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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Pair up Ed Big Guns Hockuley with Smilin' Murray (Little Guns) Clark. That would be sweet.
  2. Please please please let Andre Proulx be the head ref for at least one game. "On da play, dere were .................................................................................................. two fouls ......................................................... on da offence (points the wrong way), holding, number 73 (no player with that number on either team) ............................. (goes and talks to back judge again) ........................... On da defence ........................................................ offsides ............................... number................................................... da play will be re-played from five yards back, first down .................................................................................................................................... correction, second down ................................... (moves the ball five yards in the wrong direction) ........................ Timer, please add one second to the game clock. One second."
  3. It's only a pair of journa...oh, I can't even give them enough credit to call them that...writers, we'll just say writers, that have ever complained about it. And the only reason it ever mattered to them isn't because they care about what the assistants think. It's because they want to find conflict to write about. They are such shitty writers they can't even begin to think of stories or angles beyond conflict. So now there is a second voice, and if the assistant's answer about a player doesn't match OShea's word for word... ta-da! Conflict! And that isn't crying for the sake of crying. It's crying because their comfort zone of stories is incredibly narrow, and they do not have the ability to work outside it.
  4. Was going to ask if he's related to Darryl Talley, but never mind, that nose answers the question.
  5. Noeller is tired of seeing all these fluff pieces getting passed off as journalism...
  6. But we might finally get that wall built around Saskatchewan.
  7. I doubt he'd settle for anything less than commish. "Our balls aren't just bigger, they're huuuuuuuuuuuuge!"
  8. dontdoitdontdoitdontdoit....... Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Fridays.
  9. I disagree. What I want from people placed in leadership roles is to behave like the worst of the worst in any comment section anywhere on the internet. The best way to get better performances from players is by dressing them down in post game press conferences. He should also shoehorn in racist things when he gets a chance.
  10. That sounds like the opposite of what you're suggesting. Unless you were hoping we'd get an offensive coordinator that has no ideas at all.
  11. Prior to the trade of Ladd and the rash of injuries, if Little, Wheeler, Ladd, Schieffle, Ehlers, Stafford, Perrault, Burmistrov and Lowry (that's 9) all got, on average, 5 minutes of icetime per game more than Thorburn (who was averaging only about 1 to 1-1/2 more minutes of ice time than Ryan Reaves), then making the claim that he's seeing the ice too much for this team just is mathematically untrue. I get he's the whipping boy up front, Stuart takes all the crap on D and Pavelec in goal. When the numbers don't bear it out, I'm going to point it out.
  12. An import receiver I'm actually familiar with prior to joining the CFL? The last time that happened we signed Greg Carr!
  13. Prior to so many of our forwards being violently murdered, Thorburn was averaging about 9-1/2 minutes of ice time per game - 10th most among Jets forwards. Obviously that average went up as the body count did, but the narrative that he gets 3rd line minutes is false. Sometimes he does appear on the 3rd line, sometimes he doesn't. Lunchbucket guys usually don't last forever, but for them to lose a job the guys with more skill have to be willing to work just as hard, and for an unskilled (relatively) player to get to the NHL, he has to set a standard for hard work that is very high. Thorburn as a Paul Maurice favourite? That might feel true, but it has yet to be put to the test.
  14. I expect Wade Miller's resignation on my desk in the morning.
  15. Probably for the same reason you could have made that rhetorical and answered it yourself but didn't - no one wants to. Look up the shot for 120+ players? Have at er my friend. In fact you might not be able to get past figuring out which players qualify as the starting top 4 D. Who are the starting top 4 D for the Jets? Buff, Enstrom, Trouba and Myers? Three rights and one left as your top 4? That's crazy. So then Buff, Enstrom, Trouba and Stuart? Stuart over Myers as your top 4? That's crazy.
  16. I dunno. His analysis wasn't that offensive.
  17. And also the part where these same concerns would be true for over half the teams in the league, not just the Bombers.
  18. If I'm understanding Zontar - the unabashed TICAT fan - correctly, he is pointing out the manner in which, if the season starts off well, Doug Brown will frame the conversation as to how we just don't understand why the sky is in fact still falling. Based on existing evidence, it sounds about right. Not But I can certainly understand why the sky always falling resonates with you.
  19. I'm pretty sure "folks around here" all agreed with his opinion, because it was the equivalent of saying water is wet. "Folks around here" also are starting to recognize that outside of talking about specific defensive schemes or relating anecdotes from his time as a pro, his takes on the state of current Bomber affairs don't have any extra value beyond what you'll find here on MBB, and come sprinkled with a liberal amount of snark.
  20. This is so beautiful I'm going to crochet it, frame it, and mail it to you for your birthday. (may need some time to learn to crochet)
  21. Every season that Scheiffle spent in junior while Couturier played in the NHL, people complained, and for a good part of his first season with the Jets as well. Chevldayoff has been one of the most astute drafters in the NHL, and just the other day people here were commenting that he could stand to learn a thing or two from John Ferguson. Really? Chevy's had 5 drafts with the Jets and I'd grade every one of them as one of the top 5 team draft classes of that year. What's his biggest miss so far? Using a 2nd rounder on Lucas Sutter? Give me a break.
  22. There is no perfect system. There will be no perfect system. It's okay for the pundits to let a season go by without complaining about the system being flawed. How would people react if the Penguins had been able to add McJesus to their roster, or if the Hawks go on to win their 4th cup in 6 years and then draft Matthews. Most of the changes suggested will only make the system worse. Most of the teams at the bottom of the standings simply aren't very good. And the draft is designed to help them. How the Oilers have wasted so many years and opportunities is beyond me. Not really. Kevin Lowe is terrible at his job.
  23. It's all because of Dallas Eakins...
  24. A player out with an injury still gets a paycheque. A player out with a suspension does not. The NHLPA's top priority isn't protecting the players, it's protecting the paycheques.
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