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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. He's asked if he's comfortable with Davis as #2, to which he answered he is. He never said Davis is the #2. Reporter never asked that question. Call it semantics or wordplay if you want. Walters spends most of the interview giving pretty honest answers, but not necessarily fully complete answers. He reserves the right to keep some cards close to his chest in advance of free agency. I expect Davis comes into camp loosely slotted as the #2 on the depth chart. Whether or not a more experienced guy is also in camp will have more to do with how far down the market drives the price tag on those guys. The longer these guys sit without getting a phone call, the less they will cost. The less they cost, the greater the chance that a guy with experience can fit into a tight QB budget. Two of the ones mentioned above are already FA's and there is no buzz about teams showing interest in them.
  2. Of course not. It's the people.
  3. That is the biggest loss. But like JBR said, this will increase exposure for some of the other guys who might not have gotten it. There is a lot of tape out there on the top guys. The GMs will still be able to look at how they handled their 300 or so in-game battles from last season and have a pretty good idea of how they stack up.
  4. Davis was a Calgary Stampeder for about 3 weeks, so even if he goes on and has a 20 year career in the CFL wearing blue and gold people will continue to complain the Bombers didn't develop him.
  5. And I won't be surprised if one of those guys is signed before May. I am very certain we won't be first in line for those guys with a big bag of cash in hand. If we sign one of those guys it will not include much of a raise. I recall the question Walters was asked (paraphrasing) was "are you comfortable with Davis as your number two?" Now, if that was the phrasing it takes great restraint to not giggle when asked a question like that...but Walters never said the job is already his. And there is no rule in place that prevents one of the above from being behind Davis on the depth chart. Last year Davis came to camp with the opportunity to win the #3 job. This year he comes to camp with the opportunity to win the #2. The Bombers will likely have 5 QBs at camp, just like they always do. There will be more signings. Maybe one of those guys above, but don't hold your breath on that.
  6. The Bombers are comfortable going forward with Davis as their number 2; that doesn't mean he won't have to compete for the job. He has been on the roster for two seasons and has taken thousands of snaps in practise that can be used for evaluation, as well as some pre-season and one regular season game. Every time a player is given increased responsibility there is an element of risk. Was it reckless and irresponsible for the Bombers to make Goossen the starting center last year? Most of his limited playing experience had been at guard. Was it reckless and irresponsible for the Bombers to make Loffler their starting safety after Harris got injured? After all, he had no pro experience and was a Canadian rookie. Third rounder no less. We all know anything after the first round are garbage rounds. I wonder how long Bo Levi would have to be the third string before moving him up to second string would not be considered a reckless and irresponsible move by the Stamps? In summary, one Paul Friesen was enough for Winnipeg. Time to see if we can trade Weicek to Hamilton straight-up for Drew Edwards.
  7. It's a simple concept - anyone and everyone is better than what the Bombers have. I wish he didn't have to resort to clickbait journalism but I guess being a tool and not knowing too much about football will do that.
  8. Somewhere in the attic of my memory SJ Green signing for 230k seems familiar.
  9. Should have spelled it Oktopus if I wanted it to stick anyways.
  10. Most interesting point by far - Quincy McDuffie is Tristan Octopus' agent. I'm all like, what? Wait...what?
  11. It's flowover from the Vince Young thing. Cause Walters (and all GMs) would have knowledge of who is on other team's neg lists. How that gives him special magical powers to see a secret workout in Florida, I don't follow. Alleged workout. My guess was when Taman still had a job, 40% of Penton's insider column came from him.
  12. Lol at Drew Edwards tweet - Good to see the CFL spent a whole two hours investigating.
  13. Noeller and 1785 already had plans to write McDavid love letters all evening.
  14. I am aware they have his rights and any leverage. His value is higher than a typical first round pick signing his first CFL contract. Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady have also proven nothing in the CFL. He proved himself against professional football players. Better ones. As opposed to having only proven himself against university players, which is the concern for rookies. He got developed on someone else's dime. Montreal doesn't have to pay him for two years while they bring him along like we did with Goossen and are doing with Couture. He arrives pro-ready which is not the typical situation for a player picked in the Canadian draft. His value is legitimately higher than a typical first round pick signing his first CFL contract. If Mulamba finally came here we would end up paying him more than we are paying Couture.
  15. Pavelec is not a NHL starting goalie. Hutchinson is not a NHL anything goalie. Hellebuyck TBD. If the latter two had played better Pavelec would still have antlers on his jersey. Their suckage opened the door for the call-up. Pavelec won some games when the other two had shown themselves incapable of winning. That doesn't make him new and improved. The Jets tried to ride it out for as many wins as possible. Looks like that train has roundtripped back to the losing station. It's not surprising for anyone. The hope was that the winning portion would last a little longer. Maybe those other two goobers will seize their second third fourth opportunity and look like NHL starting goalies for more than one of every three games.
  16. I have no idea why so many people are digging their heals in behind any of these goalies. Arguing to the death over who is the least bad. I'm still waiting for one of them to step up and show he is good. Only one of those has done enough to still deserve some patience, and that is not considered an endorsement.
  17. Foucault is neither a rookie or unproven. He would not even be eligible for the rookie of the year award. Were teams offering Westerman $80,000 when he came north after a 6 year career in the NFL? Part of the reason any rookie gets paid less than a vet is because you can, and part of it is because of the risk associated with an unknown quantity. You don't know how they will respond in the pros and how long it take to develop. With Foucault that unknown is not a factor. I also do not want a league where rookies run things. This situation is different than the St. John situation. This isn't a situation where a young kid shows up and wants to make top dollar and be the boss but hasn't earned it. This is a situation where he was working for a different company prior to coming over.
  18. It's also a reflection that they might not be pro-ready. Very few first round picks are starters in their rookie season. Goossen didn't become a starter until the end of his second season. Foucault is a proven pro-ready starter.
  19. Rookies. Foucault has been playing in the NFL for the last few years.
  20. The draft date is set!!!! It's March 21 March 21 May 7 March 21 March 21!!!
  21. Trade for his rights. Not sure if that's even necessary though - sounds like Montreal wouldn't be able to afford the draft picks we would send them. Trade them some cap space?
  22. It's really like the Bombers get one bye week in week 13 and their season starts a week late. Probably not a big deal. Usually players go home on the bye week though. So what now? Congrats, you made the team, go home for a week? I suspect most players wouldn't bother.
  23. None of which equals Cato is better than Davis. That's really the only statement you made that anyone is pumping brakes on. In the absence of knowledge you do not need to make stuff up.
  24. I'm going with the dark horse pick. First game vs Sudbury. As per usual, hoping for no Saturday afternoon games.
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