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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. I think someone like him, perhaps him, will be signed by the Bombers on or shortly after Valentine's Day. Matthews and LeFevour would be my favourites, but that's just because I didn't watch the games where they sucked. You should always try and pack as much talent onto the roster as the SMS and availability allows.
  2. My 2008 Caravan - Miles Driven: 158,000 Cracks in Windshield: 3 Barfed in by kids: 2 Brand new Alfa Romeo - Miles Driven: 0 Cracks in Windshield: 0 Barfed in by kids: 0 The numbers clearly demonstrate that my 2008 Caravan is the better vehicle and it's not even close (insert eye-rolly thing because I never show anything but complete and unrelenting disdain for the team I claim to cheer for) (Maybe, just maybe Cato has more stats because he's played more, which is not an indicator of "better")
  3. Guess I must be. Unless you mean Noeller. Out of province McJesus fans don't count. Does anyone think the Jets are going to offer Pavelec a contract? No one has suggested or advocated that as far as I've seen, so how can anyone be suggesting Pavelec is an answer? He's absolutely done as a Jet. I'm pretty sure suggesting using a bailing bucket when the boat is sinking isn't the same thing as suggesting that a bailing bucket is the answer for a hole in the boat. I've noticed a loud push back on the people who can't stop yelling "Pav sucks" no matter what happens in individual games. We know Pavelec is a NHL backup at best. We've also been watching the Jets for the last 5 years. He came in and we got some wins when the guys we gave the job to couldn't. Wins are the point of playing the games. In some of those wins he even played well. It's okay to admit that. It doesn't make him desirable as anything other than a short term solution to the H's ineffective play. Pavelec is the sump pump we've been forced to use right now. I tend to stay away from the hockey side of the forum because "Pav's chitt" showing up 20 times in every thread isn't a discussion and the people who can't stop beating those drums don't make being here particularly pleasant. While there are aspects of Enstrom's game that I really don't care for I'm not going to say trade Enstrom in every post because I'm rational. Barring a very good deal the Jets would be worse off if they traded Enstrom, even if I don't care for his inability to throw a check or tie up a man in front or his hatred of taking shots because scoring goals is a very bad thing in Sweden but assists are the ultimate prize.
  4. I'm not going to argue this because I have zero emotional investment it the rules of the NFL, but if you think the normal play of hockey is the same as sports where teams take turns playing offence and defence as defined by the rules of the game then you are being deliberately obtuse. You don't like the CFL overtime format because there's no kickoffs or punts? Fine. They both suck for different reasons.
  5. Football is the only sport where in overtime the potential for only one team to get a turn on offence exists. In hockey the comparison would be only one team getting a turn on the shootout. The other team gets a turn only if they fail. In soccer the comparison would be only one team getting a chance to take penalty kicks. The other team gets a turn only if they fail. In baseball the comparison would be only one team getting a chance at bat. The other team gets a turn only if they fail. In all three of those sports, each of the defending teams has a chance to stop the offensive team. And yet if they failed to do so, no sane person would argue that the structure was fair because "they could have stopped them". So why is that argument used in football?
  6. Hellebuyck still has a few months to redeem himself. Not sure there is any sense in trading for a goalie with the Vegas draft looming. If Hellebuyck doesn't turn it on significantly in these last three months the Jets might feel they have no choice but to try and land a free agent starting goalie. It seems really obvious to me that the decision to roll with Helle/Hutch at the start of the year was as much to determine if they need to get a new goalie as it was to find out if either of those two was NHL caliber. They really want one of their draft picks to be a franchise guy going forward, but they don't know who it is or when he'll be ready. They might have no choice but to find a guy to bridge that gap for a few years.
  7. That's exactly the nonsense that shouldn't count for anything. No one gives a crap about Pavelec. The Jets don't give a crap about Pavelec. You might as well compare Hellebuyck's stats against mine. Hellebuyck is getting compared to good goalies and found wanting. Why is Pavelec any part of that equation? No one is calling Pavelec a good goalie. If Hellebuyck and Hutchinson were in any way respectable the organization would not have felt forced to call Pavelec back up. They probably found it embarrassing. They didn't want this conversation to be happening. They certainly didn't want the grandmas in the lower seats to start talking about what a nice boy Pavelec is all over again, and how the Jets were big meanies to him. How is Hellebuyck comparing to Gibson, Budaj and the like? No one is saying he has to be an all-star in his first real season. The Jets have not rushed him. They didn't make him play 18 of the first 20 games. They have eased him in and slowly increased his role to the point where he was the uncontested #1, and Hellebuyck did not respond the way they would have liked. He started to perform poorly. And if Hutchinson could do anything remotely useful they could have put the training wheels back on Hellebuyck for a while, but Hutchinson was as bad or worse. Hellebuyck will get his chance again because the Jets don't have any other options and they haven't given up on him. They shouldn't give up on him. Players develop at their own pace despite the lack of convenience for the fans. There is no conspiracy theory here. They want Pavelec gone at the end of the season or sooner. What they don't want is to replace him with a guy whose stats are only slightly better. Hellebuyck's standard isn't to be slightly better than a guy we already know isn't good enough to start in the NHL. His standard is to be a quality NHL starter. He has not come close to doing that yet.
