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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. While there are a few names on here that might rub Bomber fans the wrong way, I think it's a great thing to see the names of import players on this list, guys who are taking the time to better communities that they have no responsibility to consider their own. They could just keep their heads down for 6 months, do the work and go home, but they don't. Props to them.
  2. Lapolice is stuck in a rut, constantly calling passing plays and running plays. It's a ridiculous lack of imagination. Just once you'd think he'd have the stones to call a kayaking play.
  3. More about putting his eggs in our basket. It seems this subject can't come up without the perception of devoted loyalty to Nichols or thinking he is a bum. I am very appreciative of what Nichols has done for this team this season. We would not be in this position without his contributions. At the same time, many of us have been exposed to his limitations. He is also a FA at the end of this season. What kind of commitment are we willing to make to keep him? The simplest way I can put it is there are teams who have (or believe they have) a franchise QB. A guy who can be a superstar in this league. We aren't one of those teams. Nichols is not that guy. We can put a great team around Nichols, and he can do enough to help us win games. Or, we can keep trying to find our own BLM/Reilly/Jennings to put that great team around, and he can put us on his back and help us win championships. Keeping Nichols is the smart thing to do, but I'm still hoping and expecting this team to remain on the lookout for our next superstar QB. Maybe that's Franklin. Maybe not. There is no crystal ball for this stuff, but he has displayed some signs of having that potential. It's a shame that the going rate for a backup QB is a first round pick (and we helped set that rate), but so be it. It's worth any perceived risk to land a guy with that potential. I don't view it as an either/or situation. Re-sign Nichols. Try to get Franklin as well. Between the two, this franchise should be in a position to have continued success going forward.
  4. Having a man-beast like Arceneaux for a receiver goes a very long way in covering up rookie(ish) QB blemishes. Throwing into triple coverage often is considered a bad idea.
  5. The Bombers are oh-fer on every trip into the red zone in these playoffs so far. That's just embarrassing.
  6. My recollection is that he signed a 1 year deal prior to this season, so if they are considering him next year's starter already, they might need to formalize a contract. If I was holding the magic wand, I'm signing Nichols for a 2 year deal and trading for Franklin, giving them both relatively comparable compensation. Nichols has more up front and Franklin has more incentives, but potentially within $50,000 of each other. Bring them both in and compete, and the winner is us by likely having the best backup in the league. And the reason I say magic wand is I doubt Nichols signs on for something like that.
  7. Bombers start all their stars the week before the playoffs, players get injured, insert some crap here about OShea being stubborn? (Sarcasm font) Week 20. Any chance that most players in the league fall into the category of "walking wounded" at this point? Nah...
  8. Being the regular season champion don't mean ****. 2001 Bombers were the regular season champions. Don't mean ****. The 2001 Stampeders were just not good enough at that point either. But then the regular season ended. In just over a week, 6 teams will compete in a 3 week single elimination tournament to be the champion. The thing that means something. And in that tournament, outside of injuries, the events of week 19 in the CFL will have no bearing on the outcome. ie, it didn't mean ****. (might be having an IBS day)
  9. Last Saturday's game is the entirety of the 2016 Winnipeg Blue Bombers. Those 10 wins....definitely accidents. If the Bombers were any kind of real sportsmen, they'd petition the league to default all of them and disperse those 20 points in the standings to the teams that rightfully should have claimed them.
  10. Maybe you should be thanking me for Patrick Laine.
  11. My bad. Jets 2.0 don't win when I attend. 0-8. That's a real stat.
  12. So very very shocked by who gave this comment a like.... Ricky Collins - did you go to the early camp? How do you know what he showed when he was there? I don't recall a single report from that camp that said a positive thing about him. I would have remembered. As a former Packer, I was really hoping he made the squad. As a former NFLer, isn't it entirely possible he came up here and dogged it thinking the CFL would be a cake walk? Then got cut, realized it isn't that easy, and pulled his head out of his ass, actually putting in the effort when he was lucky enough to get a second chance? Considering how many former NFLers come up here feeling entitled and acting lazy, that seems very plausible to me. But please give us your report of the time you went and saw Ricky Collins practising with the Bombers. You know Demark is an import right? And plays slot, not wide, right? So when we make a ratio adjustment due to injury, Denmark isn't getting moved out to the wide side because we have to play JFG to meet ratio requirements. Which would make the howling masses ***** more? JFG coming in for Denmark or starting Addison Richards on the wide side? Give it a freaking rest. You don't need to hit a 100 post count in every thread.
  13. Exactly when and where did you see my tramp stamp?
  14. Anonymous GM is a great feature, although you can usually get a decent idea who it is in a lot of cases. Duron Carter in Saskatchewan - makes sense to me. That's a coach/GM who doesn't seem to give his middle finger much rest.
  15. I guess we must relent - everything the Bombers do, have done, have thought about doing or may do in the future, is a failure and worthy of shame. Aardvarking and Tburging - it takes a special kind of poster to become an adverb.
  16. Let's not kid ourselves - that 2014 team was only a Dave Dickenson away from winning the cup.
  17. That it's outright comical that in the thread where we're discussing the (potential) loss of a starter people are at the same time complaining about the money spent having a backup on the roster. Clueless doesn't even begin to cover it.
  18. Make it a sociological experiment - how badly can you treat a coach you claim to want to retain and still have him stay?
  19. Rolling contract. Start him with a one game contract and if he wins he automatically gets a one game extension. Unless we win by less than 20. Then he was out-coached. ...sarcasm font, sarcasm font, why can't I find the sarcasm font...
  20. It's financially irresponsible for the Bombers to have more than 30 players on salary.
  21. Silly action's a ridiculous name for your private parts, and take your pervy talk somewhere else.
  22. Popp built a lot of his reputation through his drafting. Josh Bourke has to be considered one of his grand slam hits, and I don't recall anyone drafting futures with the frequency and success that he did. He built a dynasty doing that.
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