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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. I choose kindness over honesty.
  2. I'd say Ehlers is the only player they have gambled on when it comes to moving youth into the lineup. Morrisey has played one game total. Scheifele was held back for the longest time. I wouldn't consider Copp as being rushed only because they were very controlling of the situations they put him in - they did not seem to rush his development, instead choosing to gauge his response to those situations and adjusting the dial accordingly. They did that with Hutchinson the previous season. It seemed like the logic they used for Copp was 7 minutes a game in the NHL would be just as valuable as 16 minutes a game with the Moose. As the season went on the minutes and responsibilities increased. Injuries played a part to be sure. Lowry's had his down moments at times but I think for the most part he's earned his spot here. The reasons to keep a kid in the minors are either he physically isn't ready or mentally isn't ready. Or he isn't good enough. He's definitely physically ready. Mentally it appears as if he's battled thru the bad patch he had this season, and overcoming that kind of adversity is generally a good thing. He gets the two-way aspects of the game and is growing in his role. I have no problems with him having a spot on this team. What does this mean for the Jets regarding Connor and #2? Hard to say. They really haven't deviated from the plan, and both these guys are going to be part of the long term plan for the Jets, so they aren't going to put them in positions where they will be overwhelmed to the point of damage. It's not the Jets who are saying these guys will play this year, it's the fans who keep penciling them into lineups. My guess in early May is the one they feel is most ready gets a spot on the second line and the other gets a spot in the minors. It's a hunch based on nearly nothing.
  3. Dude has waaaaay overthought this. I'm never going to mock someone's mock draft, cause he's putting himself out there, but this is the CFL. As soon as the second Olineman comes off the board, the GM's are going to do their usual panic about a run on Olinemen and turn it into a self fulfilling prophecy. He's got 4 Olinemen in the first round and 2 in the second. All 6 of those will probably be gone within the first 9 picks. Lauzon-Seguin will not be around for round 3. And those 4 NFL contracts don't seem to have any impact at all in his mind. Tevaughn Smith at 4th overall? I can't imagine a team risks a pick that high on him unless they are absolutely flush with NI talent. His reasoning is sound and he makes a lot of intelligent points about the players and the teams, he's just ignoring that the GMs won't be able to keep themselves from reverting to the same old CFL patterns.
  4. Bilukidi, Mulamba, both these guys will probably need to go an entire season without appearing on a gameday roster in the NFL before they accept that reality. Unless their agents call all 32 teams and come back to them with a "It's done, it's never going to happen.", these guys* will just move on to the next slim hope - the mid-season-injury-at-their-position contract. Maybe we see Bilukidi up here by Labour Day. Maybe. And while Bilukidi isn't sporting a Gilbert Brown midsection, last I saw he was looking well above a useful CFL weight. While he might help us long term, I don't know if he makes us better this season anyway. Taking up a roster spot and getting gassed after two plays? Maybe he can transition quickly and easily. I have my doubts. The CFL just isn't that easy. As an aside, if you thought Gilbert Brown had quite the figure in his Packers uniform, my cousin assured me that is nothing compared to Gilbert Brown in a speedo. As he witnessed in Jamaica about a decade ago. * Yes, I know Mulamba is currently under contract with the Chiefs.
  5. I certainly agree with that, but we very likely (the expansion draft rules haven't been released yet) will lose a player, as the likely format is one player will be taken from each of the 30 teams. That said, trading away proven talent doesn't make tons of sense. If I see a prowler by the back window, I don't set my house on fire just to make sure he doesn't get anything of value.
  6. Boiled it down to the bare essentials.
  7. Hmm. This might be getting into halter top territory This might not be safe for my marriage, what with getting mobbed by so many ladies...
  8. So the question I'm faced with is whether to buy one of the current royal blues now while they're 50% off or let the opportunity pass and buy a new jersey that might be only slightly different for twice as much $$$ at some point in the future?
  9. Sounds like half of his old job will still be half of his new job. He starts off with a boring old press release about how the Bombers have signed Troy Troyson out of Troy State, then segues it into the hard knocks football saved him from the wrong side of the tracks piece that he would have normally put in the Freep two days later. I suppose it could work. He'll be in a position to scoop all the other beat guys.
  10. A pure goal scorer is like a decent starting QB. They are so rare that even in the NFL where money is no object, not every team in the league has one. I'm not going to Finland to do my own scouting, but if any of the crap that's out there is true (ya, I know), then Laine is the only choice the Jets should make**. ** I remain thankful for a GM who does more scouting than just watching some highlight videos and sniffing Craig Button's farts, so if he feels otherwise, at least there is a track record proving he might have good reason to do so.
