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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. It's the root system. Weeds have roots that are thicker and more importantly grow deeper. People who water their lawns frequently create poor root systems for their grass. Less frequent waterings encourages the roots to grow deeper in search of moisture, and in times of low precipitation these lawns will be more durable than lawns that are overwatered. Over time a healthy lawn should overtake the weeds. So they say.
  2. Don't know what position Jersey plays, but the Bombers should sign him.
  3. There have been a lot of really low scoring games without tds being scored by teams so a lot of people got tripped up by that. Consolation round can start up for Labour Day weekend.
  4. We should start using the designation of B.M. (before Mike) and A.M. (after Mike) just to avoid confusion. Pretty sure I had a B.M. B.M today I apologize. That's pretty assumptive on my part. It may well have been an A.M. A.M. B.M.
  5. We should start using the designation of B.M. (before Mike) and A.M. (after Mike) just to avoid confusion. Pretty sure I had a B.M. B.M today
  6. Amazing that after only 7 weeks, that many people have burned thru 5 wrong picks. And I'm soon to join them. Well that was the whole point of wanting to take Slaton. Fine, Jeff Fuller vs the awful secondary of Hamilton.
  7. That sounds promising....(place all the lols here)
  8. It hurts my brain a little bit to give Suitor credit for anything, but this is a pretty decent write-up of his from a couple weeks ago: http://www.tsn.ca/blogs/glen_suitor/?id=458732
  9. Bob Wettenhall gave his control of the team over to his son - Jeff? - about 2 seasons ago. Most of the bad decisions you are referring to were not made by Bob. The decision to extend Popp for 3 years to try and fix the mess his son made was Bob's attempt at some damage control.
  10. seriously? That's ... unbelievable. Well they hired two coaches and only fired one, so maybe they're just short an office right now.
  11. Because it offends our delicate prairie sensibilities to be associated with those highfaluting stuffy banker fellows from Toronto or those evil frenchies from Montreal. We're prairie folk. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to put my spurs and cowboy hat on and drive my horse to work.
  12. So, which CIS games do you think he should be scouting right now instead? And since brushing his teeth and wiping his butt also don't address NI's on the Oline, Walters should stop doing that as well. A singular focus on one aspect of one position for years on end is the best way to improve a football team for sure!
  13. "Will be without" is a phrase that normally implies it's not a coaching decision.
  14. I assumed this was another thread about whiskey.
  15. Yes exactly. There were many issues that lead to our loss, but I don't know how we are supposed ignore Messam's impact and say he had nothing to do with the win. He ate up a lot of clock that we could have used, and that alone made a huge difference... even if it doesn't amount to points on the board. Saying Messam had nothing to do with the win? Seems like an appropriate response to people saying Messam won the game. Saskatchewan owned the line of scrimmage on both side of the ball. We had 12 more first downs than the Riders after the first half and were kind of lucky to have a 7 point lead. 17 point directly off of turnovers. There were many things to point at when painting a picture of the game. Messam was a few of the brushstrokes, not a paint roller.
  16. Westerman was third overall... or was it second? He would be a really nice addition - worth more than Swiston though 2nd. Buono likes to win trades. He's not a win-win guy. He's a win-lose guy. He'll want more than Swiston for a 2nd overall pick, even if that pick isn't everything he'd originally hoped for. And does Swiston really help BC's Oline? I suppose anything is an upgrade over Valli.
  17. Messam did that? I must have missed it. Let's see. 23 points. 7 from an interception returned for a touchdown. 7 from a fumble returned for a touchdown. 3 from a fumble recovered at the 20, minimal advancement, turned into a field goal. 3 from a field goal generated by the offence in the first half. Messam had 0 carries in the first half. 3 from a field goal generated by the offence in the second half. Okay, Messam contributed to the scoring of 3 points. The oddest thing in all of this is it's still a Messam vs Volny debate for some people even though not one single person has ever argued that Volny is a better running back. Volny has 0 carries this season. Just like I had said he would have. The Bombers aren't using him as a running back. Just like I previously said they would not. He remains a role player, just like he always has. His position is listed as RB. It would be more accurate if it just said "Player". Your logic is teetering on the edge of ridiculous. It doesn't matter if it's Volny or any of the other "non-impact" Natls. the Bombers harbour, when they pass on an "impact" Natl. you have to question the policy. Burgess is correct Messam was the difference between winning and losing last night despite your argument that he only contributed to 3 pts. He killed the clock and wore out the BB defence when nothing else was working for the RR. If he's in the Bombers backfield last night they have the ability to grind down the clock with a one point lead and 2 minutes to play without putting the ball in the sky. Messam had a great game last night. Behind that line he might have many. We don't have that line. The logic is pretty simple. People want to argue that Messam is a better running back than Volny. I don't know what imaginary person they are arguing with. Volny is not our backup RB. Cotton is.
