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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. YOU'RE DEFINITELY NOT HURT!!! Stupid unconscious player. I told him to stop lying there go make a tackle, he just keeps acting like he can't hear me. Totally uncoachable.
  2. In the spirit of already having 5 strikes, I'll take Darvin Adams, Paris Cotton, Jon Cornish, Chad Owens and Brandon Whitaker. Redemption is on the horizon.
  3. Kai Ellis is still in the league? Props to him.
  4. I might have some time to help between 11 and 1 on Sunday night. So if you take a few boards off, leave them and some beer by the side of the road for me to pick up, I'll take them home and help put a dent in them. Figuratively, and possibly literally, depending on how much beer is involved.
  5. It's only because it's literally Canada's team.....it's all we've got! For me, it's not even about baseball....as with most things (for me) it's all about national pride! At some point this weekend the EXPOS jersey is going on with pride. hashtagneverforget hashtagweloveyouwoodyfryman
  6. There's a reason it was poorly lit. $3.75 for a (small) pitcher of beer on Thursdays. A stage only slightly bigger than the top of my desk. Old men in suits who lived in the rooms upstairs standing in the shadows watching the next next next next next next next generation getting rowdy for a less than modestly talented punk band from River Heights. Loved going to the Albert.
  7. I just figured he was trying to give Elliott a cool **** Tracy type nickname. BrickBack Elliott. Spear him in the spinal column all you want, he'll never feel it. Oh for the love of Pete. Richard Tracy? Rick Tracy? I don't even hate the idea of an autocensor feature, but when you can't talk about **** Thornton on a Bomber site, there might be some adjustments needed.
  8. This makes no sense. What difference does it make where your QB's came from? I care more about how they play. McManus also did nothing as a Blue Bomber and had a hall of fame career as a "castoff" playing for other teams. Kind of kills your whole idea, doesn't it? Look at AC in Hamilton. Of the QBs considered the number 1's on their team, a whopping 33% are on the team that originally brought them into the CFL. Sorry Toronto - you'll have to default that Grey Cup win you had at home with Ricky Ray at QB. Far too much shame attached to that win. Using Edmonton's "castoff" like he counts as a real QB. It's a lot easier to pull off being incredibly douchey if you're not also incredibly wrong. Just saying.
  9. Better than Brink/Goltz/Hall... Seems like there is one name conspicuously absent from this list of "Burke-era" QBs. One name. What was that guys name again? No matter, he's done.
  10. It's not like Marve is the first gifted runner to play QB in the league, it's just that his inexperience at the position makes it more likely he'll default to running when he sees something he's unfamiliar with. Which could be often. So they don't need a new gameplan for Marve, they just need to remind the ends that they cannot cheat inside and have to make contain their first and second priority. If that's not working and Marve is still getting loose while not doing much damage with his arm, I would start cheating some of the secondary closer to the line to help with contain/pursuit, and hope the safety can fill into those holes left open. And if I'm Marve my goals are simple. Try to get a handle on the defence they're showing and any potential blitzers, try to not bail on the pocket before making my second read at minimum. If he's studied the film and knows his playbook, he should be able to handle both those. If it still breaks down into a track meet after that, so be it.
  11. Unfortunately for you (if you believe the title of this thread), Marve is now the backup QB. Which would mean he's still behind Brohm. lowercase boom goes the dynamite...
  12. As long as we're talking about things that aren't going to happen, like MB getting fired any time soon, I say we're bringing in Chip Kelly.
  13. With his ethnic sounding name he'll have to go on a jar of salsa instead.
  14. The ghost of Rocky Butler disagrees with you. What the heck does Rocky Butler have to do with Drew Willy or Marve or Brohm? No prob, for those who haven't followed the CFL for very long, I will explain. See back in, I'm going to say 2006 but I don't care enough to verify the season, Saskatchewan was forced to start a backup QB against the Bombers in the LDC. Now most Bomber fans felt pretty good about the team's chances as they thought Butler wasn't much of a QB. Turns out that lowly backup QB was good enough to get a win for the Riders with the help of his team, even though he really wasn't much of a QB. And the point is that there are dozens of examples of backup QBs that inspire little confidence having enough things go right to pull out a win. Including QBs in Bomber jerseys. This got my curiosity up so I had to go digging. 2002 was the year. http://cfl.ca/statistics/statsGame/id/1205 I suspect my guess of '06 was because my mind could comprehend the idea of Glenn losing to Butler more easily than Khari. Although the alternative to Butler would have been losing to Nealon Greene, and that is equally unbelievable. Interesting stat sheet. Rocky Butler is listed as I. Butler. I have to assume Rocky is short for IROC. Great car. Westwood and McCallum were a combined 2 for 6 on field goals. Legendary players. Time and alcohol sure sand the rough edges off of memories. Wayne Weathers is credited with -1 tackles. Never change CFL stats, never change. Did he catch Corey Holmes on his way down and help him stay up for more yards? Inoke Breckterfield. Why doesn't Rod Black include this in his list of "great CFL names"? And what would autocorrect do with that name? 20 punts that game between the two teams, and still 52 points scored. Not sure the latest round of rule changes were really necessary. 3 sacks from Denny Fortney, Doug Brown's first partner in crime. I wish he'd been a Bomber longer. Was it injury that ended his career so early, or did we just move on to a younger, shinier version? Cause Denny wasn't very old.
