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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Pfft, you make it sound like the Bombers could lose a game to Rocky Butler... oh wait...
  2. It's a special rule for people named Nate.
  3. Almost every roster spot is backed up by a NI. JFG isn't just backing up Kohlert, he's likely backing up all 5 receivers depending on who they DI as a returner. This signing has nothing to do with competition at that spot. Any competition created by it is merely a bonus. 3 NI receivers dressed for a game is the minimum you need to construct a sensible CFL roster, and those guys need depth behind them somewhere on the PR/IR.
  4. For Torontonians, the east coast of Canada is Pickering and the west coast is Mississauga.
  5. It's really obscure. Ground zero even. So what I did was imply that he was drunk when he made that prediction. Also, that he was drunk on silver clouds, which are super popular with the 18 year old girls, or at least they were back in my day. It's a one-two punch of implying inebriation and emasculation. I think the adults today would think kids today would say bazinga.
  6. "Silver clouds, one dollar, all night."
  7. Don't forget to take your birkenstocks off once you get back from the quinoa store.
  8. Well la-tee-da mr. lotusland. It's not our fault the snow just melted here...
  9. Nothing wrong with the question at all. You're still not going to get the answer you want. He's not going to say "Couture didn't stay low and lost the one-on-one battle with the man across from him both times". At most he might say there were some technique issues, and he's not going to say who. Nor should he. Throwing your rookie Olineman to the wolves two weeks into his CFL career would make him a dumb coach.
  10. If you can see a receiver isn't getting any separation, throwing a 50-50 ball isn't a wise decision. When the entire offence works better, defences can't pin their ears back. Good play-calling keeps defences off balance.
  11. Against Ottawa? Pretty sure on both plays Couture got stood upright by the man across from him. It was that simple. And that's why freaking out over pre-season games is pointless. A NI rookie who won't be starting used flawed technique.
  12. I suspect Butcher is practise roster bound. All the technique work he has to do to be CFL ready isn't going to happen in a week or a month. Combine that with him having limited to zero use on special teams, those active roster spots will go to 22 other NIs.
  13. He might do alright in zone coverage but he's going to struggle in man-to-man. (I know what you mean)
  14. It seemed like an appropriate assumption. Outside of sifting thru other team's rosters there wouldn't seem to be anything else to scout nationally.
  15. Your first question is relatively insignificant, but we should explore the second one further. Have you ever been on a spaceship?
  16. Want Willy to get rid of the ball quicker.... Want Willy to throw deep.... ....equals passes thrown to no one Oh physics you cruel mistress, why won't you allow our receivers to run twice as fast as all other humans?
  17. I'm surprised you find the time to fit in some football talk.
  18. You mean the guy who finally put rules in place to end all the stuff you are loudly complaining about? I can see why you can hardly wait to get rid of him...
  19. The home opener is going to be so much fun! Draft picks, cheap draft (relatively), and a 40 point win.
  20. No, just that if we're going to start wringing our hands over all the bad things that could happen with our draft picks 36 months from now, free agency is more likely than the NFL. If I were to spend any amount of time thinking about what will happen 36 months from now, I would use logic based reasoning as I normally do, and would come to the conclusion that if Corney were to not explore NFL options at that time that the chances of him re-signing with the Bombers would be very high, as unlike Muamba (as an example), he does not have any significant family ties here in Canada that I know of, and that any roots he puts down here during his 36 months in Winnipeg would greatly exceed the draw of any other CFL city, and that if he is as good as we hope him to be, we will have budgeted enough money to retain him with 36 months of planning to do so. But it just seems silly to do any of that before he's played a single down, even in exhibition, so I won't.
  21. While Corney appears to be a real keeper, and I was fist pumping and high-fiving the kids when I found out we got him at 9 - his value isn't his motor and skillset and tenacity. It's that his motor and skillset and tenacity comes with a Canadian passport. Does he ever get a NFL shot? It's possible. Does he stick? That's less likely. While he's a real keeper in the CFL, the NFL picks from about 70 - 100 guys like him every year. Is Corney special to an NFL team? Probably not, but sometimes chance gives you a shot and you make the most of it. Stevie Baggs got a few years of NFL time and started that journey with a Bomber PR spot. Also now the star of a Bachelor wannabe show. More likely that we can't afford his services and he finds a new CFL home in free agency.
  22. Fun Fact: Dustin Penner's pantry is wall to wall Corn Pops. Every morning he walks in and says "Thanks Kevin Lowe". Whatever does not get eaten that day will be thrown out Friar Tuck style. It's a fresh box tomorrow. Nothing but the freshest Corn Pops for Dustin Penner.
  23. Not sure, but I suspect they only let the people who entered on Bison Drive/Chancellor Matheson exit that way. But who knows? Try it. They block off the first 3 residential streets typically, so you can turn off Kings at Silverstone or any street after.
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