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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. They are on the racks at the Bomber store. You are allowed to buy them. They really exist and are for sale. At the Bomber store. In 2014. Here, in Winnipeg. For realsies. Honest.
  2. Ten pages of complaints already? Just save time, cut and paste the complaints about the last jersey release (not the right shade of blue). Or the one before that (gold away jerseys?). Or the one before that (the piping on the blue jersey looks ridiculous). Or the one before that (what is the point of this all white retro jersey?). Or the one before that (these numbers are ticat yellow, not gold). Or the one before that (what's with the liberace gold jersey). Or the one before that (they just stole the St Louis Rams jerseys). Or the one before ... wait, I wasn't checking in on the amount of jersey-related complaining on the internet back then. Dear Reebok, it doesn't matter what you do. We won't like it.
  3. WON'T SOMEBODY PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! He's not NFL ready yet and won't be for a long time. Going to a team that desperately needs a saviour might be the worst thing that could have happened to him. 3 years sitting on the bench absorbing and learning without any need to save a coach's job is the best chance he has for success. If crazy Jerry Jones had actually drafted him behind Romo, who knows, that might have been the best thing for everyone. But after Cleveland ruins his career, just as the factory of sadness tends to do with all quarterbacks, maybe he'll land a backup job on a team with a real QB and get a chance to start from scratch. It takes a pretty mature person to rebuild a career after it goes up in flames which he does not appear to be (and everything in Cleveland goes up in flames), so my guess is his time in Cleveland will be as glorious as it gets for him. Which is not very. Or he wins the offensive MVP this year. Who knows.
  4. I was neither referring to it as a source of facts on this specific situation or as a source of humour. I suppose I was not entirely specific. I did not speak of the facts of this particular shooting for a reason. And while the video and this discussion are the result of that specific shooting, I also did not include it for that reason. I was specifically addressing your comment on the state of race relations being set back. As I said previously, these things don't set race relations back. They show us exactly where they really are. A temporary disruption in the civility and order that allows white people to pretend black people are being treated as equals is only shocking to half the people involved. I did not say anything else about the video because I thought others could take away their own thoughts from it. Since you did not choose to do that, the interesting takeaways I had included: - A Ferguson officer screaming "Bring it all you ******* animals!" as a means of dealing with the protestors - The lieutenant of the county police who ordered officers to arrest black people found shopping in a predominantly white county - The Governor of Missouri finding every black person in his building to stand behind him (looking at their expressions, I'd say at the threat of being fired if they chose otherwise) while addressing the state - The four counts of destruction of police property Ferguson police charged a entirely different black man with for bleeding on their uniforms after the four officers beat him in his cell - The police website (not Ferguson) with the video demonstrating the awesomeness of their assault tank to the tune of "Die Mother****** Die" The latter one is included not as something that is interesting specifically to the state of race relations (although I'll expect that the instances of using that assault tank against black people to be extremely high), but more to the perceived need to militarize the police force. Now if you want to continue to declare what an appropriate reaction should be for the people of Ferguson based on what you believe a timeline of events to be in this one specific incident, go right ahead. I'm going to go way out on a limb and suggest that their entire experience of Black people living in the southern US has been different than yours.
  5. This might be my favourite analogy on all of the internet. Analogy. Yeah, that's what it was, an analogy. Sigh...for sale...one chicken...health failing...price negotiable...pm me...
  6. I'd hazard a guess that prior to the shooting if you'd poll the residents of Ferguson as to the state of race relations, only the fairer-skinned among them would claim those relations were acceptable. The south is a different place. Lots has changed and yet not a lot has changed. Mississippi officially ratified the 13th amendment last year - the one that abolishes slavery. Just 150 years after it passed in congress.
  7. Change divisions for what purpose? Because the last place team in the West being left out of the playoffs isn't fair? Here's what's fair - don't finish last and then ***** about not making the playoffs! The CFL is already somewhat of a regional sport, bolstered by massive popularity in the prairies. If you think it's in the best interests of the league to deal another blow to the fanbases in the east, I'm going to outright call you short-sighted and naive. The only team drawing loyal interest right now is the expansion franchise. They have 1 win and don't play very entertaining football. How long before these very important factors take the shine off the new toy in town? Probably right around the time the temperatures drop. Is the corporate sponsorship and big TSN deals going to continue once all the eastern teams are officially turned into third nipples? Nope. If you own a chicken, and every day that chicken gives you an egg to eat, and it will continue to do so indefinitely, why would you stick your hand up that chicken's butt and try to rip out the next day's egg? Guess what, you just killed your chicken. Enjoy that extra egg.
  8. These things don't set race relations back. They show us exactly where they really are. A temporary disruption in the civility and order that allows white people to pretend black people are being treated as equals is only shocking to half the people involved. I'll let you guess which half. John Oliver's take on it. It's a good one. More than just a look at the events or the systemic racism involved, he does a great job of getting underneath that and examining the underlying mindset.
  9. We will keep 4 QBs on our roster all season long. I doubt there is a team in this league that will do otherwise. Likewise we will keep as many players as we can find places to stash them for depth. Bryant has already filled in for 2 injuries this year. Renaud is one tweaked Liram hammy away from being half of a replacement. I wouldn't even be surprised if he outright gets his job back.
