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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. It's a tradition that is a result of televising sports in black and white.... dark vs. light so viewers can tell the home team from the visitors. Also why Referees wear stripes, so people could tell them apart on black and white screens. It stuck even though there's no need for it now because people like traditions. Traditions are awesome. Like bringing celebratory flares into stadiums with old wooden bleachers and limited points of egress. Never question traditions.
  2. I highly doubt that to be true. I recall listening on one of his coaches shows here that he said something to the effect that Any Given Sunday was the worst football movie he had seen. There is a local on-air personality, perhaps Toth, who has a habit of asking coaches if they've ever given that speech, or if they plan to. I don't recall there ever being an affirmative answer given.
  3. And what's wrong with drinking urine? Bunch of pompous fancy-pants booze snobs...
  4. but no one is going to do anything with that? I'm setting you up, you just have to knock it down. Let me guess, you wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Is this a slur against tall guys from Warsaw? Yes. Yes it is.
  5. This is a drill. I repeat, this is only a drill. In the event of a real 3 game losing streak, please use the handrails when climbing off the bandwagon. Please do not jump. Management is not responsible for damage to ankles caused by jumping off of the bandwagon. Remember the following useful phrases; apply them as needed: - worst Oline in the league - lack of depth - lack of NI depth - figured out the Etch-a-sketch defense - should have traded for Glenn - Bloi-Dei Dorzon 2.0 - coming back down to earth - overacheived - Bellefeuille has never been any good - only winning against eastern teams - never should have released (insert name here) - never should have traded (insert name here) In the event these phrases are not proving helpful it may be necessary to resort to stronger words: - Mack 2.0 - hired the wrong head coach - bunch of career special teams foot soldiers running the show - gave up on Mike Kelly too soon - it's all Buchko's fault Please keep in mind these words are very strong and are for emergency use only, and not intended for the faint of heart. Management would like to thank you for freaking out in as safe and responsible a manner as possible. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
  6. No way. You can't get me to back down on what I believe. Brooklyn 99 is a fantastic show! One of the top 3 comedies on TV right now.
  7. I know it was buried in a rather long post, but no one is going to do anything with that? I'm setting you up, you just have to knock it down. Let me guess, you wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.
  8. Ich spreche ein bissen Deutsch, aber sehr schlecht. So how about that world cup?
  9. Lots of royal blue jerseys for sale in the Bomber store. Problem solved. Next!
  10. Hmm, I'm not sure you are familiar with how the internet works.
  11. #88 Smith off. It was there all along.
  12. Any time you change an event in the past it is possible that the present will be altered. This is basic space-time continuum stuff people. Disagree. Collaros was a free agent back in late January. I don't think there was any forecast on his shoulder that said he wouldn't be ready for July. As for the money, lots of money available. Both would have contracts that based a good portion on performance bonuses. While that doesn't account for all the $$$, odds are we're signing both of them and passing on Nick Moore. And the choice between being a placeholder for a few weeks and then going right back to being stuck behind an undisputed #1 QB vs getting a fair crack at winning a #1 QB job on your own team - most guys are taking door #2. true... But TBURG makes a good point.... whether Willy ends up in BC or not is irrelevant... but there's a pretty good chance he wouldn't have ended up in Winnipeg Space-time continuum. Any change in the events leading up to that event could result in a different conclusion. But odds are Winnipeg was still the best place for him. Burris coming here would have made it more interesting - he'd still get a reasonably fair shot at the top job, and if not, it's his for the taking in a year or two anyways, unlike in almost every other city. So still giving the nod to Winnipeg. They did. You might be thinking of the timeline I scribed a month ago. The thing is, the Bombers had to go after every one of them. They had no choice. You go after Collaros because there is no guarantee Burris and Willy become available. You go after Burris because there is no guarantee Willy becomes available. You can't leave yourself exposed just expecting to get Willy there for the taking and end up with no one. But you don't necessarily go after each of them with equal vigor. That might be the main reason Burris and Collaros passed. We were not guaranteeing them the starting job, while Hamilton and Ottawa were. And were willing to pay them accordingly. Agreed. How long does a struggling QB get before the fans/coaches/league decides he's garbage? 4 games? Less? Collaros had the choice of going to a team that made the Grey Cup and a team that went 3-15 and was in total turmoil. It's not just money. Hamilton was the smarter career choice (at the time). Even still, after all the success he had last year, by the middle of the second game people were starting to question if he's really any good. He tried to get himself in the best possible situation to not be declared garbage. So far it has backfired. How long did it take for Hamiltonians to get "catch the Lefevour" t-shirts printed up? Space-time continuum. It's heavy stuff man.