  18. If you only ever hit with your right hand it gets pretty easy to block the punches. Haha. I was actually thinking about that this morning. Thanks Bombers. If you do one thing extremely well, you always have a chance. The Riders run-block extremely well. Despite the interceptions and drives that didn't drive far enough, there is a decent case to be made from last night's game that the Bombers pass extremely well. Willy faced pressure that was off the charts. He didn't have a clean pocket all game. It wasn't easy, certainly wasn't flawless, but he slogged his way through what should have been a disaster and managed to complete a decent percentage of his passes. And a lot of them he just threw away. I think he threw away as many passes last night as the rest of the season, and he hasn't been shy to do that. Wish he'd done it on that 2nd and 5. Here's what I like about Willy. Last night there was a play where he was under tremendous pressure, just as he was every snap. He managed to roll out to his left and escape two players who had a grip on his jersey. He got to the outside, looked downfield, and then just threw it away. Last year, if Hall had done the same thing, that ball would have been forced into triple coverage. I guess his thought process was "That was the start of a highlight reel play, now let's make the ending!". Willy gets that not every down gives you a chance to win the game. Until the last 2 minutes last night. Guess he wanted to beat his old team pretty badly. That was a poor decision.
  19. Messam did that? I must have missed it. Let's see. 23 points. 7 from an interception returned for a touchdown. 7 from a fumble returned for a touchdown. 3 from a fumble recovered at the 20, minimal advancement, turned into a field goal. 3 from a field goal generated by the offence in the first half. Messam had 0 carries in the first half. 3 from a field goal generated by the offence in the second half. Okay, Messam contributed to the scoring of 3 points. The oddest thing in all of this is it's still a Messam vs Volny debate for some people even though not one single person has ever argued that Volny is a better running back. Volny has 0 carries this season. Just like I had said he would have. The Bombers aren't using him as a running back. Just like I previously said they would not. He remains a role player, just like he always has. His position is listed as RB. It would be more accurate if it just said "Player".
  20. Sorry. That was such an obvious oversight. I'm a bit embarrassed. I'll add the common variation - "more meddling from the board of directors"
  21. You're kidding, right? Okay. I'll gladly take Messam on this team. If we also get Saskatchewan's entire Oline with it. No one else see their backs running untouched 7 yards past the line of scrimmage, our guys getting hit 2 yards behind our line? Didn't see 5 guys in white and green running downhill and absolutely destroying our front 7? Ford, the guy we cut, gets 5 TDs in 5 quarters behind them? Allen, the guy they essentially benched after 2 weeks, still a top 5 rusher in the league? You think these are the achievements of the running backs? Okeydokey pokey.
  22. On at least 7 carries, first contact was 2 yards behind the line of scrimmage. Our Oline sucked on a high level last night. One carry Grigsby was hit as he was getting the ball. He's getting (lightly) booed on a play where it was pretty amazing he didn't fumble. Saskatchewan has the best Dline (and Oline) in the league. That should not be any excuse. Our Oline has to start rising to the occasion. Willy's fumble was the result of unrelenting pressure all night. The interceptions were our mistakes, but Saskatchewan created that fumble. Grigsby isn't making anyone miss and Cotton seems like the most dynamic player on our roster, but what happened last night? Almost all of that is on the hogs.
  23. Right after Israel Idonije. Muamba is the kind of player who can earn a job on special teams if he shows enough good things in practise and preseason. And he's also the kind of player the team will deem expendable when they need a roster spot for a draft pick or signing they really like. He's in a position where if he plays well he can land a job and later lose it despite having no drop in his level of play.
  24. The Blue Jays? 9 teams means 81 games in the CFL regular season instead of 72. So one week in the CFL will have 5 games. Next week is that week. Toronto plays twice. The Blue Jays may also be playing at some point.
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