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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. It would be nice if they wouldn't isolate on the ball so much. Most of the plays where Willy had time to find a receiver he had nothing. Tight tight coverage on his half of the field and going back across looked sketchy as well. Every throw away he made last night was the right decision.
  2. We tried that this spring break, was really good. If you want a really good burger, head over to The Nook. Great burger. My wife likes the noodles at that noodle place they have in the US. I can't remember the name. Olive Garden?
  3. I would have to watch the tape. Sorry, I meant to say I would have to watch thru the tape - by halftime I had wrapped my head in duct tape to make the horror stop.
  4. I have no problems with calling a hit below the knees. They are now calling touching below the knees. That's just horrible. ODell Willis managed to get his hand on top of Willy's foot. Calling that was a joke. Turner managed to get his hand all the way up to Reilly's calf. That should never be called, but if Willis got 15 for touching Willy's foot then Turner might be facing a lifetime ban. I found it a bit comical that after the Turner/Washington double major that Edmonton ended up 2 yards further away from the end zone than when they started.
  5. Trying to get a kill shot in on any player, QB or not, when they are already lying on the ground will almost always be a 15 yard penalty. Having to tag a player dead when they are down isn't a new rule. The defence had a brainfart. A lot of poor fundamentals. First offensive play of the game for the Bombers, Grigsby bobbled the pass on a fairly simple and typically unremarkable play, Willis had 6 the other way. That was the play call equivalent of dipping your toes in the water and they messed it up. 4 times (5?) they put the ball on the ground on kick & punt returns, thankfully recovering them all. So Feoli-G does punts the rest of the game just to make sure we have some ball security. Ball security is good, but now we've also guaranteed every return will be 4 yards. And of course the terrible tackling. It all had a 3 hour long ripple effect. The sad thing about the terrible tackling - other than it was terrible tackling which is always sad - was I thought Etch called a fantastic game. Edmonton owned the ball in the first half, yet by the end of it (or close to) I noticed they had only completed 2 passes to receivers. Reilly had to check down on almost every play and was under constant pressure. Their offence had the ball for about 23 minutes in the first half and scored 6 points. And yet I can't say the players had a great game. Wrap up the ball carrier. Use your arms. Football fundamentals. Randle thinking he's Sears and trying to body check down Calvin McCarthy. Not going to happen, he's a pretty thick player and Randle is not. Hit the middle of the body, wrap your arms around the trunk and tighten as you slide down the legs. Almost everything last night was just a little off. The passes were off, the timing was off, the tackling was off, the Oline was off(ful). Time to shake it off. The Bombers have never had the most talented 46 in the league but they have been playing at a very high level and as a team. If they can get back to believing in themselves as a team and all pull in the same direction, wins will come. Players getting healthy soon would sure help. Boy oh boy do we miss Greaves.
  6. Arland Bru...no wait, Brandon Whitaker. Adarius Bowman's 3 TD's last week should get me back to 0 strikes.
  7. Awww, that's so cute. If you really need a grown-up to accompany you I suppose I can volunteer. / looking looking, where is one of those winky things all the kids are using these days, looking looking, hang on, be right back, for some reason Chris Hansen is at my door....
  8. Good. You kids with your texting and your hackysacks. Never spent a day harvesting beets in your life! Trending trending I'll tell you what's trending. Bunions! Now get off my lawn!
  9. The NFL didn't get into trouble because players were having concussions, the NFL got into trouble because once they became aware of the magnitude of the problem, both in scope and consequences, they chose not to take action. At the point they were aware of the problem and decided to do nothing, they became a valid target for legal action. At the point they willfully ignored and pushed evidence and studies of others under the carpet they became culpable for punitive damages. The Bruce situation is interesting because it goes back to how much onus is on the team to protect a player from himself. Without having any information handy to expand on what happened, it sounds like there were no concussion symptoms present when he returned to playing and the team itself did not pressure him to return to playing. In that case it would be hard for Bruce to get a favourable ruling. If the circumstances are different than what I understand, the balance may shift in Bruce's favour. And what is never talked about in all of this is any liability on the part of the CFLPA. Keep in mind, the owners are not out there hitting the players in the head, it is the members of their own union making the kill shots. Also, any time the CFL has tried to crack down on violent plays thru fines and suspensions, the CFLPA is the organization that fights them. After losing arbitration hearings brought about by the CFLPA on suspensions in the past, the CFL no longer makes much of an attempt to suspend players for on-field violence. As an organization, their behavior is every bit as detrimental to the health of players as the CFL's.
