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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. All of the other debate aside, one thing I noticed that no one has brought up yet: On the one series of plays in the first quarter where Marve was brought in and did run the plays exactly the way the coaches wanted them run, it was the QB sneak at the goal line. And he struggled mightily. Not sure where the blame lies, but it was so predictable it was frustrating to watch. he doesn't take the ball and just push the pile behind centre, he likes to take it left or right for about 3-5 steps before cutting in, and the club has run the same play every time in goal line situations with him going back to last year. Teams have figured it out now (they started to last year, IMO) and rather than plunge over the centre the linebackers just hold back, read which way Marve runs and then collapse the line on that side, and he hasn't shown great strength in pushing the line forward. Hope either he changes his approach, the club disguises it better, or they just leave Willy in to give the illusion of a pass. That's one area I thought Portis looked OK in as a big QB who could surge on a QB keeper. Just my 2 cents, any other opinions? I kinda brought it up in the gameday thread, as in I suggested I'd charge the field and strangle Bellefeiulle if that becomes a regular feature of the Bomber offence. They recognize Marve's athleticism and want to get him involved, but this is not something he's great at. Plus you're taking out your starting QB, so you've essentially declared to the defence that the next play has about a 95% chance of being a run. Marve is making his big run plays when the defence still has no choice but to pretend the play call is 50% pass. The field is already compressed when you're at the 2 yard line, now even more defensive players can cheat down into the box. Marve doesn't charge like a bull or twist like a snake, he's just really fast. Having him slide one yard to the right and run into a different part of the pile is a useless idea. It was preseason. Maybe this is just the setup for the next team to bite when Marve runs a read-option play instead. If not, kickstarter campaign for bail money could be needed. I don't put that on Marve though. That bad idea wasn't his idea.
  2. Brad Mikoluff #74. He still has eligibility for the Rifles, so if the Bombers like him, they can keep him as a non-counter all year. He is able to practise with the Bombers and play with the Rifles. It's a nice insurance deal for the Bombers because if they need a punter in a pinch, they can sign and dress him and he already knows the playbook, the players, and the coaches. This is a special deal open to all CJFL players who didn't play CIS. Each CFL team can have up to 4 local junior players in camp under this program. I suspect that the Bombers will keep both Mikoluff and Braedy Will around this year. Self edit: If he does dress for a regular season game, he loses the special status. At that point he would have to sign a contract and be a "counter". Not the camera adding 10 pounds - that guy looked THICK. If other teams try to block one of his punts he could/should go all Nelson Munz on them.
  3. Quit your whining Mancy, what did you expect me to do? It's not like anything exciting could be happening - Marve wasn't in the game yet.
  4. This ongoing debate just seems like the strangest thing to me. Here's what the coaches want - to call a play and have the QB execute that play. The current positioning of QBs on our roster very accurately reflects their ability to do that. Coaches also understand that plays break down and QBs will have to take matters into their own hands. They want these occurrences to be in the minority, not multiple times per series. If the coaches want their QBs to "go wing it" on almost every play, then they are being mule-headed, because Marve is easily best at that. Marve has a special set of athletic skills. Hopefully the mental side of it catches up. That is not an insult to his intelligence. Dunnigan said he didn't feel entirely comfortable in the CFL game until his 7th year in the league. It doesn't work to make a QB in the microwave.
  5. There are moments when we are in complete agreement.
  6. Since I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere - not that it took long before this turned into another Marve thread - Griffith was taking Dline reps (tackle) with some of the 2's during the 3rd quarter on Friday. Not completely surprising I suppose as someone mentioned he's a Dline conversion project, but there had been no mention of him taking any reps there during camp. One player who caught my eye more than once with his work ethic on special teams was Willy (the receiver). Thought that might be enough to get him a PR job. Didn't happen. One guy whose performance I didn't much care for was Kearney, and he did make the team. In the cases of both Willy and Kearney, I'm forming an opinion based on about 3 plays, whereas the coaches are making theirs based on closer to 3,000. I will grudgingly concede. This time. He never got a chance to punt during the game (probably insurance reasons for that) but the punter from the Rifles was hoofing a few at halftime and he looked decent. Great arc and hang time, decent distance. I could see him getting a contract offer from the Bombers in the future, something along the lines of a territorial exemption thing like Goodrich. If it applies.