  10. Makes sense that you should be able to find some use for a blazing speedster with good hands somewhere on offense. A few plays per game out of a preferred formation should be easy enough for him to learn in a hurry.
  11. If you had watched it live you would think differently. That he really really should have caught that one.
  12. Not sure what you're sniffing smelling, but pass some over here...
  13. If there is anything Winnipeg has enough of it is parking. It seems evident to me that something like the smart park with numerous research heavy businesses setting up shop and working with the university (both raising the profile of the university and offering more opportunities for its students/graduates - not to mention revenue) is a hell of a lot better than having a bunch of asphalt. Outside of the first game last year I have not experienced any significant delays getting to a game and have never had trouble parking. Any insignificant delays had more to do with late departures than traffic delays. How this still remains a talking point, I'm not sure.
  14. Apparently he has the cap space to make a good run at re-signing him. Although I can see MD writing a blank-cheque as well. I can also see Desjardins forgetting to sign it, getting the date wrong...
  15. My impressions, and that's all they are, and I do not wish to represent them as anything other than that, is that those who have had bad experiences have largely experienced them as a result of those at the top overreaching with their authority. And while these examples exist, I'm not intending to imply that it's some kind of 50-50 split between the good and bad. I have no ego invested in this opinion and will gladly defer to knowledge over opinion. Friends of my wife's family still live on the colony. Most of their children have left. There is no awkwardness or animosity within the family now, but there were issues early on that had to be worked thru. With the parents and the colony there are still some tensions because of this. That's life I suppose. As an educator, does it bother you when people write "thru"?
  16. The Jets have his NHL playing rights for one more season, whenever that season happens to be. Burmistrov is an oddity. He has the ability to be the Jets best defensive forward, I guess 2nd best now that Frolik is here, but dipsydoodles east west in the neutral zone and creates all sorts of defensive problems doing so. He has pretty good offensive skills but can't seem to score. For every positive there seems to be an equal negative in the same category, which doesn't really make sense. Most of the problems seem to be between his ears, so if 2 seasons in Russia helps him grow up, then he could be a solid addition to this team. Next year. I can't see him projecting into the top 2 lines though.
  17. All the Hutterites I know are ones who went over the wall and escaped. I don't know what your definition of "works" is but I don't think a Hutterite colony is a good example. In any example of a system where most of the power rests in the hands of one person and is largely unchecked, the success or failure of that system depends entirely on the personality and moral leanings of that person. There are good colonies and bad ones. Good countries and bad ones. Colonies have their roots based on religious practises that are considered outdated in modern cultures, so at the very least they appear incredibly sexist to outside eyes as all the power appears to rest with the men. Anyone who's married could tell you that an appearance like that can sometimes be deceiving. Keep in mind that some people hate being in a system like that not because there's one person in charge, but because they are not that one person who is in charge.
  18. I believe unicorns over most of the Bomber reporters in Winnipeg Is this said tongue in cheek? I certainly hope Etch will use him at end and not slide him inside because he's too heavy for "his style" of end. If we get bilukidi and Mulumba our defensive line will get a huge boost Mulumba's speed and weight would have him playing end. He could line up in the middle but that would be more about Etch throwing in a wrinkle than Mulumba being a regular tackle. Bilukidi's weight would have him playing on the treadmill. Zing! Not sure really as I try to avoid watching Raider games, speaking to Raider fans, getting stabbed, getting batteries hucked at me. Y'know, the fine traditions of the blackarsehole community. But it would surprise me if he can move with the speed required to deal with the large CFL field and mobile CFL QBs at his current reported weight. Drop him back down to the 300 range and he could be a huge asset.
  19. No reason to grouse about Urrutia. He was given plenty of first team reps and did nothing with them. You can't predict how guys are going to respond to a new field, new rules, new playbook, new QB. You bring them in and try them out. Most won't pass the test. That's the way it's always been. You can't determine how they will react to a situation until you've placed them in that situation. You bring in 8 import receivers and hope you can find two guys, and most likely those 2 spend 3 months on the PR before they get a chance. A CFL rookie starting from game 1 without a rash of injuries in front of him is pretty rare.
  20. But admittedly none of the fresh faces brought into camp wowed our socks off.
  21. I guess you have never heard of a man named Moore? Moore was already established in the league .. and while Walters did bring him to Winnipeg .. I think Floyd is talking about how we haven't found a rookie receiver who has made an impact. For all the guys we brought in, none have made much noise. With Moore and Denmark there was only one spot really up for import grabs in camp and Kelly won it. Deservedly so from what I've seen. The rookie crop has to wait until injuries give them an opportunity to shine ala Wallace Miles, but the signing of Bryant closed that door, for now at least.
  22. It's the root system. Weeds have roots that are thicker and more importantly grow deeper. People who water their lawns frequently create poor root systems for their grass. Less frequent waterings encourages the roots to grow deeper in search of moisture, and in times of low precipitation these lawns will be more durable than lawns that are overwatered. Over time a healthy lawn should overtake the weeds. So they say. In theory... Hell, in theory communism works lol Gravity is only a theory...
  23. Banned from this site indefinitely. Cmon, it was a giant meatball surrounded with a kinda slimy pastry. A marvelous concept that cratered in execution.
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