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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Swing buckets of nacho cheese in front of them. (or was the thread title meant to be rhetorical?)
  2. Picked up a few bags on sale today. Yummy. Cracked black pepper and balsamic vinegar kettle chips. Delish. Store also had those replica footballs with the 1/2 brown normal & 1/2 glossy blue with bomber logo on sale for $10. I've never paid much attention to those before but that seems like a really good price.
  3. What? The Bombers are underdogs? I'm thinking there's money to be made here somehow... Home field is worth 3 points if it helps us feel less insulted. Currently being melded with Jade Etienne to make the world's most dangerous Etienne-borg.
  4. Da komrade. It should be somewhat memorable. We were the team they beat.
  5. He will easily be one of the top 2 third line wingers on their team.
  6. First off: Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs!!!! One strike club. Now that's living. Now down to business. Anyone take Messam yet? Dibs. Fine, I'll stay a bit in left field and go with the age of Adarius Bowman. Fueled by whimsy.
  7. I love highlight videos. They fill me with optimism. I like optimism. No, they aren't great predictors of anything. Turns out they're only filled with the best plays. Seems a bit one-sided. Blooper reel should always come at the end.
  8. All I'm saying is Goossen wasn't the consensus 2 best player available. Who was? There is no consensus 2nd best player. There is little consensus of any kind. There is no central scouting. Even these rankings are anonymous. Teams are willing to try and skew the system to get their players to fall. 9 teams have 9 different draft boards. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the Bombers drafted their consensus 2nd best player. At worst. They might have even drafted their consensus best player. Maybe everything they said in the press about Lavertu was their attempt at getting Goossen to drop to 2. How do we know? We're not in the room.
  9. Might as well be his highlight video.
  10. Woohoo, it's time to have really strong opinions on players I know nothing about! Except Demski, I've heard of him, and name recognition is worth 200 hundred points and automatic entry into the bonus round. Okay, read the blurbs. That's all I need. The Bombers need to draft Danny Groulx. Anything less is a total failure. My heels are dug in on this position. It will not change.
  11. Sometimes typos and/or autocorrect is a beautiful thing.
  12. Can't imagine why he wouldn't want to play in a city where he constantly gets crap for things like not giving a glowing enough answer.
  13. Definition of Calgarys sports fan community.... When I hear some of them trying to act like they've spent time in a locker room & know what it's like to play in a CIS, NCAA or CFL game when they never did, I just shake my head. It's one of the reasons I no longer listen to Sports Talk radio here because it is laughable. Well if you're in Winnipeg, you'll have a reason to frantically try and kick the radio thru the dashboard. hint - rhymes with troy westwood It's the same here in Calgary. Except the media in Winnipeg at least covers both the Jets & Bombers. Here in Calgary, it's all about the Flames. The Fan 960 has the rights to Flames radio broadcasts & that is all they talk about to the point of being ridiculous. They'll rehash the same subjects all day long. I love sports but I'd go nuts talking the same hockey topics hour after hour. They'll give the Stamps some discussion but hey, The Fan 960 is a Rogers station. I like panels that have intelligent discourse. These people have access to all sorts of information and bigwigs I would never have. I can't stand the talking heads phenomenon. 3 or 4 people talk over each other as bombastically as possible and are just as happy to have shock value as meaningful thought. It doesn't matter if you have a point, you just have to have a "strong take". No matter how stupid it might be. Westwood is the Winnipeg king of incredibly stupid "takes".
  14. Doug Brown is deep in his bones 100% a union man. Any suspendable incident (in any league), the union will always represent the player in trouble. The will say nothing about the player who was injured. If they represent both players, and presumably want to protect the players they represent, why is that? As with most things in life, the answer is simple - follow the money. Money money money. The injured player will still get paid. The suspended player will not. Money money money. It's all that matters in the end. So am I saying that Doug Brown would knowingly say something he does not really believe simply because he's a union man and this is union policy? These are dots. Connect them any way you choose.