  7. What OShea said: What Tburg somehow manages to read: I could point out that at no point does OShea say anything about staying in the pocket, but I know Tburg could re-read it a thousand times and only come up with his interpretation a thousand times. No one in the Bomber org has ever used the term "pocket passer" in association with Marve. Brown also said on one of Marve's last throws of the game - I think that's the first time I've ever seen Marve go thru his entire progression of reads! Which is exactly what OShea (and every person here who understands why Brohm is still #2) is talking about. Nothing about trying to turn him into a pocket QB or not wanting him to move outside the pocket. Entirely and all about learning to read CFL coverages. Nothing about not wanting him to run for 20 yards. Entirely and all about him recognizing and making the throw for 40 that he could have spotted if he made it past his primary read.
  8. So if I understand the rules correctly, I have to pick Darvin Adams every week. Darvin Adams. edit - Saving him for week 18.
  9. EEEEEAAAAAKKKKKIIIIINNNNNSSSSS!!!!! shakes fists at the sky
  10. Re: defence - Dline ran no stunts, LBs did little that could be called blitzing. Collaros demonstrated that he's faster than our Dlinemen. I already knew that about him. He played to his strengths and we did nothing to disrupt that. He looked good. I don't consider what happened today as an indicator that we aren't capable of disrupting him. Although that's also possible.
  11. And if that's a sign of things to come, I'll be the guy arrested for running out onto the field to slap Bellefeuile around week 3.
  12. Best way to find out which NIs deserve to start is to put them across from the other team's first stringers. No one specifically listed as a returner on the depth chart.
  13. http://morningbigblue.com/community/topic/7419-merged-pre-season-game-2-depth-chart-etc/
  14. More like intentionally misleading and somewhat inflammatory wording. World cups have a single video provider but a multitude of broadcast partners doing play by play over that video feed. The setup and tear down is a fair sized undertaking.
  15. Simple math, there are 9 teams so one team has to sit out each week, since we play each team twice (at least) every team gets 2 byes over the course of the year. Impossible to eliminate one bye per team unless the schedule has that goofy "sandwich a third game mid-week between the 2 normal weekend games" stretch and make every CFL team do it. Sure, if you want to give it more than a passing thought then it's easy to find flaws...
  16. They're starting 2 imports at tackle so there's going to be at least another one kept on the roster somewhere. Maybe stashed on the 6 game. But they will need to know he can come off it and play if the need arises.
  17. Anyone know who Cameron is referring to? Dan West? I had not heard of any injury so far being more noteworthy than the rest.
  18. Too succinct. A thread title should always contain a little filler. Add something about being proactive.
  19. Im a sucker for family reunion. I hope KW trade for him. I'd want to have a really good idea of what shenanigans he's been up to before bringing him here. No need to introduce any bad apples into the barrel. Wally can be a real hardcase, so it might be a lot of fuss about very little.
  20. Prior to last season there was only one bye week per team. The return of the Redthings changed it to 2 bye weeks per team. There might be a way to shave a week out of the season and still give every team a bye week, which would just return things to the way they were prior to 2014.
  21. Using the power of deduction - with that extra letter a Griffith jersey is worth $5 more to the Bombers than an Everett jersey, and with his mom and dad buying one each, that's an extra $10 to be made. Now OShea would never cut a guy over $10, he's far too busy sneering at the media to notice things like that, so obviously it is a fact that Wade Miller made this decision for the extra $10. And now we've proven it is a fact that Wade Miller interferes with football decisions. It's time to fire the board.
  22. I won't be surprised if that rolls over into another stint on the 6 game IR at the start of week 7. He sounds nowhere close to ready to play, not a month and a half away.
  23. This thread had long stopped being about football and was about one person doing his schtick. If it means going back to that, no thanks. Just stare into the glass eye. Hours will melt away.
  24. What garbage. They could have made this announcement at least 17 hours ago.
  25. Yes. He has no school eligibility to go back to as far as I know.
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