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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. No, most of them wearing a barrel with suspenders already leaves little to the imagination.
  2. "History is on my side" is also not a real statistic.
  3. It's less than you'd think. Especially when you include Little is injured. And Stafford is injured. And Stafford is a guy you keep insisting should be traded. And you listed Stafford twice.
  4. Sorry, all this Dorito dust plugging up my keyboard.
  5. You high? Regina is the CFL, and the CFL is Regina!!!
  6. You high? Regina is the CFL, and the CFL is Regina!!!
  7. You high? Regina is the CFL, and the CFL is Regina!!!
  8. The rule book is full of terrible wording that can be used to justify lousy calls. "Leading with the head" gets used all the time. Freeze a play during a game and what will you see? Every player who isn't in a backpeddle could be described as leading with their head. That's the natural angle for running forward. The tackler's head is the first point of contact on the tackled player for the majority of plays. What they're actually trying to penalize is the act of using a helmet as a weapon. So why not get rid of leading with the helmet as a descriptor of a penalty and replace it with using a "helmet as a weapon". There are 9 guys along the line of scrimmage that bash helmets on nearly every snap yet it's never called. Why? Because leading with the helmet isn't actually what they are trying to penalize. A hit on a defenceless receiver? Same terrible choice of words, and it once again allows for the literal description to create a grey area. Anytime a receiver is in the act of making a catch he could be described as defenceless. What they are trying to get rid of is predatory and unnecessary hits (half of Shea Emry's hits in his career). The kind of hit where a defensive player tees up on a receiver just because the opportunity presents itself, even though the outcome of the play has been decided. Does that change of words mean Loffler doesn't get penalized? Probably not. Murray Clarke was reaching for that flag before Loffler arrived. He needs to throw flags on the Bombers like the desert needs rain. He'd still argue that the hit was predatory and unnecessary. I'd argue that the ball was tipped off of Arceneaux's hands and was still in the air and in the end zone when that hit happened, so the outcome of the play and Arceneaux's role in it was very much undecided. It remains a subjective call, but at least the intent of the rule is clearer. And it doesn't make Murray Clarke a better ref.
  9. Odd. I was so sure OShea would start handing out pink slips live over the radio. That's totally his style.
  10. If you're going to quote my whole post you also might as well read the whole thing. I didn't agree with the call, but I'm also not going to pretend Medlock kicking 61 yards is preposterous. He will have tried a bunch of distances in warm up. He might have hit a 55 yarder already that day with leg to spare when the cameras weren't on. History agrees with you? What does that even mean? Prior to 1903, history agreed with people who thought humans could and would never fly. It's obviously a long difficult kick. He had to hit it perfect. He didn't. Given his performance this year and in his career, I understand why the coach would put his faith in him. He's hit a lot of kicks perfectly in his career. The reason, once again, that I'm passing in that situation is the time left on the clock, not because of history. I have no trouble believing Medlock can make history. He's already the best kicker in league history.
  11. Before games all coaches ask their kickers what ranges they are comfortable with. OShea would have asked Medlock if he thought he could make that kick. Medlock would have said yes. The 58 yarder he kicked earlier in the year had 8 yards to spare. 61 isn't some ludicrous distance. Not with Medlock. With over a half minute left, I'm still calling a passing play. But believing Medlock can make that kick? Nothing crazy about that. He's been our most consistent player this year, best kicker in the league this year.
  12. As I understand it, cup winner is 9th, loser 8th, everyone else is based on regular season record.
  13. 1 and 6. Both Ottawa and Edmonton have worse records than us, so whomever is eliminated next week will also pick before us. But still nice.
  14. 3 reasons I didn't like the call: 1) Murray Clarke made it. He's terrible. 2) The ball was still live at the time of the hit. It was a ball that was in the air and in the end zone. I've seen too many circus catches over the years to think someone as talented as Arceneaux can't lunge for that ball and catch it with his fingertips while keeping a toe inbounds. 3) Loffler got there less than a second after the ball went off Manny's fingertips. If the outcome is changed - Arceneaux catches the ball rather than tips it - and Loffler arrives at that same point in time and delivers the same hit (clean but incredibly vicious), I am certain no flag gets thrown, and Loffler is getting praised for dislodging the ball and preventing a touchdown. And if that's the case, then Loffler is really getting penalized for not being able to recognize the incompletion AND change direction in under a full second. And, as I suggested above, the certainty of it being an incompletion wasn't guaranteed until Loffler made that hit. But oh well. I hope Arceneaux is alright and able to play next week. He seems like one of those good guys who just has the misfortune of not wearing blue and gold.
  15. Kickoff returns he lines up on the right sideline of the front 4.
  16. Richards is on kickoff returns. Probably also coverage.
  17. They're gameplanning to win, not to impress the internet. If the final score is 2-0, good enough.
  18. Loffler has a reputation. Daniels has stats. Stats always edge out reputation.
  19. I can't evaluate this properly since there is no chance that Medlock doesn't win. Reminds me of the days Winnipeg spent wringing their hands over the possibility that Selanne wouldn't win ROTY in his 76 goal season.
  20. Duron Carter wasn't scheduled to be a free agent in October, but ta-da! There is no real need for this information mid-season. Anyone who might already has access to it.
  21. Never seen this E vs W nonsense for COTY before. What's Campbell? 4th best coach in the league this year behind three guys in the west?
  22. Bow staff plays. Girls are impressed by bow staff plays.
  23. It's not too late - we probably could still swap Scheifele for Couturier. Might have to throw something else in though just to grease the wheels. Curse Chevy and his terrible drafting!
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