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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Doubt it costs them a penny as BC Place has expanses of empty seats every game. All it means is that every season ticket holder gets to bring a buddy with him to one of the four remaining home games and the walk-up crowd gets to fill an empty seat in another game. Increases local exposure to the product and generates more peripheral revenue so it's a win even when they lose. Not much different than when the Bombers gave away "buddy vouchers" for pre-season games in the season ticket packages. Gets some butts in the seats that would not have otherwise been there and try to fill a stadium that would have been at half capacity. And the psychology for many of these people is that since the game is free they won't mind spending more on concessions than they might have otherwise.
  2. Yes. No. Why would I travel to practises in Calgary or Montreal? Yes. Don't care if they do. He means nothing to me. However for all intents and purposes we are starting a NI on our Dline on around 70% of snaps by my estimation, probably more, and while Louis Richardson and Mike Cornell have exceeded my expectations of them I do not think they are so stellar that their roles on this team should go uncontested between now and the end of the season. Nor do I think they have demonstrated the superpower of invulnerability, so to assume that neither could get injured between now and the end of the season is more optimistic than I have imagined you to be. It is a roster hole. I don't really care who fills it. It is not unreasonable to assume that a top draft pick can fill it better than an undrafted player, but CIS scouting and CFL drafting are far from NFL standards, so all kinds of talent falls thru the cracks. But if that talent was easy to identify it would not have fallen thru the cracks in the first place, so assuming that we'll find it the second time around is a bit of a stretch. Defensive line and some special teams play. I'm supposed to scout CIS teams before noting that your responses have become somewhat irrational? You ask Rids how he's supposed to project on a player who hasn't played in 3 years? That's exactly what you do with a player who hasn't played in 3 years. Project. If he had played, you wouldn't have to project. I'm sorry to hear about your dog. No dog Not all dogs deserve that.
  3. Fraser's. I realize this was a rhetorical question posed 3rd-hand, yet it still needed to be answered.
  4. It's very nice of them to contribute to our local economy. I'll assume they paid in bags of potash.
  5. Need some help here - I'm trying to find a way to say "Oh no, the last place team in the west won't make the playoffs, whatever shall we do?" without sounding overly sarcastic and condescending, but I'm stuck.
  6. The decision to punt is more a confidence in his defence then offence. If you give up the safety you are giving up 2 points and giving them the ball back. If you punt, you are believing that your defence can at least hold them to a field goal. So far it has been working well for him. Will they give up the TD one of these times? Sure, but I prefer the more aggressive believe your D can get the stop approach. I think you see him give up the safety if we either have a large lead where the points don't matter so much, or we are against a heavy wind. Coaches who give up safeties for no good reason should be shot out of the old Bomber canon. Stupid beyond stupid. I have never in my life seen that happen in the NFL, and it's not because the field goals are 10 yards further back. Giving the opposition points and possession? That's not being conservative, that's grounds for being fired. And the pass to Sherman wasn't a trick play; Montreal made a huge mistake by forgetting to put a man across from the gunner. Hajrullahu is not the passer that Renaud is.
  7. Not sure how Willy getting more accurate and receivers catching the ball counts as "opening it up". You complain about the playcalling like "catch it and then fumble" was a play we called. Yeah, we should take the "catch it and then fumble" play out of our playbook. I agree on that.
  8. Riders have enough quality depth on the roster that they can make moves like this without causing too much harm. Some day I hope our team can make a trade without creating holes that take 3 years to repair. Oh ya, and Green going to the Green, I'm just going to hate this twice as much. Also, if this happens it's probably a good sign Taj Smith isn't playing another game for the Riders this year. Also, if this happens Durant may finally start to look competent, which he hasn't for most of the season so far. Also, if this happens and Dressler comes back and you don't lose a draft pick, your accountants are filthy corrupt liars. So many quality futball taeks, all in one post!!!
  9. Good for him. I wish him nothing but the best. Except for on October 13th between 3:30 and 6:30 PM, when him and his team can come down with a massive case of crotchrot for all I care.
