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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Greg Maklin. He won a CJOB competition (their attempt at a reality show) to become a radio host a few years ago and usually holds down the graveyard shift. He also subs in when people are missing, so that might have been all he was doing last night.
  2. Street fight at Robin's Donuts. Loser buys eats an egg salad sub.
  3. They brought back Keith Price a couple of weeks ago and have him on the PR. Edit: Just noticed the Riders have 12 men on their PR. I thought the limit was 10? For ceremonial reasons, Saskatchewan is allowed 13 men.
  4. Kind of one of those diamond in the rough moments. Either Smith surprises everyone and comes up with a win or we get pounded. Thinking the latter So take Smith at QB and Esks on D in the TSN pool - one of them is a lock to pay out.
  5. And yet it's far more likely he does the opposite.
  6. Very good point. I read recently that the Bombers are projected to finish the season ~$100-200k over the cap. Obviously that'll change with some creativity by Walters, but we're there already. I would like to know where you read that because that number makes zero sense. IIRC, I also read that on a tweet but it was based on the CFL capgeek version which is not really accurate. In a radio interview prior to camp, I believe on TSN, Walters was asked if all the FA signings meant they may have to make personnel decisions based on the contracts as opposed to the talent. His answer (paraphrasing of course) was that they already knew prior to camp that they could choose the most expensive player as the starter at every position and still be comfortably under the cap. I think, but am not positive, that this interview might have been done prior to the Westerman signing, but based on the tone of his answer I doubt the extra cash Westeman gets over the guy whose spot he took would be a factor either. The Bombers and Walters are aware that players of high CFL value can shake loose every September. This is not a news flash for them. They will have planned for this. What I am curious about is what position we are in if Wild AND Muamba shake loose. I don't think Muamba will be coming back north this year, but if he does he's getting a prorated contract in the range of 200k, and unlike Wild, Muamba is a lock to turn into a bidding war, with maybe the Greenwood-rich Argos as the only team not making a call. How well are the Bombers prepared for that circumstance? Couldn't say.
  7. If you're not shy, I say go for it. Some people would be way too concerned about the judging eyes of others. Well....yaknowwhat...if the spirit feels free, why not the rest of you? (something something...joke about a lightning rod)
  8. What!?!? Aww. Okay, I may have been a bit hasty. I'm open to change. But first things first - bomberdynasty has another post out there somewhere, I've got to find it. This stuff is gold Jerry.
  9. Maybe the rational posters to a degree yes.. But there is ample reasons listed as to why this is.. I'll reinerate again tho.. -marve hurt -brohm is more experienced -brohm is more of a pocket passer These are the 3 that stand out to me as why brohm is ahead of marve at this point.. - when Marve was not hurt....Marve was outperforming Brohm. Once again, I'm going to ask the question, when? When has Marve outperformed Brohm? In practice? In preseason? It's comments like this that make me want to lose it on people. Practice and preseason mean almost nothing. Again, I'm not saying Brohm doesn't suck, or that I don't want Marve to play. I want Marve to play, and I hope he succeeds. But we haven't seen anything from him to say he is better then Brohm yet. The rest of your comments I agree with. Last season? BROHM, B 2014 WPG 39 70 55.7 454 54 0 0 1 1.43 69.6 MARVE, R 2014 WPG 11 22 50 140 42 1 4.6 0 85.4 So you're telling me that you can tell by these stats, that Marve outperformed Brohm last season? Really? Looks pretty similar to me, other then Marve running a lot more then Brohm. With this little amount of playing time behind Marve, we can't really judge if he's better then Brohm. Again, I hope he is if he ever gets to play because I'm tired of watching Brohm. But you have no proof yet. Every time I hear people say "WE NEED TO START MARVE, HE'S BETTER THEN BROHM", all I keep hear is the past few years bouncing back..."we need to play Brink, he's better then Buck", "we need to play Elliott, he's better then Brink", "we need to play Goltz, he's better then Buck/Elliott", etc... And when they got to play what did we hear from the same people who were screaming and yelling to have them play? "Get rid of Brink/Elliott/Goltz...he sucks!". And that's why we need to bring back Casey Bramlet!
  10. Marshall. At this point I think I'll just shoot for whatever boobie prize one gets for being first out. (snicker) ... boobie
  11. Maybe the rational posters to a degree yes.. But there is ample reasons listed as to why this is.. I'll reinerate again tho.. -marve hurt -brohm is more experienced -brohm is more of a pocket passer These are the 3 that stand out to me as why brohm is ahead of marve at this point.. I wouldn't include Brohm as a pocket passer as a reason, I truly don't think they care about that. But it is tangentially related in that Brohm tries to execute the play calls whereas Marve fairly quickly gives up on the play calls, which is something they care about. So we have a guy who is attempting to execute the plays as called with zero success and a guy who is largely ignoring the plays as called and instead running a one-man wildcat offence to greater success due to pure athleticism. The Tebow effect? OShea was a player much longer than he's been a coach. He will treat all his players "fairly" because that's how he'd want to be treated. Part of being treated fairly is giving players an opportunity. His definition of opportunity is very different than Tim Burke's and Cory Chamblin's, who think 3 plays and then crapping on them to reporters is the way to go. Brohm started the year as the vet backup and Marve as the young project. That's not a conspiracy; part of putting Marve in the 3-spot is to protect him and giving him time to grow out of the spotlight rather than exposing all his warts. But winning also matters. If Brohm gets his "fair" shot (my guess is at this point in the season fair to OShea means getting to work with the starting receivers for an entire week of practise) and does not show some moderate level of improvement, then the future becomes now and those names flip on the depth chart. But none of that happens as long as Willy is healthy enough to play. So frankly, I'm very happy if none of that happens.
