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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. The entirety of this message is now posted on the fridge, with the title : "About those chores I said I'd do this weekend..."
  2. An athlete playing well as a rookie and struggling in his second year as a pro? It's absolutely unheard of. I don't know what to make of this brand new occurrence that Lirim just invented, but it is with 100% absolute certainty that we can now safely say that the entirety of his career going forward will be a revolting blight that could only tarnish the once-proud game of football. I'm not sure why everyone is being so kind. We need to re-sign him simply so we can keep him here to slowly torture him for his crime. The number of times he missed a FG or PAT and then came back to the sidelines, pointed at Bomber fans and laughed about it, then jumped into the stands and peed on a small child was far too many.
  3. Fans hucking garbage at players while they're carted off the field? Glad they found a way to lose.
  4. Ahh, the annual all-star rage. Never gets old. Personally I'm still fuming about Hutchinson not being named the injury replacement last year. Taking that one to my grave.
  5. And the internet keeps on internetting...
  6. It will be entertaining, at least once *name redacted*, *name redacted* and *name redacted* get here and start their usual antics.
  7. This is a reasonably decent demonstration of not understanding what his actual function is. There will be more.
  8. This is the NFL's equivalent of the professional tryout contracts in the NHL. It doesn't mean very much. If I were to read anything into it, I'd guess that Washington thinks their DL will be a position of uncertainty this offseason and want to make sure they have something in the bank at the moment, but will be working to upgrade this thru additional tryouts, free agency and the draft. Bilukidi is the first in, he'll probably also be the first out once the OTA's start. He's probably found a home until at least April, for whatever that's worth. It does show where his head is at though. He'll keep taking table scraps down south over coming to the CFL. So yeah, he might prefer to be unemployed for the entire year just to have a shot at an NFL job over playing for the Bombers in 2016.
  9. I don't think this is as big of a deal as it once was. It is when you start 8 nationals when only 4 are capable of starting. And this is an argument to not start Andrew Harris? We don't have enough NI talent so we shouldn't start more? Compelling. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  10. I can't this douchebag .. I've never seen anything positive come from him. It's one thing to be critical when it's deserved .. but finding negativity in EVERY little thing the organization does it just too much. It's like someone in the organization kicked his dog, slept with his wife .. pissed in his cornflakes all in the same day. It's relevant because Knox was suspended for PEDs in the NFL. So as long as I can find one thing you've done wrong in your life I should crap on you forever? Just because a person can find "relevant" reasons to act like a horrible person all the time doesn't mean they should.
  11. I for one am glad that he won't be in charge of whether or not to give up a safety. Death by a thousand deuces when he was HC...
  12. Wait until the first time we punt the ball away next year. Confirmation of a disastrous choice...
  13. Who has OC'd here in the last 2 decades that people didn't ceaselessly complain about?
  14. Sitting in my living room, the most I will ever get is two bars, and that is rare. One is normal, and zero probably happens as often as two. This is an area that MTS tells me is "covered". In reality it's a dead spot that lies on the edges of two areas that are actually covered. MTS knows this, they don't care, but most annoying of all is they just won't admit it. When I got my Samsung G5 at a MTS Connects store I was told when I'm at home, my phone simply won't work as a phone. It will work fine as a tab running off my wifi, but the MTS network will be close to useless. Long story short, there's a pretty good chance my next phone contract will be on Rogers, as it seems like they provide legit service in my area. And so far they haven't pissed in my face and then told me it's just raining.
  15. Yes Buck and Lapo could have that awkward conversation about what they were doing in Winnipeg 3 and a half years ago Buck didn't understand what LaPo wanted him to do the first time around so I doubt he would get it now. to be fair nobody understood the 3 yard pass play on 2nd and 10 all the time to be fair all other teams do this too and often convert because their receivers block downfield
  16. Rodgers (Richard) wasn't covered at all on the play - he drifted backwards into the endzone while the ball was in the air and everyone else was looking up. By the time they realized he had established position on all of them it was way too late to get back in front of him. And yes, they were way too short to go over his back and get to the ball; they just looked like monkeys hanging on the back of King Kong. For a Packers fan, it was a great ending. So it was a great ending.
  17. You don't think the starting qb should be heard before hiring an oc? The team should be run by management, not by the players. Asking Willy for his opinion of coaches he's worked under is fine. Asking his opinion of coaches he hasn't worked under... not so much. Giving him a yay or nay? Nope. You act like it's Willy's choice alone. They'll ask for his opinion - As they should since he's the franchise QB, but he certainly won't be the one making the decision. He's worked under Cortez, so he'll know obviously if that's an offence he likes or not. If your quarterback doesn't feel comfortable running a certain offence, that tends to pose a bit of a problem. But now of course, TBurg says "YOUR FRANCHISE QB SHOULD BE ABLE TO RUN ANY OFFENSE!! IF HE CAN'T RUN A PROPER OFFENSE, THEN GET A NEW QB!!11!" IT'S DECEMBER 3RD!!! WHY HAVEN'T WE HIRED ANYONE YET??!! THIS IS A COLOSSAL FAILURE!!! THE OLD BOYS CLUB IS MEDDLING!!! When we hire someone we both involve the people the potential hire would work with and check previous references. Willy is the equivalent of both. Yes, facepalm emoji's all around. So Cortez...I recall "the word" was that he can be pretty difficult to work with personality-wise, but why point that out when someone will just say "5 cups"?
  18. Argo's had him in this year. oh.. didn't know that, thanks... I guess that means he's at least still in shape and can still kick... Kickers don't have to be in shape...
  19. If I told you he was from Montreal, would you still ask that question? And if I told you the previous question was rhetorical, would you still answer that question?
  20. lol, Wades probably shaking in his boots. Dateline: Nov. 29, 2015, Winnipeg... The 103 Grey Cup was marred by protests, creating an uneasy feeling for the spectators who thought they were in for a quiet and peaceful game of football. "It was glitter and jazz-hands as far as the eye could see" said one fan. "I wasn't about to risk it", said another, "Life's too short. You could see it in their eyes. Someone was going to get plie'-d."
  21. Any chance the re-branding could include keeping accurate stats?
  22. So some work was done for a potential customer, but nothing came of it? They even "got some numbers together"? You don't say. I've never heard of something so scandalous in all my days. Man, I'll have to let the sales guys know, if it doesn't go through, just sue sue sue... They should also seek compensation for having to open an email. Uses an awful lot of power.
  23. So would this be an appropriate time to dig up some of those posts saying what a bust Westerman was?
  24. I've given away tickets countless times over the last few decades and never made the news. I must be doing it wrong. Grandstanding. My favourite style of standing.
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