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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. game starts at 4:00 pm here, which is the regular "cocktail hour" in Kelowna anyway so no big deal for me.... By 4:00 I would be sitting under a tree at Gyro watching the pretty people play volleyball. oh man that was you! I was wondering who was checking me out in my tight jeans! Just stop playing the Top Gun theme while you are perving on us dudes next time would ya? Your fault for wearing pants. Life is pretty simple - when in doubt, lose the pants.
  2. game starts at 4:00 pm here, which is the regular "cocktail hour" in Kelowna anyway so no big deal for me.... By 4:00 I would be sitting under a tree at Gyro watching the pretty people play volleyball.
  3. Similar situation except I'm already in wpg for work. Back in the early aughts it was a problem. I'd still prefer a later start, I like to go out for supper with people and make an event of it, not race to the stadium and gobble some junk food in the stands. Early afternoon games on Saturday are my most despised. I finally get a chance to work on the yard, house, whatever project and I have to shut it down a few hours in. It's not like Saturday's a bad day for a football game but don't start it before 5 or 6.
  4. I had them as my pre-season pick to win the West this year - someone had to not pick the Stamps. Doubt they can do that without Reilly, but their defence is probably good enough to keep them in playoff contention. If Nichols can minimize his mistakes and be a game manager QB, they might still get a sniff at a home playoff game.
  5. Starting today I will be opening a brand new medical practise. No examinations necessary, I will provide you with your diagnosis based on intuition and preconceived bias. Super inexpensive too, as there is almost no overhead involved, what with having no medical equipment. Or training. Just a keyboard and the power of being an internet warrior. Huzzah!!! Now if you'll excuse me, there's a guy working in a warehouse 3 blocks away that I've never met before. I need to go tell him he has Lupus. Just the weirdest thing, I went there and told this guy I'd never spoken to before that he had Lupus, turns out he just recently took all the latest testing available for Lupus and was told by "qualified" doctors that he did not have Lupus. Clearly there is a conspiracy of lies happening. I know what I know. He obviously has Lupus. Something about selling bridges.
  6. Starting today I will be opening a brand new medical practise. No examinations necessary, I will provide you with your diagnosis based on intuition and preconceived bias. Super inexpensive too, as there is almost no overhead involved, what with having no medical equipment. Or training. Just a keyboard and the power of being an internet warrior. Huzzah!!! Now if you'll excuse me, there's a guy working in a warehouse 3 blocks away that I've never met before. I need to go tell him he has Lupus.
  7. I'd be cautious about Allen. He didn't get many carries last game. Messam is probably a safer pick. Under the advice of my attorney, I will change my pick to Sutton which sounds a lot like Messam and my hearing isn't what it once was thanks Obama. It's about predictability and probability, not pessimism. The chances of Montreal not scoring a single touchdown are low, the chances that the run game will be a significant part of their gameplan with a rookie QB is high, and Sutton is the leading rusher in the league. And sadly, the Bombers are allowing the second most rushing yards per game so far. The chances that Sutton will be part of a Montreal rushing TD are high. I'd say 80%. The Bombers on the other hand use two RBs, both of whom have TDs, and have shown a tendency to run Marve as well in goal line situations. So the chances that Cotton is part of a Bombers rushing TD is much lower. Maybe 45%. Cotton gets the ball all the way down to the 2, then Marshall gets to finish the job, that kind of thing. I'd still have the Bombers as slight favourites to win the game. If they could ever establish any kind of homefield advantage they'd be more than slight favourites. I usually stay away from picking anyone in the Bomber games just to remove emotional bias from the equation, but I'm done using my thinkity thoughts on football today and just getting this done. Brain is taking an early weekend.
  8. In the NFL there's about ten teams still looking for a #1 QB.
  9. Addendum to new medical policy - players are no longer allowed to wince after being clobbered.
  10. Probably for the same reason there are any supplemental drafts at all - a guy wants to get a job in the CFL and his chances greatly improve if he's declared a NI and he didn't get his supporting documentation in in time for the most recent draft and he doesn't want to wait a year for the next draft. Having two is an oddity, but the reasons are probably exactly the same as when there is one. He missed the draft, then he missed the supplemental draft. My early scouting report: he misses things. Makes sense... you'd think if a guy misses the draft AND the supplemental draft he'd be SOL till next year... also thanks for not pointing out my horrifying grammar error The thing GC said about this being part of the new classification system for NI's sounds like the reason he wasn't SOL until next year. Which explains why we've never heard of this oddity happening before.
  11. Has it been reported he was unconscious and concussed? The people who would know reported that he was conscious and had no concussion. Just to clear up any confusion in the future, new policies are in place - any player who is injured will immediately be dragged to his feet and forced to stare into the nearest TV camera without blinking for 30 seconds before receiving any further medical treatment, so all the amateur doctors at home and on the internet can also make a diagnosis.
  12. I'm not on twithole and don't care if they do or don't say anything on there, cause unless it gets re-posted here I won't know about it. They are doing poor work covering practises this year. Really poor. The excuse that it's on an outdoor field rather than the stadium no longer applies, and to be honest I never understood how that worked as an excuse in the first place. "Darvin Adams just 8 yards away from moving into 724th all-time on the Bombers receiving list." That's the kind of nonsense that they'll use up 5% of a page for. And frankly it's way more work to look up something like that than it is to just pay attention at practise and report on what's happening. And what's happening at practise is way more interesting than stupid filler like that. Not that we'd know what we're missing if TrueBlue and a few other soldiers fighting the good fight weren't kind enough to tell us.
