DBs to cover our field WR, leaving lesser guys to cover in the slot and short side, I'm fine with that. Has it been so long that people have forgotten what it was like to have Hargreaves over there? Corner basically slid in to the halfback spot and let the halfback play free safety. Because there was no reason to stay within 20 yards of Hargreaves. Even if the ball went there he'd still be caught by the first down marker. Kelly catches most of the balls thrown at him.
  21. Modified. I've gone back and forth on this over the last two weeks - which would do more damage to the overall health and prosperity of the CFL? The NFL moving into Toronto or the league switching to one division. I've got to say, one division has a strong lead right now.
  22. More coming. Have to be down to 75 by tomorrow afternoon. Down to 53 by....I'm going to say Sunday.
  23. Where did you hear he was hurt? He wasn't on the 1 game IR for Sunday's game. My garden gnome thinks Picard and Labatte are still injured from the last time we faced them. He's short but very reliable.
  24. Good article Rids. For what it's worth, throwing in a "Quarterbacks" sub-header might make that first section a bit clearer (unless I missed it). I didn't have the time to go thru all the records in recent years but I know that the east wasn't the dismal pit of failure every season in the last 20 years like some people are choosing to "remember". There have been some dreadful years for sure, but more often than not it was Montreal putting up one of the better records in the league, with Winnipeg and Toronto fighting for that second spot with records that were around .500. Some years the stars of suckage aligned and one of Winnipeg/Toronto would combine with Hamilton and Ottawa to create a battle of the least, but for the most part the eastern teams that made the playoffs had reasonable records.
  25. ?? As for the rest of it, you see first there was this joke: Did Pall kick your dog or something? We're talking about bringing him in for a couple practices not making him captain of the team. Then this one: Followed by: poor dog it gets kicked a lot. Which I followed with: because as the original joke implied, you seem to be taking Pall's employment prospects very personally. Almost as if...he had kicked your dog. It's a colloquialism. A non-literal expression used in certain regions of the world. Thank you for taking the time to donate to dog things. And now I will walk away from this because I am an adult.
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