  15. Taking a knee with 20 second left in a tie game makes Tim Burke the coaching equivalent of Hitler, but OShea playing for the win the 30 minutes of football left is also bad? Uh, okay.
  16. If three bad things happen to start the game, the team should quit. Walk off the field. That is the Bombers I want to see.
  17. Change of pace was totally in order. Watching Willy come in and march the ball for a touchdown to start the 3rd Q sends the wrong message to the team, and as a fan, that is not what I wanted to see.
  18. The ghost of Rocky Butler disagrees with you. What the heck does Rocky Butler have to do with Drew Willy or Marve or Brohm? No prob, for those who haven't followed the CFL for very long, I will explain. See back in, I'm going to say 2006 but I don't care enough to verify the season, Saskatchewan was forced to start a backup QB against the Bombers in the LDC. Now most Bomber fans felt pretty good about the team's chances as they thought Butler wasn't much of a QB. Turns out that lowly backup QB was good enough to get a win for the Riders with the help of his team, even though he really wasn't much of a QB. And the point is that there are dozens of examples of backup QBs that inspire little confidence having enough things go right to pull out a win. Including QBs in Bomber jerseys.
  19. That's my high school year book photo. Where did you get it? That picture is giving me flashbacks to the summer I spent in Estevan in 1990. Those guys look like the mayor and the local doctor. The two best looking men in town. They would place high in a Miss Saskatchewan contest I thought the groom wasn't supposed to see the bride right before the wedding.
  20. The ghost of Rocky Butler disagrees with you.
  21. True enough that there may be more NFL interest in him. Although, not a lot was shown in the offseason except by the Colts, who if he were in their future plans would have just kept him. Almost zero chance he goes back to the Colts. They waived him, they didn't have to waive him. He's done there....and as I stated, they were the only NFL suitors for him in the offseason. Heenan may not sign a contract in the next month with a CFL club, but if that phone doesn't ring by then, I would guess he will be happy to resume his CFL career as probably the highest paid O Lineman in the league. It's a longshot, it was always a longshot, but our perspective on his chances may not be the shared by him. He might be choosing to believe in himself.
  22. Wishful thinking, unless the tweet came from Heenan. Then it's definitely the latter. He may very well end up signing a CFL contract by the end of the week. But if he wanted to be playing in Canada, he could have done that in February. Yes we all want him to be playing for us (whichever team is your "us"), but why would he be in a rush to do something that probably isn't in his best interest? It's like the football equivalent of when a celebrity couple breaks up and the sexy people of the world are "back on the market". Some doof in Pinawa gets excited because now he has a chance with Britney Spears. Sure, yes you do. But no, you don't. Does he immediately give up on his football goals because of a somewhat minor and temporary injury? I wouldn't.
  23. Once he's healthy he may get a chance to re-sign with the Colts, and if not, he has 31 other teams to talk to. That opportunity is gone as soon as he signs with a CFL team. In 6 weeks the season is 2/3 done - prorated that puts $80k at most into his bank account and closes the door on the NFL for another few years. Even if he doesn't get a sniff in the next few weeks, he will likely being giving some consideration to sitting out 2015 entirely, get totally back to 100%, and starting the NFL process again in December. But to answer the question, yes, we should give his agent a call, cause you never know.
  24. I haven't watched a game in Saskatchewan since the early 2000's, but if what it is now is the same as what it was then, it belongs at the bottom of this list. Or at least tied with the ghost of Ivor Wynn at the bottom. McMahon is old-school, but it isn't nearly as run down as those other two were. Canadinns when you were sitting in the stands was light years ahead of all three of those. When you left the stands and tried to use any of the facilities, it was right at the bottom with Taylor field and Ivor Wynn. McGill stadium has benches without backs and steep stairs. Other than that, it gets a huge thumbs up from me. The cameras do not do it any justice. Sitting on top of a hill, clad in brick and ivy, hills and a forest in the background, a lively fun atmosphere inside and out. That might have been the funnest game of football I've attended. Helps that the Bombers won of course. And that after the game I could walk down the hill into the middle of the international jazz festival.
  25. The kids have taken to watching old Adam West Batman before bed on Retro - yes, I am raising them well. The downside is when I turn on the tv at 10:30 I have to suffer thru being reminded Hercules ever existed. 30some years later and the reaction is exactly the same - if only I had a brick nearby... The hydra Herc, the hydra! Frig Newton
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