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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. By definition a concussion is an interruption, be it brief or instantaneous in brain function is a concussion. Really? If that is the definition of a concussion then the word has lost all context. There wouldn't be a player in the league who doesn't suffer a concussion each and every game. I get the David Suzuki of neurology, Mr. Tator's want for a concussion to be defined that way....however, in reality that is just one alarmist's point of view. So then what happens when I sneeze? If that's a concussion, well it explains so much.
  2. My feeling is the game will start 0-0. Over the course of 3 hours both teams will score points. The team with the most points will be declared the winner. Over the course of the same 3 hours my wife will buy sweet potato fries. We will smooch more than once. I will arrive at the game happy and leave the game happy**. If the Bombers win, I'll be slightly more happy. And then I won't think about football again for at least 72 hours. **subject to Andre Proulx reffing the game
  3. No, it is stupid. And the idea that the CFL has to come up with a half dozen or more rule changes every year just because they can is incredibly stupid. Rule changes should happen because you have a problem with the existing ones, a problem that is glaringly obvious and needs to be fixed. Not because Tim from Flin Flon is allowed to send in the suggestions that wandered thru his ether addled head.
  4. if I recall, the ref was staring right at the QB and Willy clearly reacted to the hit to his face. I'd say that the ref saw it and simply felt it wasnt a penalty because of the positioning of all involved. That's not his decision to make. Helmet to helmet = penalty. Intent doesn't matter at all. I find it amusing that the only penalty in the NHL that is called every time without discretion is the most innocuous of the bunch - flipping a puck over the glass. Hack a guy in the ankle or crosscheck him in the back? Might get you 5 and a game. And a suspension. Or nothing, cause it happens once or twice every shift. Or the refs put away the whistle and "let the players decide the game". But if that puck rolls up the blade and accidentally goes over the boards? Off with his head. Yes, I agree, that incident did not require any deliberation or interpretation from the referee. It was a hard helmet to helmet blow. There was no malice beyond the usual, trying to kill the QB on every play. And the CFL has to fine him, simply because this is where they have chosen to draw the line, and have made a loud declaration that this is where they are drawing the line.
  5. Hard to say but they have to keep him. Bucknor is the weak link in the secondary imo but his passport keeps him in play. Maybe Adams can play LB better than Randle. And remember we're starting 8 Canadians now. It's not mandatory to be starting Bucknor. Could have both Adams and Randle in the secondary at the same time. Blame Canada.
  6. I'd buy a Drew Willy watch. Have they said how much?
  7. The outcomes of the games are pending. But a good reminder to go make some picks.
  8. Uhhh, next time a "spoiler alert" would be appreciated!!!
  9. Rankings exist for three reasons. To help further enable addicted gamblers who don't follow football but still want to bet on it, website filler content, and the internet is obsessed with lists. Oops, I should have put that in list format.
  10. Very busy this morning, but it's never too late to say aaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (deep breath) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (oh dear, I may have peed a little) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  11. Entirely the opposite. You get a solid 2 steamboats to tee up the QB after the ball is gone in the NFL. In the CFL it's less than one. In the NFL a horsecollar tackle means you've grabbed a player using the shoulder pads and pulled them over backwards, a rule made specifically to prevent torn ACL's. In the CFL, it's pretty much the tackling of any player who has a collar on their jersey or a collared shirt hanging in their locker, and is thrown at random times when the Bombers may be mounting a comeback in a game. You are putting this on rules and reffing and completely overlooking the types of athletes each league prefers at QB. The NFL has a strong preference for large durable quarterbacks. Their job description is to stay in the pocket, make the throw, take the hit, repeat. The CFL looks for QBs who can keep the play alive and take advantage of our larger field. At the end of the day we will only ever get the players that the NFL doesn't want. Both are generalizations and there are examples of the opposite being true for both leagues, and of those exceptions having great success. And some NFL QBs get extra protection from the refs. If a defender breathes on Brady's toenails a flag will be thrown, whereas Carson Palmer will get no such protection. Maybe he should paint his toenails like Brady does.
  12. I think it's too much cash for the points he provides, and unlike Frolik with Stafford you're pretty much paying for points. And it's possible a little extra was thrown on top to get him to agree to the shortened term. That said I'm sure that other teams would offer him a similar contract in a heartbeat, so I suppose I'm really just disagreeing with the current market valuation most players in the NHL are getting.
  13. I really doubt they do that if Kohlert is out. Two starting spots for NI receivers without any NI backup? It's always possible, but moving Cronk to the 1 game makes far more sense.
  14. So innaccurate ! Was not speaking to you or anyone at all. That you feel I was may say something. Or not.
  15. I have never heard that specifically mentioned, but since the old way was once per 1/2 season when there was a 9 game IR, it would be logical to switch it to once per 1/3 season now that it's a 6 game IR. Just a wild stab in the dark here... but because he's healthy? Sure, but I think that means that he has to go on the 48 so a Natl. is headed for the IR or the PR. Kohlert to the 1 game IR might be one of the moves they make.
  16. That or he got some work done on his car.
  17. 1987. Oilers to Gretzky: "Sorry Gretz, we won that game you missed with the flu, you're staying in the pressbox. You win, you stand pat. Paul Friesen said so."
  18. And in the news, there may someday be news...
  19. Kolton Browning and Mason Mills are excited to hear they're almost CFL starters.
  20. The Bombers bring QBs, RBs, etc onto the practise roster for a look-see all the time.
  21. What's your cell number? Don't worry, I won't text you play by play's or anything. Or the score. ...trust me. 867-5309
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