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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. I know, I'm like...Vanilla Ice? This changes everything! Way to bury the lead, Edmonton!
  2. Doesn't say that anywhere. Boards set general policies and directions. They are supposed to provide vision and a framework to work within. People are hired understanding that vision and framework. They are usually given the freedom to pursue the goals set by the board, but that does not mean they are not accountable for the decisions they make and the manner in which they behave. There were several examples from last season where the Eskimos and Hervey did exactly that. If Hervey thought and acted like being at the top of football operations means he answers to no one, he just found out he was wrong.
  3. Well that's the reason Pederson loves his April fools so terribly much - it falls into the (false) narrative the Saskatchewan has the best football fans in Canada. Of course they could support two teams...
  4. He'd look majestic, like he always does. A cross between Tarzan and a unicorn. But I'd rather just have the three best QBs we can find for our roster and worry about the calendar shoot at a later date. Jokes aside, it's all whatever. He actively participated and contributed in some games the Allouettes won. He was given every chance to grab the starters job and couldn't do it. Is his averageness worse or better than LeFevour's? Neither opinion is something I'd dig my heels in on. If for whatever reason the Bombers signed him, a wave of shoulders would shrug all across the province. And if we don't, his legacy of maybe slightly better than Tanner Marsh will not get another chapter. There's worse 3rd stringers we could bring in, but hopefully there are also better.
  5. I'll take "Things Goalie says about all Jets goalies except Pavelec" for $200, Alex!
  6. Alrighty then. Which beige is beiger? News at 11.
  7. Paul something or other senior. Boudreau. Junior is also a coach on the Bombers. Not sure why senior isn't listed on the website.
  8. When I drive directly from work to the stadium traffic speeds up the closer I get to the stadium. Traffic into the stadium is significantly faster than rush hour traffic.
  9. That would imply that Richards is behind Coates, both on the depth chart and talent. I suspect neither is the case, but the sample size isn't much to draw from. Despite the resentment that has built up among some, Richards has been unlucky, not lousy.
  10. Why? Why? WHY? WHY HAVEN'T WE SIGNED HIM YET?!?!?!
  11. Richards won't have a large salary and is on the final year of his rookie contract. We will carry a minimum of 3 NI receivers on the game day roster and 4 somewhere on the team roster, just like every other year. Currently we have to pick up a guy just to get to that number. So unless we draft/sign several at least two more NI receivers, Richards has a really good chance of being on the roster till the end of this season. Unless he outright sucks. Keep in mind during his brief healthy moments in training camp he was getting decent reviews. There, now you have something to work with.
  12. We will draft 6 or 7 guys, sign a few CIS guys after the draft, sign at least 10 more US guys who will be at mini-camp, cut half those guys and sign a bunch more to replace them. Most if not all of those names up there will be in camp this year but there will be a lot more added.
  13. Breaking news - Riders neg list Jamarcus Russell and Jeff George.
  14. I have trouble believing that signing Bailey is a money issue - he's averaged 150 yards a season. Sign him, don't sign him, whatever, but don't be backing up the money truck for him. All that means is he's the next guy everyone complains about not earning his salary.
  15. Nothing good ever comes from questioning my intangible goo...
  16. Nice to know that Popp didn't learn anything during last year's debacle in Montreal.
  17. Going off of nothing more than vague memories and intangible goo, 120k would be my spitball.
  18. A career where people aren't trying to decapitate you? This makes no sense! Best of luck to him and his new journey.
  19. If we're not changing how we deploy our ratio, receiver is the place where we're falling shortest. DT comes next.
  20. Tradition. Floyd will also soon announce which french linebacker the Bombers should take in the second round. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU, PLESIUS!!!
  21. Lowryonov. I can't believe I missed Adgor Lowryonov. The easiest fit ever. So much shame.
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