  12. Brohm was anointed the #2. At least in the same sense that Willy was anointed the #1 and Hajrullahu was anointed the kicker. Also known as making a depth chart. As for the sustained part, you have one guy who has gone in cold mid-game on two occasions with only backup reps leading in and another guy who for reasons that are unclear is injured. In that instance I'm not shuffling nameplates around either. If Brohm has an entire week working with the ones and Marve is healthy and Brohm defiles the bed for 60 minutes and Marve spends the entire time on the sidelines doing pistol squats on his 100% healthy knees, then my teeth would be on edge. Saturday? We lost an ugly football game in an unpleasant manner. But since I've never seen any loss deemed acceptable or pleasant by any message board...people having their teeth on edge after a loss seems to be a pretty common theme around these parts. Some don't even change their dentures with a win.
  13. Marve always wears a knee brace. I thought Saturday's first interception was a fantastic looking tight spiral with plenty of zip on it.
  14. I don't lol very often, what with not being a teenage girl (sorry boys), but lol at the idea that any miniscule part of this offence is designed around Brian Brohm.
  15. Buhhhhhhhh... ... ... ... Randon... ... ... ... WHITAKER!!!!
  16. Oh did he? I thought it went over his head. Either way it was just plain bone-head. He was snake-bit that entire game. He misjudged it, it was driven relatively low and hard, he thought it was short and sprinted up 10 yards to catch it, then had to get back when he realized his screwup, tried to jump and catch it. It hit his hand. It was a game where the Bombers were the better team most of the time but made catastrophic blunders the rest of the time. Many of those on special teams.
  17. Stupid tsn stupid vacation stupid time change not in before the lock with 3 players on a bye so not worth it now. Dressler.
  18. I'm leaving for Calgary first thing friday morning, do you actually have 4 tickets to sell? Because I haven't got mine yet. I do. I'll pm you tonight.
  19. So this week we're just taking the word of the coach and players and doctors about which players are injured? Just accepting their version of "the truth"? Adams was dead on the field. Dead. Doug Brown saw it. He sits further away from the field than I do, but he knows what happened. If you don't believe they used a defibrillator on Adams to bring him back from the dead, Doug Brown has a bridge to sell you. The only reason they haven't said he was dead is because he was. His eyes were open, just like a dead person. He got hit in the chest. That's where the heart is. You can't get hit in the heart and not be dead. It's like none of you care about the players. If the coach allows Stoudamire to ever play football again, he's a monster. You all are a bunch of monsters.
  20. I'd much rather the utility guy be someone who can snap the ball when none of our other OL have that experience. But what happens if a tackle gets hurt in game... I don't think Goossen, Greaves, or Chungh have ever player tackle... Goossen has played tackle, guard and center from what I remember leading up to his draft day. I believe he started at tackle in his senior year at SFU.
  21. Hard working special teams guy. Can fill in at safety if there's an injury. Definitely not starter material. If he's 3rd on your depth chart, you potentially have good depth at safety. If he's 2nd, you probably do not. Will always be a guy fighting to stay on the roster.
  22. I'd recommend leaving now for Calgary and turning it into a double header road trip. On a totally unrelated note, I have 4 decent tickets for sale to the Bomber game in Calgary this weekend.
  23. Ignoring Lirim's struggles - that's just a temporary blip - the math supports going for the 2 points every time. I was using different numbers the other day when discussing this with a friend but the conclusion was the same. If we're needing a point to send the game into overtime or some other specific situation, that's the tough decisions he gets paid to make. Otherwise, for the run of the mill touchdowns, it shouldn't be a decision at all. Go for 2 every time. Coaches have it ingrained into their old school psyche - take the sure points. Thing is, a single is no longer sure points. Be a rebel and follow the new school math.
  24. My point was that even though it didn't cost us the game it could have. I just wanted other peoples opinions as to whether or not they felt it was in and what other options they can do to get the call right if they were wrong. Even if this wasn't a Bomber game I would have brought it up. Its just odd they didn't say they were reviewing it (even though they usually do) and seemingly just went to the pt after. Maybe they had a perfect camera view we didn't see and it was a quick review. Maybe they just said F it and gave them the TD to move the game along as they just finished burning 20min back and fourth with penalties I'm just pointing out the one angle that we are able to see and even with the skewed camera angle it doesn't look in. Don't get me wrong I'm happy with the outcome and hate to be bringing it up. But would a stationary camera on the goal line help in these situations? I didn't think it was a quick review. There was definitely a break in the action then. The ref saying "the play is under review" is redundant anyways, all turnovers and all scoring plays are reviewed. Some refs make that announcement when the review is not an obvious rubber stamp situation, but it was never necessary to mention it. It only benefited people who don't know the rules anyways. Speaking of things refs do, I don't remember a single time they brought the chains onto the field for a measurement. I know they're trying to speed things up, but there was at least one spot that I thought deserved the chain gang - they just eyeballed it.
  25. They certainly have. Anyone else like the 5 Dlineman front they put out on rushing downs in the second half? Sticking Harlan in between Anderson and Turner. More than 50% of the runs (that I recall) have been to the outside so far this season. Opposition RBs coming at us between the guard and center has been less than usual.
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