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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. <Dustin Penner looks up from his bowl of Corn Pops, nods and laughs....>
  2. Thanks for clarifying and playing the role of responsible journalist. There's a lot of people tweeting out rapid-fire thought farts without any concern as to accuracy or repercussions. You saw something that looked very similar to other achilles injuries and may very well turn out to be, but it's not yet factual. There are several other reporter types who could learn from this example.
  3. With the injuries he had in camp last year, Richards really hasn't been in game shape since playing in the CIS in the fall of 2014. There will be a lot of rust to knock off.
  4. Between Walby, Ploen and Stegall, they really had three can't-miss options for their first ever Ring of Honour selection. Great choice. Congrats to the big man. Hopefully someone writes a speech for him, he's always at such a loss for words.
  5. Offer a market correcting 8th round pick and a ten pack of stale coconut timbits for the 1st overall.
  6. 1) If he hasn't been beaking off in the news every chance he gets, not too bad. The agent wears most of that but he can still always fall back on "doing his job". It's mostly the Riders who look silly in this - if you actually want to get this kid under contract, why are you essentially insulting him? So his agent made a steep demand. Now you negotiate. It is your job to take the high ground in this, not start throwing grenades. 2) In the midst of training camp, with twoadays and learning new playbooks and fighting to keep your career going, I doubt it's really been noticed. Something to talk about in the buffet line. 3) Vets won't applaud it in that sense. They'll have enough understanding of the big picture to know this doesn't change anything for them. Most of them will understand the economics of football and not begrudge St. John trying to get what he can get. 4) When (IF) he gets into a training camp, then it's definitely going to be shut up rookie and prove yourself. That's true for all camps and rookies. Vets are always aware that the rookies are there to try and make them unemployed. Vets don't ever like rookies during training camp.
  7. If Jones is blasting a shotgun thru the bottom of his raft, why would we be throwing him a life preserver? The only way this is a deal that makes sense for the Bombers is if they had St. John rated very highly - and not just compared to the rest of the crop in this most recent draft - and strongly feel he's a blue chipper. There is no evidence to indicate that is the case. There wasn't even a consensus number 1.
  8. Doesn't matter, I just threw that in to get Noeller to like me.
  9. Absolutely bottles the mind that there are people who claim to be Bomber fans who treat reports of Bucknor playing well as bad news.
  10. They will be using that airtime to broadcast the Euro tournament.
  11. The touchdown celebration was perfected by Kerwin Bell. There is no need to try and improve on it.
  12. That is quite remarkable, I'll admit.
  13. Right now I'd have our NI talent ahead of a few more teams than just the Riders.
  14. The only reason I don't dismiss this story as total nonsense from the get-go is that this really does follow the behaviours we've seen from Jones since he's been given increased power. Even with that it still seems a bit farfetched.
  15. I've had far too little sleep this week to feel 100% confident in anything the ole' brain says, but my recollection is Stegall "explored his NFL options" three times during his Bomber career.
  16. Too soon to make conclusions on these guys. At times both of them showed they probably could use some more time in the AHL. They are not out of place in the NHL, but they could still benefit from some more training time. Armia had a (as in one) highlight reel goal last season, and as a result the hype around him is more than it should be. I prefer to look at his fundamentals. He uses his body well and takes advantage of his size when mismatches present themselves. He's usually on the right side of the puck and in the right locations on the ice. He did alright on the PK. Not elite speed, but has NHL speed. Not going to say much about Dano. I didn't get many opportunities to watch him. Based on limited exposure I'd agree calling him similar to Armia is a fair statement. Bottom line is there are only 3 spots on the third line. Having 9 third line players, there just isn't room. Both these guys will get another season* to make their case for future roles with the club. *I know people won't want to hear it but I can't imagine the Jets will be a playoff team in 16/17. They will be even younger than they were this year. But don't lose hope, there is a lot of growing that will come out of this, and 17/18 will see them make the second round of the playoffs. So spending a season evaluating players like Armia and Dano isn't a bad use of time. It has value.
  17. It was. My vote is yes, he kind of is. For the right price every team in the league would have him. It's the internet. People seem to like behaving this way on the internet. Like making judgements on his personality despite almost certainly never having met or spoken to him. Might be consistent with being in the same city as his parents though. Total jerk move. I wasn't wasting much time thinking about him, but since it came up...simple logic will always be my starting point. It's football. Injuries happen. A lot. It's the CFL. There is a starting Canadian player minimum requirement. Combine these two factors, logic would indicate that have excessive Canadian talent is beneficial. There is also a salary cap for the overall roster. If Muamba any really talented Canadian player could be signed and not cause difficulties in our cap management, I will always be in favour of signing that player. So when Paddy Neufeld gets injured during a game, the choice of whom to replace him with are made from a group of better players. I'd like to have 20 Westerman caliber NI's on our roster, not just a couple. While that is not terribly realistic, any chance we have to add a Westerman caliber player we should take it. Muamba is that level of player, so if he ever decides to return to the CFL, you'd better believe I'm 100% in favour of pursuing him. The dollars involved may not allow for a deal to happen, or he might continue to choose family. So be it. And now I'll go back to my regularly scheduled not thinking about him.
  18. I agree with the spirit of that statement and have no problems with our western neighbours also having nice things, BUT My tolerance for their goatlike blowhard braying is very limited, and they have not demonstrated the ability to control it. Unfortunately, this is almost certain to make me finally launch the nukes at them.
  19. If the team wins and the team is under the cap, no one was paid too much.
  20. Big fart noise to this. A lot of people get paid to speak. So very few of them are qualified to make half the claims they make. Is Darren Dreger breaking down game film from 800 draft prospects, going over good games and bad games for each one, calling their coaches, talking to teammates, and assessing the maturity level of those 800 players? Is he then taking that information and using it to match the present and future needs of each team? No he does not. And that's a guy who I respect and think is pretty good at his job. Yet he'll get plenty of airtime to voice his opinions on the subject. It's hive mind. Craig Button and Bob McKenzie say something, then everyone else repeats it because they know those two guys are smarter than they are. What your statement fails to allow for is the very high probability that the Jets scouts are smarter than McKenzie and Button. If the skill sets of Laine and Puljarvi have been accurately represented to me, then Laine is my choice because it is the rarer skill set. They may still be completely equal players as an overall grade.
  21. Vladimir thinks it tickles...
  22. When I read this I was curious whom he considered the fourth future starter. Instzandt or Butcher? My guess is Butcher, but that might be because Instzandt is crazy hard to spell.
  23. The only surprise is that anyone would believe this. It's called the sniff test. Statement: Denmark's current market value has dropped down to only $8000 more than the CFL rookie minimum. Does this really pass anyone's sniff test? Seems completely flatulent to me.
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