  11. More unbearable. They have never been bearable.
  12. Interesting. I wonder what they're going to have him do. Taking over Darren Cameron's blog and throwing together press releases doesn't seem like a 40 hour a week job. And if DC is still there, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, that's 4 hours of work a week split between 2 people. Then again, once the season starts that will get bumped up to 8 hours of work in a week, so they might need to take on a third person. I'm going to go dust off the old resume'.
  13. Yes, there was no fodder. I'm not even sure what they will use to cut some of these guys. Some were a bit taller, some a bit shorter, but all were fast, all demonstrated great catching technique, all were blocking well and hitting their landmarks on the field. Over five practises each will have dropped a pass or two, but no one stood out to me as having bad hands. They all looked like they could help this team win games. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thiscantberealthiscantberealthiscantbereal I guess I probably needed a bucket of ice water anyways at this point.
  14. I was leaning towards hoverposts. Droneposts if you'd prefer. I think hoverposts sounds catchier, but droneposts is more nextgen.
  15. Very short summary of today: I'm developing a serious crush on Davis. I do not recall EVER looking at one of our backups and saying this guy legitimately could be a starter in the CFL someday. Davis is that guy. Accurate passes with snap on them. Hitting the back shoulder on the back shoulder throws, not just putting it in the catching radius. Dropping the balls in sweetly on the deep routes. Minding the details of how he uses his body in play action, and using those practise reps to perfect his read-option pulls. I never thought I'd have this many good things to say about a QB who isn't even going up against a defence, but he's doing every little detail right. Okay, deep breaths.... The other QBs were good-ish. Willy was underthrowing a little today, and several times receivers were slowing to wait for the ball. Nichols was a bit erratic with his aim. The other guy just seems alright, kind of average in the sense that he has done nothing bad or good to catch my eye. #60 (Bond) seems pretty athletic for a buffet buster. He was lined up at left guard next to Bryant. Gets downfield quickly to throw a block on the first run play, then follows it up on the next play by pulling around the right side to give a healthy pop in the blocking pad to the U of M kid simulating pressure. He's mobile. #82 (Smith) had the only outright drops of the day that I noticed, 2 of them. #14 (McDuffie) is a really fast dude. Lapolice seems to be in his glory out there. The coach is doing some serious coaching, and receivers are not getting away with cheating their routes. Harris was showing some real burst through the line on his runs. Lochard might have decent receiving skills, but that burst is something I don't think he can match. Poor fullbacks off in the corner practising by themselves. I guess they're the kickers of mini-camp.
  16. And he did. No one here is fodder, ie taking up reps solely for the sake of keeping other players fresh with no shot of making the team. Every player that I've seen belongs here. Not all will stay. I've seen fodder at Bomber camps, particularly on the Oline. Guys who couldn't hope to play a single snap in the CFL without getting their QB killed, even if they got to spend a decade on the practise roster.
  17. Walters said recently that not all players attending this mini-camp will make it to the main camp. No one is fodder, but they are all being evaluated. Those who appear to be at the bottom of their groupings may not get another chance in May.
  18. Unfortunately, work sometimes will have to take priority. <sad trombone>
  19. I'm no scout, but to my eyes Davis has shown physical gifts and a decent grasp of CFL fundamentals so far. No need to push him up the totem any time soon, but he looks like he could be something in this league. I'd probably put him and Nichols at about even right now. For what he lacks in experience compared to Nichols, he appears to exceed him in every other category. That said, I don't want to do anything that will cause the hype train to leave the station so early.
  20. Definitely, and he also seemed to have the highest velocity on his passes.
  21. 30 min. afternoon pop-in point form summary: If your surname is Davis, I was impressed. Willy looks like Willy. Solid and consistent. Lochard handles the screens very well. Not much of a drop-off from Harris there. Had 8 kids helping out with blocking against the offence. Probably all Bison players. One of them looked like he could use a fuzz remover to shave. Chris Randle helped out on a few drills. Lapolice really drilled the receivers on blocking fundamentals during the group portion. I doubt I'll ever be sold on Nichols, but I understand why he is received with such enthusiasm by others. Kone and Richards watched. Richards appears to have had an offseason haircut. KBF will be alarmed. Feoli-Gudino had the only drop that I saw. Darvin, Dressler and R. Smith all demonstrated that they are vets/incumbents for a reason.
  22. No one is ever going to see the seats. They'll be full.
  23. Getting rid of a player doesn't make us better. Bringing in a better player makes us better. The Jets with Stuart as their top LHD are not a better team. They are worse. While there are some glaring holes in Enstrom's game that bug the bejesus out of me, I'm not trading him. At least not until part 2 of that master plan is revealed.
  24. It was reported at the time that he had signed a 3 year contract with the Riders. So the earliest he might be available is February 2018.
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