  13. He'll be one of their two scratches.
  14. I more or less agree with you actually. If you have an actual incompetent running game, it puts you behind the 8-ball. But even in Winnipeg recently we haven't seen that. Maybe in the super short Bloi Dei Dorzon era. I winz the internetz!!!11! Cat videos for everywunz!!!11!
  15. Maybe, but I'm pretty sure they've had 7 Olinemen on the 46 for all the games so far. Wait and see which one is scratched for game time.
  16. I disagree with your hot take and anxiously await the ban-hammer. A strong running game can grind the opposing defence into a fine dust. A competent running game keeps linebackers closer to the line of scrimmage instead of cheating back into pass defence. A competent running back who is a threat to catch screens can keep defenders from taking free runs at the QB, even on pass plays. An incompetent running game lets defences get away with blitzing/dropping 9 into coverage without fear of being punished for it. You can always win a game on the strength of a good passing attack, but it's not as easy as when you also have a good run game.
  17. After reading a write-up about Mr. Jones in the Edmonton Journal today on his thoughts of pre-game coach banter and post game head coach handshakes, I think a few more might agree with you. He has no use for them, think they are empty gestures and could care less what other people think about him. Charming. Out of the five games the Eskimos have played this year, he's shaken hands with one coach after the game. Reason. Micheal O'Shea ran over to him directly to congratulate him and there was nothing he could do. Jones believes coaches do this becuase they think they have to. Maybe some. But I think others, like O'Shea, do it out of respect and being a leader, whether they win or lose. So Jones thinks the time honoured tradition of hand shakes displays empty gestures and not displays of sportsmanship? He prefers waving across the field to opposing Coaches. If that's the way he looks at it, I guess he is what he projects - the epitome of empty gestures. But he really shouldn't be surprised if the waves he gets back, are mysteriously missing a few fingers. So much of Jones reminds me of Mike Kelly. Kelly was generally friendlier and Jones so far wins more, but they way they think they are above the game and disparaging to those who don't buy in to their obvious genius. Jones is giving me that vibe all over again, that it's okay to treat people like crap as long as you win.
  18. Why would Willy choose BC over Winnipeg? In the offseason everyone assumed Lulay would be ready to play and he's still young enough Willy would have seen BC as an unlikely place to get starting reps. I don't follow that either. BC? That's sketchy dot-connecting that can only be accomplished in hindsight. BC wasn't making any noise about picking up a QB back in early February. No guarantee we'd get him, but outside of Montreal we still would have been the best place for him to earn a starters job, even if we had picked up Collaros.
  19. There's a Holiday Inn at Portage and Colony? You might be staying at an army surplus store...lots of tents and beef jerky though.
  20. So what is the actual deal with him missing the game? Did the team suspend him? Did the league suspend him? Is he in jail? Is he not allowed to leave the city and will still play home games?
  21. Many different styles of coaching; the angry screamer is my least favourite. Do his players hate him? Maybe some do, but if they've played football all their lives this is probably not the first angry screamer they've encountered. A lot of it just goes like the water off a duck's back. Is he behaving this way 24/7 or just during the 3 hours of game time? Lots of coaches are quick to put an arm over a players shoulder and talk to them in a human manner once the game is over, but don't feel they have time to do it on the sidelines. OShea has had no real adversity to deal with during games, nothing above what might be expected in a typical highly-contested football game. Will he still sport that wry smile at a terrible 15 yard roughing penalty if his team puts up a half-dozen stinkers in a row? Or will he tear a strip off a ref? We haven't had an opportunity to find out yet. If it doesn't involve a Bomber game I hate yelling. It's a necessity at times because players are far away from the bench, but I can't recall ever yelling at a player while he was on the bench. And while I've yelled at a ref or two before, I've always preferred to call them over and talk. Nothing good comes from showing a ref up. Unless you are putting on a play I don't have much use for adults behaving like children. Is Austin the most hated coach in the league? He's certainly putting on a clinic for the most childishly behaved. Chris Jones might want to throw his hat in the ring. He's coming across as a bit of an ass.
  22. Wait for it............the report that Durant is out must be just around the corner
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