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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. You realize this means the Winnipeg Jets are now coach killers for other teams...
  2. Might have quite a few people getting job experience they would otherwise have had to wait a while for.
  3. As I understand it he's not allowed to call Wade Miller regardless of the date - he has to call the league first.
  4. Doesn't seem that perplexing to me - Glenn was scheduled to be a free agent; ie we can't force him to stay here. He finished last year 3rd on the depth chart. He undoubtedly wanted to find a team where he could be 2nd or 1st on the depth chart, and make more money as well. We wouldn't make that commitment and let him go early so he could find that team. Turns out there was a trainwreck about to happen just one province over. Now he gets to be the conductor on that trainwreck. Good for him I suppose.
  5. Poolman goes to the Moose. He's closer than I originally gave him credit for last year, but his footwork is still going to betray him playing against NHL speed. He's going to need time to perfect the other aspects of his defensive game to compensate for that. Right now he might almost be good enough to play in the NHL but he has further to go if he wants to succeed in the NHL.
  6. I think that was always part of the plan, having Davis compete for #2. The Bombers were waiting on free agency to bring that other guy in, whether it was going to be LeFevour, Crompton, etc. Now Gale's in the running and the Bombers don't have to wait til Valentine's Day if they want to choo choo choose him.
  7. So just to make sure I understand your matrix: When Hellebuyck's in net and we win it was because of Hellebuyck. When Hellebuyck's in net and we lose it was because of coaching/team in front of Hellebuyck. When Pavelec's in net and we lose it was because of Pavelec. When Pavelec's in net and we win it was because of team in front of Pavelec. When we get a speeding ticket it was because of Pavelec. When traffic is light on the drive home from work it was because of Hellebuyck. If a cold is going around the house it is because of Pavelec. If we find some loonies under the couch cushions it is because of Hellebuyck.
  8. It's not his fault that everything the Bombers are doing, have done and will ever do is a horrible failure.
  9. "That much money for an import kicker? Walters overpaid!!!"
  10. Insurance against Rider fans storming the new stadium with pitchforks and torches (SK eatin' utensils) before the season even starts. Now that is deferred until week 7.
  11. So the guy who was three years away from playing in the NHL isn't going to be able to play in the NHL this season? This is a disaster!
  12. I've been told that I remind people of Stevie Wonder and Gandhi. It's possible they were referring to my penmanship and general health.
  13. The only time I ever use it is the draft. Maybe if I'm out of the country and not having success finding the game in any other manner.
  14. You can't force chemistry and Nichols and Denmark seemed to have a lot of it.
  15. I have a suspicion that money was only part of reason both sides put a pin in it for now. Rather the Bombers didn't want to make any claims they might not keep regarding Glenn's spot on the depth chart. Everyone is assuming Glenn would be the back up but there have been signs for a while that this team is looking for Davis to take a step forward. Even last year Glenn sat in the #3 spot long after the "learning the playbook" justification had any merit left. Davis was the first QB that got signed this offseason. I'm not going to read anything more into that than the obvious - there is no doubt that the Bombers want Davis here. So maybe the conversation went like this: The Bombers told Glenn they want him but he might be 3rd on the depth chart and he might have to take a very incentive laden contract as a result; Glenn said cool beans Kyle but I'm 745 years old and this could be my last contract and I don't wanna go out like that, you get me homeslice?; Walters says yo Kevs, there is only love in my heart for you, no disrespect at all, just always wanna be keepin it 100 with you, ya dig?; and Kevin digs so they hug it out and promise to keep digits at the ready both knowing that the next time they see each other it will be from opposite sides* of the field. *Unless Glenn signs with an eastern team of course, cause those stadiums were drawn up on the back of an IHOP place mat.
  16. You could choose to let it go at any point.
  17. In fairness, that is what it says on his business card.
  18. Perhaps, but first they have to cut Ricky Ray. Maybe Glenn on the market is the instigator for it.
  19. Interesting idea. Glenn's been on so many teams and around so long that trying to think of where he fits in 2017...there are no great fits. Us (again again), the Riders (again again), and Montreal (again) seem more likely than the other 6 options. My guess is both sides had a salary threshold for his services in mind that did not match and neither were willing to move on it at this point in time. Maybe in 6 weeks one of them will feel differently.
  20. He has both. He often lends out the standard suite to major sponsors of the Jets so they can schmooze their clients.
  21. With our first round pick we took a player who is now a CFL starter. Ninth in the rankings? Who cares? It might be a reach if the rankings meant anything. Who is the better player that was available?
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