  15. I hate the double tight formation.
  16. Volny is cheaper, a great st player and effective in his limited.reps.. Messem is expensive, doesnt play ST and would probably not agree with the lack of touches... We would probably end up witha canadian banks scenario... Cant really explain it any better.. zzzzzzzzzzz Sorry, I had a crumb or something on my keyboard. I could have deleted that, but it seemed kind of appropriate. At some point someone was going to sign Messam and all the same garbage from the original thread would be hashed out again. Maybe we'll get to hash it out a third time when the Riders cut him. (just kidding, they won't cut him until the offseason) And by the way, in a league where Canadians and quarterbacks are gold, how long did Messam stay available? Collaros was a free agent for all of 1 day. Burris for 4 days. Shea Emry - 1 day. Messam? 23 days. And then added to Saskatchewan's practise roster. And did you hear? Calgary "kicked the tires". I've never heard of such a ringing endorsement! They considered him, but apparently they weren't going to go as far as offering a prestigious practise roster spot. Sometimes you just can't compete with those crazy perks the Riders throw out willy-nilly. The only way the Stamps could top a practise roster spot is by offering Messam a 51% stake in the team, and even that might not be enough. Of course if the Riders do it, it must be good. And if the Stamps considered it, it must be good. After we stupidly cut Gerald McRath, the Stamps picked him up just to reinforce how bad our personnel decisions are. Now he's lighting it up for them! wait. wait. I've just been informed they cut him too. No matter, Walters is clueless. Doesn't he understand that Messam is Canadian? And was really good 3 years ago? We considered him and passed on him, bunch of losers that we are. Not like that winning organization, the Stamps. Who considered him and passed on him. I understand why it's difficult to accept that adding a player, who has a singular ability that is greater than that singular ability is in the player we already have, doesn't always equate to making a better team. And I understand why it might be difficult to understand that poorly constructed sentence. And if we had more NI depth, taking a gamble on a player who is entirely one-dimensional might be an experiment we could try on the 44 man roster. Right now this team doesn't have a margin for error.
  17. He did. Why all the hate? Well it's the internet for starters. His first season was pretty bad so, well, that's enough I guess. I like Jokinen just fine. Perreault is an upgrade for several reasons, and also a positive indicator for several reasons, so I have no sadness that Jokinen is gone. I wish him well.
  18. Doug Brown was a magnificent football player. I have found that I agree with about half of what he says since becoming a journalist. In other words, I disagree with about half of what he says. And he's not always right. This would make the CFL the first league I've ever heard of where a suspended player gets paid. I didn't say Doug Brown said players get paid when suspended for discipline - I was guessing at that based on his comment. But when he says a fine is more effective at making the point then I think he knows better than we do on that matter. Uh-huh. Sounds like he's giving his opinion. My opinion is contrary to his. Not all of his opinions regarding football are gold or gospel. Some of them are even a bit dumb. Being an exceptional player does not make his opinion an absolute truth.
  19. It's just...I.... sigh Are you sure? Now? Is the best time?
  20. Are you sure this is the best time to play the "These guys don't know what they're doing!" card?
  21. Man & people here say I'm angry all the time? What's so angry about that? Think you probably read too far in to my posts at times. It's a fan forum. There is never any anger involved in my posts. Is it cuz of the "swear" word? funny thing is, that wasn't even a swear... basically i said Americans aren't stupid but used the R word instead. . Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together. Brighter than a lucky penny. When you're here the raindrops disappears dear and i feel so fine. Just to know that you are mine. My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows that's how this refrain goes. So come on Join In. Everybody. Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everything that's wonderful is sure to come your way when your in love to stay. Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together. Brighter than a lucky penny. When you hear the raindrops disappears dear and i feel so fine. Just to know that you are mine. My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows that's how this refrain goes. So come on Join In. Everybody. Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everything that's wonderful is sure to come your way cause your in love, your in love and love is here to stay!
  22. Is it really that easy? No. They will have this thing called a programming schedule, and while TSN might have no problems switching some scheduling around to accommodate the CFL, ESPN will have no interest in doing any shuffling to accommodate the CFL. They would sooner stick a nascar re-run in the time slot and not care in the slightest that they didn't air a CFL game that day. Actually...yes. My proposal does not require and program shuffling from ESPN. Sorry, GB, I was thinking of a different proposal when typing that - you're right, ESPN doesn't have to do anything for what you describe.
  23. Is it really that easy? No. They will have this thing called a programming schedule, and while TSN might have no problems switching some scheduling around to accommodate the CFL, ESPN will have no interest in doing any shuffling to accommodate the CFL. They would sooner stick a nascar re-run in the time slot and not care in the slightest that they didn't air a CFL game that day.
  24. Bomber fans at the start of 2013 - "Which one of our QBs will we protect in the expansion draft? You know Ottawa is going to take one!" Bomber fans at the start of 2012 - "We got Brink AND Elliott re-signed instead of losing them to free agency. Easily the best QB roster in the league!"
  25. Doug Brown was a magnificent football player. I have found that I agree with about half of what he says since becoming a journalist. In other words, I disagree with about half of what he says. And he's not always right. This would make the CFL the first league I've ever heard of where a suspended player gets paid.
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