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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. I agree with all of that. Which is why the minimum fine is a way of reminding players that there is still a line that they shouldn't be crossing, even if it is done in good spirit.
  2. In principle it's against the rules, so out of principle they should have given him the minimum fine. I'm guessing it's a bag of Quick Score chips. In principle I'd rather see a genuine display of enthusiasm than a rehearsed display of duck duck goose.
  3. That makes no sense. The Bombers are not going to give away Brohm after coming this far with him. Within the next 4 games I hope there will be an opportunity to give Brohm some game action. It does a team no good not to give a backup playing time throughout the season to bring him along. Worst case scenario Ryan Dinwiddie making his first start in a G.C. game. Can't happen again! It's pretty unlikely, but as far as crazy conspiracy-theory ideas go there is more logic at the base of this than others. We have nothing invested in Brohm at this point. If we're comfortable with Marve and one of the other two going forward and if Hamilton gives us more than what we gave up for him to get him back, ya, it's possible. Pretty unlikely, but not insane. A dead guy was drafted. Much much much stranger things have happened in the CFL. Just as likely a possibility - they haven't seen enough growth from Marve over the last 4 weeks of practise and are exploring other options. Most CFL teams carry a minimum of 4 QBs on their roster these days. Part of the reason is depth for injuries. Another part is the CFL is a tough game to pick up for QBs, so evaluating a guy who sees no game action and limited reps in practise can take some time. Might as well do several at once rather than wasting a year assuming Marve is the future (after Willy) only to find out he's Kingsbury or Chang.
  4. Do what I do - don't use it for a while.
  5. It was pretty over the top. Especially when the answer was always staring us right in the face. Put Andre Proulx on an ice floe in the North Atlantic. Every time there is a bad call made, small-scale ordinance can be launched at it. People get a chance to vent, refs may choose to deliberate more carefully, and Andre Proulx is never ever allowed near a football field again. Win win win.
  6. Nailed it. The walls. The walls must be covered in so much poop. So much poop thrown at walls.
  7. The reason character concerns comes up so often in NFL scouting reports is because the signing bonuses alone for top draft picks can be more than a team's payroll for their entire starting Dline. And every few years there is a reminder of what can happen when you don't pay enough attention to it - like 2 tonnes of fun Jamarcus Russell. This is not really applicable in the CFL. If a guy like this gets a signing bonus (he didn't, it was a trade) it's in the range of $500 or something paltry. Strength was listed as a positive on almost every report. The reason he's here is likely because Ted Goveia and coach Oshea saw enough good things from him last year that they aren't concerned about any character issues and think he has potential. The asterix I would add is that the phrase "can make all the throws" applies to a NFL field.
  8. Saying dumb things has helped me learn some less dumb things.
  9. Y'know what? Having mulled on this for a few hours I'm going to go ahead and say this might not be insane. Ford isn't much for juking and jiving, can't really break tackles in a meaningful way, but if there's a hole he's going to hit it fast and hurt you. Saskatchewan has a line that can actually make holes for a RB. And ball security was never a problem for Ford, at least from what I remember. This might be just what they need, and he might be a pretty good fit over there. But making fun of them is nice too...
  10. Oh CFL - you teeny tiny league, you. Rather than bothering with trades, GMs should just haul their players out to the curb for other GMs to pick up when they drive by.
  11. No big deal. Just start him every 4th week.
  12. The clock doesn't start running until he touches the ball so he may have actually been doing that to save all 28 seconds. It sure looked like he was giving himself up. And then changed his mind for whatever reason. I expect that if a player is choosing to do that and knows he will ahead of time, he can/will tell the ref of his intentions prior to the kick.
  13. You could have all 5 west teams tied at 13-5 if they split all their divisional games and swept the east. (all 5 west teams could have a better record than all 4 east teams).
  14. Fun game - watch a BC game and count the number of times Dean Valli looks behind him after a play trying to figure out what just happened.
  15. He would have had to mount a strong defence of his roster spot in camp and wasn't healthy enough to do it. In years past being the incumbent might have been enough, but Walters brought in some really talented players this year. Hope he lands on his feet, and thanks for his time in blue and gold.
  16. He was a free agent. While dumb and kinda insulting, his broadcast of the choice of his next team raised 2.5 million for the boys and girls club of america, and even more for other charities. That is the entirety of his transgressions as a professional athlete. Pretty sure he's one of the good ones. The people of Cleveland didn't own him.
  17. Well, if he's put up those kind of numbers playing with Antropov and Wellwood, there really is nowhere to go but down. That is the creme de la creme of linemates.
  18. That this thread has turned into a bit of hand-wringing that he'll leave is a bit nonsensical. He's 2 games into his head coaching career. Bomber nation - we are a pretty insecure bunch.
  19. Interesting how they structured this. All first round matchups feature extremely similar players. Except for two fairly odd ones - Quick v Weber and Doughty v Hall. But guys who you would think should get a fairly deep run like Ovechkin and Stamkos; one will be out after the first round. Probably helps that no one in Nashville is voting. I might be most curious what happens in the Karlsson v Pietrangelo matchup. I have a hunch that Karlsson will be viewed as a one-dimensional player and get some backlash because of it, when it really shouldn't be close.
  20. North end of McPhillips on the west side of the street, up around the Jefferson area. Forced to eat there a few months ago and was pleasantly surprised. Just like any other acre-sized buffet restaurant, individual items in the trough can be very hit and miss quality-wise (chicken balls looked very unpleasant), but they have a made-to-order stir fry guy in the back who does a decent job. Combine that with a few of the better items they have available and you can cobble together a pretty decent meal.
  21. Good question. With the personnel we have it's actually really easy to do. Fitzy or Pontbriand comes on for Kelly. No doubt they've already thought of it; will they use it?
  22. I will be shocked if he doesn't. I'm not expecting a 50-50 split or anything like that, but if drives aren't stalling and we run 45 to 65 offensive plays, I'd imagine he's getting at least 5 of those touches.
  23. So much for dissension in the ranks and all that jazz. If there ever was, him and Wettenhall sure kissed and made up in spectacular fashion.
  24. And it's official - Woods out, Cotton in. We are all interested in seeing if he can hit that same level in regular season play.
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