  8. Eye of the beholder. Most GMs aren't message board types who let the idea of a player being soft obsess in the minds for a year. They'll look at his stats, see a guy who could get them a few timely goals and plug in on any of the top 3 lines. He has some value to a team that thinks they're contenders and want to make sure they have depth. Pavelec only has value if someone loses one of their goalies to injury. How much would you give up just to have a middling goalie on the bench for the playoffs? Probably not a lot, and with the expansion draft looming their might be a few more goalies available than usual. An abundance of goalies brings Pavs value down even further.
  9. Plays for one of the tightest defensive teams in the league. Our keepers see more shots in a period than he sees in some games.
  10. What experiment? The Jets gave Pavelec one game in pre-season, he got a shutout and gets waived to the AHL. This team clearly had no interest in Pavelec ever playing a game for the Jets again. This team went all in on Hellebuyck at the start of the year. All he had to do was beat out an AHL quality goalie in Hutchinson and show some promise and growth over the course of the season. Four months in he has an epic bed-crapping stretch, Hutch gets put in to break it up and he craps the bed, Helle gets put back in and he continues to crap the bed, so what's left to break the cycle of bed-crapping? The team that wanted nothing to do with Pavelec in 2016/17 is forced to call him up to break the cycle of crap because they had run out of goalies to bench. Helle is the one who crapped his pants all the way back to square one. Now he has to win the job like it's early October all over again. That's on him. The Jets gifted him the job several times this season, now he has to win it. There is absolutely no chance Pavelec is a Jet next season and I'm guessing they really hoped they could trade him for something this season. The whole point of their goaltending decisions this season was to decide if either Helle or Hutch (but not really Hutch) was a guy they could give the job to next season. If not they might be forced to make a play at a free agent to fill the gap until Helle is ready or Comrie/Phillips get a turn at earning the job. Either way they had to acquire that information by taking Pavelec out of the picture. Playing Pavelec screws all that up. They did not want to do that. Mad? Blame Helle and Hutch.
  11. Changing the rules from incredibly stupid to just stupid doesn't make the rules not stupid.
  12. So if a baseball game goes into extra innings should the home team get a chance to bat only if they can keep the visiting team from getting a run in the top half of the inning? Cause that is exactly the same thing.
  13. My understanding was last year was a one year deal, with a contract for 2017 negotiated and sitting in Walters' drawer if the NFL didn't happen. Doesn't sound like anything was ever signed, just that both parties had agreed on term and amount. I guess one/both could walk away from it without any difficulty.
  14. When credibility isn't something you value, this is the result.
  15. While this is all a bit comical it's not like neg listing a washed up QB is earth shattering news. Doing it after insulting and kicking Durant to the curb is what makes this all so sad (for Rider fans). It's clearer by the second that Jones has no plan at all and is just hoping to get lucky with one of the twelve no-name QBs on his roster. And if it happens, his thick ego-filled chest will puff out even further while he yells "told you so", which won't ever change the part where he had no plan and was hoping on blind luck.
  16. Bombers should one-up them and put cranky Joe Theisman on their neg list.
  17. PLAN A: LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED!!! plan b: turn some of those stones back over when no ones looking...
  18. It will take more than potentially signing LaFrance for this team to not have an import RB somewhere on one of the rosters. If Flanders wants to be that guy all he has to do is beat out the 3 or 4 other import RBs that show up for camp.
  19. So it's rather commonplace. Dibs on partners for trivia night.
  20. LaFrance had some exceptional seasons as a Bison but going off for big yards in the CIS doesn't really count for much in the pros. That one playoff game really is his sample size, but talk about rising to the occasion. I thought Lochard acquitted himself very well when Harris went down. He certainly exceeded any expectations I had for him. It's all bang for the buck. How much more bang will LaFrance give us over Lochard and how many more bucks will that bang cost? There is additional value in not having to mess with the ratio if Harris misses a game or two.
  21. I can't recall any other coaches ever getting fired the day after they lost to the Jets (2.0). Seems like a first to me.
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