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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. While I don't agree with some of his picks what this does show is the fallout from Simonese getting taken out of the draft. Before that happened one of him and Vandervoort being available for the Bombers at #6 seemed pretty plausible; now it's likely that the Bombers will be lucky enough to draft one of those guys, which we really could use. There seems to be some mock consensus that Hamilton is mock drafting a mock receiver at #4.
  2. I'm hoping the problem of keeping his cat off his keyboard while posting is moving up the list. There are about 4 people here who think the Riders signing whatshisface - the QB who was on our PR last season - is a huge issue that must be addressed. For some reason ignoring that if the Bombers wanted to, they could have offered him a real contract at any point in time. They could have given him a two year deal and hid him on the 1 game IR all year if they wanted to. And changing the date these players become free agents by two months does...I don't know what in his mind. Apparently letting them come to practise and eat at the buffet afterwards is an investment we can't afford to just let walk out the door, and we're doing a crazy amount of development with them from Dec 1 to Feb 14?? We have re-signed a few players who finished the year on the PR, so the Bombers obviously are able to get around this massive problem somehow.
  3. Alrighty then. Not sure how well that slavery idea is going to go over, but feel free to propose it.
  4. In the strictest sense, CFL teams aren't allowed to sign players serving an NFL suspension. I don't think that rule has any subsections that pertain to the CFL draft. So in my simple mind, being able to draft him but not sign him makes sense with the existing rules. Of course, just giving him a normal suspension makes far more sense than that option, but trust the CFL to go with "none of the above". Edit - I see they added this draft eligibility rule a year ago. That's fine then, I thought they were once again making up policy as they go.
  5. Considering Quinn Smith was draft-eligible I'm not sure why this would be treated differently.
  6. Players on the practise roster are often treated as disposable and make only $750 per week in a sport that already doesn't have guaranteed contracts for the best players, but you think it's necessary to block their opportunity to try and get a job with another team while they are getting paid nothing for that privilege?
  7. I feel like he saw a couple of snaps last year. I'd say every defensive player on the roster got some reps on defence at one point or another. But he was largely depth and special teams last year, and could be bumped up to one of the guys featured regularly in the NI rotation this year.
  8. Someone has to explain to you why having not had a much of a chance to demonstrate his abilities isn't the same as being a failure at it? Why bother? Your constant use of that word says far more about you than it does him.
  9. ? So he tested positive for a banned submarine? I'd imagine he's still draft eligible this year but that you couldn't sign him to a CFL contract while under NFL suspension. And what counts as serving a suspension when he's not even under contract in the NFL?
  10. The way it seems to go I'm expecting him to have a 2,000 yard season now that he's with the Stamps. Call it the Adarius effect. Bombers will very likely draft one receiver and possibly a second one (or sign one post-draft). Those players will join Feoli-Guidino, Richards and Coates in camp. 15 receivers is a typical number for camp; this year I'd expect 10 of those to be imports.
  11. FB named Miller who was drafted as a linebacker and transitioned to the offence to have an extended career as a special teams assassin. Twinsies.
  12. I'd additionally suggest that Popp was ahead of the curve when it came to drafting NCAA futures and was willing to wait a few years on talent to come north. Eventually all GMs made use of that tactic and Popp's competitive advantage evaporated.
  13. Every team had at least one opportunity to select him and didn't select him. Some chose twice not to select him. Montreal chose three times not to select him. Calgary, who took him with the last pick in the 2nd round, passed on the option to select him once. The Riders took Nic Demski. Ottawa took Jake Harty. Bombers took Richards. Calgary took Durant. That are the facts when it comes to the 2015 draft and receivers. So at least three teams had a receiver preference that did not have Durant at the top, two that didn't have him second either and one that didn't have him in their top three. This can be called a fact. Who would Calgary have picked if any or all of Demski, Harty and Richards had still been on the board at the end of the second round? There's no way to know without having access to their pre-draft rankings of receivers. Every team could have a different one, or a completely identical one. There's no way to know. Calgary might have been very disappointed to not get the hometown Harty. All of this is conjecture. The only thing we can call a fact when it comes to Calgary's selection of Durant is that they had him ranked higher than the 6 or so other receivers that were taken in the draft after him. When Ottawa took Harty, did the Bombers say "CRAP!" and move on to taking their next highest guy (Richards), or did they high-five each other because Richards was still on the board? There's no way to know without being in the room. That would be conjecture. Is Durant a "headcase"? Probably not. What does that mean? Does he store rings of garlic sausage in his shoes? Maybe. I haven't met him. Were non-football factors the reason he was taken at the end of the second? That is the reason that was widely reported. When something is widely reported it usually means one of three things: 1) it is true, or 2) there is so little information available that every is repeating that thing they heard because they have nothing else to offer on the subject, or 3) break out the tin-foil hats because there's a conspiracy going on.