  10. Your fact is not true. It is actually the opposite of true. In most cases a defence attorney will have to argue during pre-trial disclosure proceedings why they feel arguing the character of the plaintiff is relevant to the case at hand, and the judge has to agree that it is relevant to the case at hand. The default position for almost any legal proceeding these days has become that the character of the plaintiff is not part of a valid defence.
  11. Hey...if I don't make a pick....I can't get a strike...!!!
  12. He had no point at all. What he had was a loyal 10 year employee leaving who had operated a team with a budget that consisted of tictacs and lint for a decade and he sneered at him on the way out. What a classy person would do is thank him for his years of service and wish him well in his future endeavors. And then shut up.
  13. People have birthdays every year.....you can always go next year lol Not when the person (my daughter in law's dad) is turning 65. I'd be dead. Get a new daughter in law. Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll certainly take them all under advisement. The game's on Thursday and you only have to be back in Brooks on Saturday? You could pull that off driving an oxcart!
  14. Excellent. Let's all thank MBRG for a wonderful suggestion! First of all, it's mbrg. MBRG is my father. Second, I demand all internet pages associating me with this be shredded. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallmove. dotcom
  15. i hate you all Lol... now go back to work and think of hashtag for Drew Willy and Bryant Turner Fine. If we're using island... Bryant "the refrigerator" Turner and Drew "Matt the gunslinger Dunigan" Willy. Re-purposing nicknames is wrong. Just wrong. That is not what us Manitoba Strong people are about.
  16. Cheap shots fired at Taman after he left was the point where I realized Kelly had no class, and since I want the head coach of my football team to have class, my desire to have him in charge of this team ended real early. And was then reinforced a couple hundred times over the next 6 months. It was fascinating to see people argue that this was how a coach should behave. That he's "telling it like it is". Coach OShea has been telling it like it is, and he's been 100% class. In fact, I find it a bit eerie how infallible he's been to this point. Humans make mistakes. Is he not human?
  17. I had to miss that game due to the birth of a child. Every once in a while she gets an extra hug for making me miss that game.
  18. Ideally they play well against all western teams that don't rhyme with shinnepeg. If we want to make a run up the western standings, getting some help from eastern teams would ease the strain.
  19. We just have to get the name "Randle Island" out there. Once the media gets a whiff of it Rod Black will think it's clever and use it over and over. And over and over. Then he'll beat it to death. Then he'll exhume the corpse and parade it around with sparklers and pinwheels. Then he'll spend 3 quarters of a game talking about Nic Moore's tattoos. Then he'll marvel at Paris Cotton's name for 3 weeks. Cause one is a city, and the other is a ... substance?, and yet they are combined to represent A HUMAN!!! THE CFL HAS HAD SOME GREAT NAMES!!! (please oh please, no one actually start calling him Randle Island)
  20. I want this so bad. Make it happen CFL. A Christmas present for all.
  21. "Would walk out the door and land a NHL contract by the end of the night if we lowered their salaries".
  22. oh i dont know man, they are playing calgary, it's not like they are playing ottawa or someone like that.. I think it's a pretty safe bet that calgary will destroy hamilton. So many times in the last 30 years of watching the CFL I've seen a first time starter come in and show the no-brainers that they have no brains. Ain't that right Rocky Butler?
  23. 3 and 0 does seem like an appropriate time to do some finger pointing...
  24. I assumed it's to improve depth. The only reason to raise an eyebrow at all is because we gave up some kind of pick to do it. Giving up a pick means there is something more to this than he's another PR QB we're kicking the tires on. That's what I'd call Mills. Portis? If we're giving something up to get a player off another team's roster, then the expectations I have go a bit beyond tire kicking**. ** also known to Messam fans as the highest compliment the Calgary Stampeders can give a player
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