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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. I must have been watching a different game Saturday. Best player on our offence hands down. Shoulder gets hurt, guts it out and comes back in, keeps making catches.
  2. The face mask on his helmet is royal blue. They make the switch early in the week to give the brain some time to adjust to the difference. The rest of Lirim's getup is just standard practise fare.
  3. Yes a very reliable source with the Bombers told me that. I hear that every year. I’ll believe it when I see it. Ditto.
  4. I have no attachment to Bellefeuille and replacing him with someone who's name is easier to spell would be fantastic, but the problem I have with replacing a head coach mid-season is the same as the one that I'd have with replacing MB - once the replacement gets any amount of improvement from the team, the temptation to remove the "interim" tag and roll with it for 2016 becomes quite strong. A proper hiring search gets shortchanged and another season is wasted. This is how we ended up with Tim Burke and Jim Daley in charge. Of course the pro in replacing him now is that the playoffs are still easily in reach. So I'd do it.
  5. While I'm of the opinion that the errors on special teams have had more to do with personnel brainfarts than coaching, we've lost the special teams battle in dramatic fashion in about 8 of the 10 games we've played this season, so Tracy's firing doesn't have any good argument against it either. Congrats to JV5 and post #127 on putting a strong effort in for the batcrap insane post of the year award. The tinfoil hat/crown may proudly sit on your head at year end, but it's only labour day, and you know what they say about the CFL and labour day.
  6. This is a good trade for the Bombers in our current situation. Chris Greaves seems like a class act who always represented himself and this organization with distinction, and was always one of the first faces the Bombers sent out for meet and greets because of that. I wish him all the best in Edmonton and hope he remains part of the community in Winnipeg during the offseason.
  7. A 7th? Now we can't get (next) next year's Billy Pavalopolous! You screwed us again Walters!
  8. Unless: a) your punter is injured or really bad b ) the ball is inside the 2 yard line c) you have a large lead or are down by exactly 4 points with little time remaining d) are facing a headwind in excess of 40 km/h, if you give up a safety willingly, you deserve to lose. Hamilton, you deserved to lose.
  9. It's an attempt at making it objective and quantifiable, but the results make me think the methodology doesn't pass the sniff test. Perhaps he's giving each category equal weight? Surrendering a sack on second down and taking an IP penalty on first down shouldn't have equal weighting. Are sacks just the total or are they the percentage of dropbacks? It's an interesting exercise. If a person had time, there would be a way of getting a pretty solid ranking using this framework, but you'd have to be willing to look at every play from every game to do it. Add a category like pressures. Subtract out the 3rd and 1's from the rushing average. Give sacks a value of at least 15%, while some of this penalty categories should not have more than 5%.
  10. Don't sweat it, we'll get it on the next play. We rank 2nd in 3rd and short.
  11. How did you get a hold of my wedding vows? Lousy paparazzi.
  12. ? Life's too short... It's easy. See a football on the left, scroll down. Keep seeing footballs, keep scrolling. 5 or more posts in a row without a football, backtrack and see if there is something finally worth reading. It's like you're sitting there with the remote control in your hand but can't stop complaining about how bad the show is.
  13. And that's the problem. At the last Grey Cup here we paid the full amount to keep our season's ticket seats. Later they were discounting the tickets. It sure does not make you feel good to see that happening. If I were to go again I would not buy it six weeks before but wait and get the cheap price. Don't call me cheap, call me a guy who did not appreciate being rolled. I don't mind them doing what they have to do to move some unsold seats as the date draws near. What I do mind is not being allowed into the party zone they set up before the game to help move those seats, because my full price ticket doesn't give me access to the areas the discounted seats get. That was some class AAA bullshit.
  14. A strange and questionable decision. Then again, I thought he was a terrible hire in the first place, so this might just be two wrongs making a right.
  15. I think it is remote. I think Bilukidi will definitely be cut and will remain unsigned, but will wait to see if any other NFL interest develops. I agree that cut, unsigned, waits out the year is the most likely scenario. One of the camp updates someone posted earlier said his value to the Ravens may come from his relatively inexpensive contract. He's so far down the depth chart that they'll keep him just cause he's cheapest. Not the most convincing logic I've heard, but it's still logic. Neither is a bad scenario for us anyways, because until he mentally commits to playing in the CFL I don't want him here anyways. It's not just the one eye down south problem, he is going to have to change up whatever he's been doing over the last few years and get into CFL game shape. That extra 30-40 pounds he put on to play in the NFL has to come off. His speed and endurance will have to kick back up. Getting him to show up here this October all slow and bloated and burning off a year of his rookie contract is of little value to me. Let him spend an offseason on the treadmill first.
  16. You too? Wasn't going to, but the idea of 7 players from 7 different teams was too tempting for me. Argos suck.
  17. That's a normal day around here, but you did use "established". As a verb, we have established who our starters are. As an adjective noun, Calgary has the more established starters.
  18. Not too big a problem. You just rotate him out frequently and have a few strategically located oxygen tanks on the field.
  19. His way of letting us know he just got a big raise...
  20. The Bomber brain trust brought Bucknor here to back up Donavon Alexander. Alexander was seldom healthy. Bucknor proved to be better than anyone expected. Certainly better than I expected. You operate with the best of intentions, but that does not mean you can predict the end result.
  21. Traded Bucknor for Aprile. That trade was a ten thousand percent win for the Bombers.
  22. Hard to really avoid putting the title on anyone not on the o-line. Removing Bucknor would have a lesser impact in the game than removing Picard or Neufeld. But that's as I said before a function of an attention grabbing spot vs. a spot that you can traditionally hide a weaker player in. Doesn't mean the guy in the hidden spot is better, just that it's less obvious on a play to play basis. I also believe it's a function of the OL struggling as a group where as the secondary outside of Bucknor is pretty ******* good. Same logic most teams use with most NI's though. NI's are hidden on the interior of the Oline. Receivers are hidden on the wide side of the field. Secondary is hidden at field corner and safety. Dline are hidden at nose tackle. Only a few exceptional NIs get to play the difficult spots and manage to wrap themselves in glory.
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