  13. But most of that is also stuff that only caters to the already obsessed. That is one way of looking at it. The other way is that the daily Bomber reports in the papers are already a solid 30% filler - I'd give an example if I had a paper in front of me - and this is far more interesting than any of that nonsense. So why not use this instead to pad the word count?
  14. He wouldn't even have been allowed out into the tunnel to stand there and watch the game if there had been any doubt.
  15. Irving isn't even doing things the way he was last year at this point. His level of coverage has dropped off significantly. He was in semi-retirement, wasnt he? He is now in full retirement other then calling the games? I like his calls so thats fine by me. But why would he pretend to be covering practice if he isnt. He still does the Monday coach's show and the daily coach's show - he's there to get his audio clips for the latter as well as for the sports news, occasionally for the upper deck sports show although Toth is sometimes there to get his own. I think he's still officially the sports director at OB, but other than the above mentioned stuff, Bomber games and filling in for vacationing Toth, he's out of active duty. I suspect Toth has already taken over a large part of Irving's sports director responsibilities already. He does as much as he wants to do at this point, and not much more. And like Mike said, the drop off between the coverage he provided last year and this is very noticeable.
  16. Interesting. You keep saying this thing even though it seems to be untrue. Cause every time I see someone ask OShea an intelligent football question I can see his eyes light up, and he visibly gets happy and will talk for quite a while with joy about the sport he loves. And every time I see someone ask him a stupid question I see him slow it down, pick his words carefully, and give a diplomatic answer. It's very input output, and I've never heard him no-comment anything.
  17. Expecting sports journalists to be as passionate about the home team as the most overzealous fanatic is just unreasonable. Maybe someone got into sports writing because they love hockey, but the paper has them covering football. It's not their fault and you can't fake passion. If I had their job I wouldn't be hooting or hollering, but I would be facing the field during practise. Seriously. They sit in those loges at the top of the stands around a table and visit. Half of them are facing the wrong way. That is entirely their fault. How is facing the wrong way, not paying attention or taking any notes "not their fault"? No one is saying they have to take their shirts off and paint a "W" on their pasty white chests. I don't want any homer reporting at all. And I deliberately did not mention Wiecek, the king of "I'd rather be anywhere but here" Bomber reporting. Yes, he wants to be chain smoking and covering the horses and curling. We all know that. Football is his punishment and he writes accordingly, inflicting punishment on us.
  18. I'd be more inclined to believe that if they turned and faced the field.
  19. Thought maybe we're finally going to start dumping on this soft zone every team is forced to play under the new rules. Guess that coverage discussion will wait. Here's the thing - I already expect nothing but garbage from Friesen. All he wants is to have a strong inflammatory take on something he has inadequate knowledge of. That's his entire MO. He walks in near the end of practise and asks other reporters what he's missed. I **** you not. I've seen him do it. Irving is there to get sound bites for his audio based programming. He does very little in the way of real reporting, and he's taking a really long wind down into retirement. So while I'd like more from him, it makes sense why we don't get more. The rest of the bunch do offer up snippets from time to time, but not much. Should they be required to give it away for nothing rather than keep it to themselves and sell it back to us later, either in print or radio? That would be nice, but I understand why they don't. So it sucks. It sucks because we have nothing and it sucks because they could be using Twitter to their advantage - "Read my article on who was making great catches at practise in tomorrow's Free Press" - but they don't. They just go thru the motions of this being their jobs. Of course, I'm not on twitland, so this doesn't affect me at all. What sucks most is that these guys have what many of us would consider a dream job, and it's like they don't care at all. Zero passion for being allowed to sit and watch football every day and get paid to do it, when most of us would be happy to do it for free if we could.
  20. Cato got an opportunity and made the most of it. He gets an A+ for his debut. He could as easily have stepped in and crapped the bed, and he didn't. But there was no way Calgary's defence practised a Cato-based gameplan in the three days prior.
  21. Having not read the article, I already know this single sentence isn't just an opinion but a fact, should be turned into a sticky and added to the front page of MBB, applies to 70% of all content from this writer, and the expense associated with adding this sentence to the covers all encyclopedias published since 1982 should be studied as the cost to society of reading this dullard's work is likely far greater, just in case someone ever looks at an encyclopedia again.
  22. I don't want to live in a world where even when I'm completely conscious I'm not allowed to lie on the ground with my eyes closed after getting clobbered. For a really long time, if I want to.
  23. Probably for the same reason there are any supplemental drafts at all - a guy wants to get a job in the CFL and his chances greatly improve if he's declared a NI and he didn't get his supporting documentation in in time for the most recent draft and he doesn't want to wait a year for the next draft. Having two is an oddity, but the reasons are probably exactly the same as when there is one. He missed the draft, then he missed the supplemental draft. My early scouting report: he misses things.
  24. I don't note the size of the guys we have as a factor, but I thought having someone who can play as a legit nose tackle would have probably eliminated some of those big runs Saskatchewan had. Which is the game we won, so whatever. Turner and Anderson seem to play a style that is athletic more than bulky bulldozerish, which creates the illusion of small. Both of them are still big enough to use me as a shoehorn in a pinch.
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