  10. I can add at least 3 or 4 to that, so we're up to 5 or 6. Gonna be LOUD!!!
  11. I wear Bomber gear to the office about 50% of the time because it's about 50% of the clothes I own. Jersey stays in the Bomber backpack until gametime though. Nylon tends to smell a bit ripe if it's worn all day.
  12. Yes. The new Commissioner should be someone with strong ties in Southern Ontario and some charisma. IMO Commissioners don't need to have strong sporting backgrounds as long as they are long time fans/supporters and have good political and private sector connections. I thought having a great tan was the only requirement??? Don't forget teeth. Gotta have great teeth. So, no one from Saskatchewan.
  13. Not sure loyalty is the big factory. Woods is off the roster cause Stoudemire has his job. Grigsby is on the roster because despite his low rushing numbers in recent weeks he's still been one of our most effective weapons. Cotton hasn't had a lot of chances but in the chances he's had he's given the coaches no reason to pull the plug on Grigsby. Bryant is on the 46 because he has to be somewhere. I'll be shocked if he's in uniform tomorrow.
  14. Some day some pick's gonna make JPan85 want to turn around and say goodbye Until then mbrg are you going to let them hold you down and make you cry Don't you know? Don't you know things can change Things'll go your way If you hold on for one more game yeah If you hold on > Curtains raise: scene: a lone Bomber fan sits in the shadows, staring at weekly matchups on his laptop. his eyes seem to hollow further as each second passes. he has forgotten how to blink. his mind races. this can't go on any longer. /opens chamber, spins, closes, raises annnnnnnnnnnnnnd "Marquay McDaniel." /closes eyes and slowly waits for the hollow echo to silence his lock of the week forever... > end scene
  15. TSN 1290 was talking about it earlier in the week. 1290 is a fart sniffing empire.
  16. I had heard they were splitting first team reps, the only place I'd ever seen that suggested he might start was here, and we spend most of the day sniffing our own farts...
  17. Wade Miller already has a job. Walby?? Our league would have the best brisket and ribs. Better than any other league.
  18. Hmm. No apology to Bomber fans for the Zeke Moreno debacle. Resignation not accepted.
  19. One win which is good enuf for 2nd place atm. Some people(ex. Bombers but not me) were happy that Bombers were back in the West. It's a better, stronger division and it would force them to become a better team. So why would that not apply to the teams in the East? Ottawa is an expansion franchise. Hamilton went to the Grey Cup last year. Montreal's regular season record since rejoining the league in 1996 is 205-118-1. Toronto has won 5 Grey Cups since we last did. Going to have to be a man of my word - you are being short-sighted and naive. Teams in the east had a meeting and decided not to bother winning because they don't need to? Winning needs to be incentivized? You think this temporary situation is a problem that has to be addressed? And the "solution" is to add further incentive for fans in the east to stop caring about their teams? So the goal in all of this is what - to eventually reduce the league to 5 teams with no TV deal and no national corporate sponsorship? Back the hand away from the chicken's butt.
  20. This description matches what I used to think about several of the players on our current roster.
  21. Can't really speak to Pall and his abilities, but I've been saying we could use another NI behind Thomas since 3 minutes after Lucas went down. I'd have no opposition to bringing him in on the PR and taking a look at him for one simple reason - if OShea doesn't think he'll fit in he'll be gone by the end of the day.
  22. Voted yes. I will get something from this series sooner or later. Some jerseys look decent on players and goofy on John Q Public. Based on how it looked on store shot, I'd wear it. Based on how it looked on the players at the press conference, less interested. Maybe because I won't be wearing navy tights at the same time - your loss world.
  23. Unlikely. Can't buy everything. Already have a bunch of jerseys. Plus redeemed a gift card at the Bomber store last month and picked up a lot of sweet shirts. Plus returned a gold away jersey gift from fathers day to put the money towards a play structure for the kids. Plus I still want a royal blue and perhaps even a Bison jersey, so this one is down the list. But I don't hate it.
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