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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Better than normal - you shot TWO pars on the same hole. That's a superior achievement.
  2. I was going to make a pithy remark, but there is a spider crawling towards me. Send help.
  3. Terrible short-sighted idea. Of course it's going to get traction in a season where the Riders would benefit from the change.
  4. Like the concept - assuming Couture looked better on Friday than he did back in week 2 - we're not trying to get Nichols killed after all. As for trading the pick, not in love with that idea, but it would depend on the player and the contract coming back.
  5. Truthfully I have barely thought about the game and mostly forgot it was happening. When there's some snow on the ground and I start spending more time in the house, that's when I'll think about the hockey season. There's a pretty good football season still in progress.
  6. That's a load of crap. I spent $20 buying raffle tickets to try and get in. Won't drop big money...sheesh!
  7. And the lol train is about to leave the station... lolololololololololololololololololololol wooowooo
  8. So what you're saying is we have to re-do all of last week's arguing? I'm up for that! Bombers have NO CHANCE in BC - anyone who suggests otherwise is an ignorant fool!!!
  9. Right there, that's where your story completely falls apart.
  11. Mic them up and run it live thru the stadium PA system.
  12. If a player throws it into the stands, it's a souvenir. If it goes into the stands as in the course of a football play, it isn't. (best guess) But the days of security chasing after some shirtless loon climbing over people in the hopes of keeping a free football are long gone. Just hold onto the thing until someone taps you on the shoulder, then say "DOANA SPEEEKA DA INGLICKS!!!"
  13. Maas will be forced to coach a practise from the press box.
  14. Noeller, hunched over his computer like a true keyboard warrior, thoughtfully constructing criticism for the masses. I think Bomber fans are going to tolerate this guy.
  15. If McDuffie can't go, Gurlie dresses. They aren't wasting that roster spot. 3 plays in and one of the receivers gets injured? It's not ideal, but an unprepared Gurlie running go routes down the sideline is better than Richards drawing in for the rest of the game.
  16. My vote is game time decision. If McDuffie is deemed healthy enough he plays, if he isn't Gurlie puts on the pads. Whether he gets to go on the field at all...
  17. Breaking up the band, so to speak. I wouldn't have wanted the Bombers to sign more than one of them. They need to be influenced, not to be an influence.
  18. As a white male living in North America I consider myself extremely lucky. That's why I've stopped bathing entirely.
  19. Not sure where to set the over/under for Nichols groaning "Ouch, my spleen". 2.5?
  20. You didn't. RR wrote this: To which you replied this: Which asked the question that Mike answered: So it seems like a normal conversation to me and no one has accused you of being a bad person. I'd speculate that the line you think was directed at you was responding to some of the other sentiments expressed in this thread, but they weren't obliging enough to frame it as a question, which you did. And at this point I'm pretty sure society would be much better off without the internet. It doesn't seem like we know how to use it.
  21. Inconsistency might be Nichols' defining characteristic. It would be nice for the Bombers if the best of Nichols showed up for more than a quarter per game.
  22. Probably because he behaves like Duron Carter but has a quarter of the talent.
  23. Millanovich didn't give the names of the players doing that when he made that statement, but when nearly the entire receiving corps gets two in the back of the head less than 24 hours after - I wouldn't call it speculation. Gurley has 509 yards in 9 games. Denmark has 533 in 7. Dressler has 769 in 10. So.....
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