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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS! winged freak terrorizes...wait'll they get a load of me GET TO THE CHOPPA!!! I don't see what the problem is. Maximum quote settings seem to be working fine over on my end
  2. It would be considered that because the really big men have to be more athletic and nimble on their feet to handle the outside speed. Considering Greaves is more in that vein than a brawler, maybe it's not totally crazy. I'm guessing they'd like to have him get a few thousand or so practises under his belt before trying it. And I'm also sure they'd rather just start Bryant.
  3. I guess CFL experience means more than talent... Probably familiarity with the playbook is what got him the callback.
  4. Thank goodness for MBB - I've learned so much about these two new players on our roster. Easily the most knowledgeable fan site in sports.
  5. Good catch, well mostly good catch. The results of the Toronto/Hamilton game was still pending for Week 6, Week 7 is upcoming Its been updated and fixed the leaders in the above post. Good. I don't want those jackholes reproducing anytime soon.
  6. It would thrill me to no end if this thread somehow continued until it was as long as the Rider thread. The standard for what is thrilling really does change as one ages. So...what brand of brushes are you thinking of using?
  7. Not at that game, but KBF was talking about a different one. That sounds like a much saner and more likely version of what happened.
  8. He's been in the NFL for a grand total of 2 seasons. The Argos won't have been happy that Cory Greenwood played 5 in the NFL, but when he finally ran out of opportunities there, they were still happy they drafted him. Just like Montreal is glad they drafted Phillip Blake. Mulamba won't run out of opportunities to find NFL work this year or next. Even if he doesn't make the Packers (he will), there are 31 other teams to call. Eventually there will be some combination of salary, internal politics and competition at his spot that forces him out. And maybe by then he's stashed enough away that risking a debilitating injury for $120k in the CFL isn't worth it to him. Maybe Mulamba shows up in 2017, just in time to fill the hole Westerman creates by exploring free agency. From what I've seen, unless a draft pick strings together a solid 10 year career in the NFL (Israel Idonije), has a career ending injury, or totally becomes disenchanted with football (Danny Watkins), the chances of them making an appearance in the CFL actually seem pretty good. Because most of these guys are still bubble players in the NFL, and most of them want to keep playing football. Bilukidi has used up most of the opportunities he'll get. Having him in a Bomber uniform before the end of next season is quite plausible.
  9. That was 1984. They used a photo of the lightning as the background for the '85 poster with the guys lifting the cup in the foreground. Players on the sidelines were trying to body surf in the puddles - it didn't matter, everyone was drenched. It was pre-cell phone days; the stadium announcer listed some southern Manitoba towns that needed to call/go home. When we got there we found the north and south sides of the fence around the backyard pool missing. You could see exactly where the tornado went thru the yard. The east and west sides were mostly intact. The slide landed about a mile and a half away. And 30 feet away from the west side of the fence, the house sat entirely untouched, other than a few dozen shingles that needed replacing. Along with 713, that's one of the two Bomber games that will stay with me until some form of dementia sets in.
  10. Its a interesting move to say the least. I suspect age, salary, health are factors. Not to mention if we are throwing the season out the window, we might as well start looking at the youngsters Just clearing cap space so they can make Sunseri the highest paid QB in the league.
  11. Geroy and Milt? That's a youth movement for Taman. If he really wants to keep his job he'll bring back Ray Elgaard. Pandering - not just for politicians and panda bears.
  12. Or he mouthed off to Chamblin. Orders from Taman - he thinks they can find someone older and more expensive. Currently leaving frantic messages on Allen Pitt's voicemail.
  13. No one looks good in Rider green.
  14. Well, it was no Hamilton taking the opening kickoff back for a touchdown, but it wasn't fun. Thing is the D was digging in the entire drive, and nothing was given to BC. It took them 15 plays to get to the end zone. They scored, but we never rolled over for them. If they'd done it again on the next drive, it would have been time to hit the concessions. The D showed me a bunch of signs that they were in a fighting mood last night, even on the first drive. Dumb as it sounds, it was about as positive as a 15 play scoring drive for the other team to open the game can get.
  15. See, my attention was first caught by this: Uh, okay, glad to know there are still people are there willing to put in the extra effort to be angry. Some of us give up on anger far too quickly. and then: Followed by 5 negative things. Yes, yes there are plenty of things to discuss about that great win last night, and they are all negative. Check, check, and checkeroo!
  16. It's Friday. Avoiding work-related thoughts is at a premium today.
  17. It took BC 15 plays to get down the field. Some would argue that means the Bomber D had 15 chances to get off the field, but I also saw a defence that was digging in. None of that was made easy for BC; they were challenged for every yard on that drive. If they had been able to do that drive after drive, all game long, it becomes a different story though.
  18. My recollection of 2007 is the Bombers came from behind in the 4th Q to win 4 or 5 times with Glenn at the helm.
  19. Also made himself visible when he caught the first screen pass we've thrown in three weeks and took it up the sideline for 20 yards.
  20. Picked this one out because I felt it's worth mentioning the Bombers are one of the best teams in the league in the red zone. The real red zone or the Salisbury House Red Zone? The latter seems to be anywhere on the opponent's side of midfield.
  21. Let's see if they tie the Riders of 1979. Started 0-12. Nope. We play you before we are 12 games into the season. (: Already 0-1 on that count .. We are just laying in the weeds trying to give you guys a false sense of security, and then wham, we will strike. Ok its a little thin, but its all I got these days. No, you still have your avatar. Don't be a stranger.
  22. Neufeld looked pretty good from what I saw. He made it through the entire game which is a big win in my opinion. On our 1st drive, he absolutely rag-dolled the guy he was working against 2 plays in a row, it was pretty fun to watch. I'm not normally watching the Oline every play and I still noticed Neufeld stand out in a positive way on three plays during the game. There was another one in the 4th quarter where him and Chungh were way downfield crushing out blocks. Neufeld, Chungh, Westerman, Hurl, Veltung, everyone named Adams, Bass, some scrub named Willy - there were a lot of players last night who stood out in a really good way.
  23. Magnets. It's as well thought out as cronyism*, and much like in your case, as long as I strongly believe it, it explains everything. And the internets keep on interneting. What fun. *Clearly the case in the hiring of Mike Kelly, but since every party involved in that is long gone, we can move on with our lives.
  24. Right of center in Manitoba is still left of center in Alberta.
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