  14. I don't know who he is or what his qualifications are. I do appreciate any additional CFL content, even if I don't regularly read their site. But he seems to have Richards mixed up with Ettiene, maybe for the sake of convenience in constructing an argument against Walters. Richards didn't take up a spot on the 44 man roster when he was injured because why would he, and when he was healthy he did play some special teams. The kickoff team, in case anyone was wondering. So there was never a "wasted roster spot" because of Richards, and if Richards wasn't even on the Bombers some other Canadian depth receiver like Kris Bastien or Liam Mahoney or Bobby Canucklehead would have been on the 44 man roster because that is how CFL teams have to make up a roster - Canadian players provide most of the depth for American starters and typically all of the Canadian starters. Unless we are DI-ing an import receiver, there will always be 3 NI receivers on a gameday roster, and that was true even when the gameday roster was only 42 players and Geoff Drover was "wasting a roster spot". Honestly, is winter so long that logic and reason are completely abandoned from February to May until we've all thawed out enough?
  15. This quite the problem indeed. Josiah St. John - plays for the Riders Philip Gagnon - plays for the Allouettes Brandon Revenberg - plays for the Ticats Brian Jones - plays for the Argos Charles Vaillancourt - plays for the Lions Alex Singleton - plays for the Stamps Jason Lauzon-Seguin - plays for the redblacks Tevaun Smith - drafted by Edmonton, signed by the Colts, cut and moved to PR, since released and re-signed with Colts to a futures contract Trent Corney - plays for the Bombers Micheal Couture - plays for the Bombers Wayne Moore - plays for the Allouettes Anthony Thompson - plays for the Lions DJ Sackey - plays for the Argos Mercer Timmis - plays for the Ticats Juwan Brescacin - plays for the Stamps Mikael Charland - plays for the redblacks Arjen Colquhoun - drafted by Edmonton, signed by Cowboys, injured and released. Not sure where he is. Best guess is he'll re-sign with Dallas for another crack when healthy. So that's all the picks in the first two rounds. Every player is playing for the CFL team that drafted them except Edmonton's two picks. Tevaun Smith has been released two or three times already by the Colts. What will the wait on him be? One more year? I know the Andy Mulamba situation has scarred some people, but this isn't the huge problem you are making it out to be.
  16. And MAYBE these THINGS aren't MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. #funwithcaps
  17. ? When was that? He was injured most of the first season, injured in camp last year, came back mid-season and played special teams while sitting third on the NI receiver depth chart behind Kohlert and JFG. He lined up on the wide side for some garbage time snaps in the last 3 minutes for a couple of games late in the season. That has been his entire CFL opportunity. People here are acting like he has been playing the long con against us - growing up playing football, a successful career in the CIS, a good combine and high pre-draft ranking, a contract, and then "made it, now I can do nothing for three years". I'd imagine no one is more disappointed with how his last two seasons have gone than Richards himself. An unfortunate series of events has happened which has given us no data to draw any conclusions at all from. Maybe his CFL career will come to an end with him stuck as a victim of bad luck after another camp injury. Maybe JFG gets injured in game 1 and Richards has an 800 yard season. Either one is plausible because there is no data to draw from.
  18. Considering the CFLPA is mostly repped by NI players, it would not be surprising to have it move in that direction eventually.
  19. Two would be sufficient. That allows for a team to maintain the rights of a player returning to school for their final year and still be property of the team. With Inzandt, for example, we would have his rights until the end of this season. Under the current system (as I understand it), he could have signed with any other team as soon as he was cut from training camp last year. In a sport where the average career is less than 4 years, 5 would be unreasonable.
  20. If Enstrom is willing to waive his NMC so the Jets can go 7-3-1 he's doing it as a favour to the Jets, so the chances that this translates to Enstrom traded if he waives it does not increase at all. Especially if he does it after the trade deadline.
  21. We probably could sign him and wouldn't have to drop anyone until sometime near the middle of June. It would be nice to have increased local content AND improve the football team at the same time.
  22. There is an easy solution. The NFL is on 4 nights a week starting in September.
  23. Why can't they just watch from the stands like the rest of us?
  24. .... So anyone have vacation plans coming up?
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