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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. The new guy Malachi Freeman is #14 for those who don't know. I was hoping it was Stu Barnes.
  2. Not really, but it was also the same Oline that Brohm had in front of him. It was one half of one game last season where I got to watch him live, but I remember that throws were available there that should have been his first or second read that he didn't make, either because he didn't see him or he didn't feel comfortable making them. Only he'd know the answer to that. Kohlert got open for him. Denmark got open for him. The simple 8 -15 yard variety that is the bread and butter of a CFL offence. And then the scrambling began. He's athletic enough to keep the play alive for a long time, and has a strong enough arm to fire darts one way while running the other way. I don't have a major problem with him not recognizing those reads, he was a CFL rookie QB and it takes years nail it down. But until he does start recognizing them he can't move up the depth chart. And if another year passes without him learning how, at least some reasonable level of progress, then the Bombers will have to consider cutting bait so to speak. But he's also had an entire offseason to watch film and make mental reps. He may have already made some progress. We'll see on Friday. Those of us who don't live in Seattle.
  3. Full disclosure - there was an IROC road trip to Brandon to watch the Ultimate Warrior vs Rick Rude back in the late 80's.
  4. Yeah, foreign country, want to be a good guest, all that jazz. I figured the Rider fans were being incredibly rude, why should I be rude too. It was just entertaining listening to how clued-out Rider fans are. Just amazing. Distributing manure around someone you don't like? That's a very Rider thing to do. Never sink to their level.
  5. We are discussing old-timey wrestlers. I once complained that it seemed like every thread turned into the same 5 guys talking about wrestling. But I've since realized it could be worse. Much worse. Like what this thread has become. But I can't talk about why this thread has become awful, I have to bash my head against a wall pretending to legitimize lunacy by debating it. Life's way too short. So wrestlers it is, because that's at least one step better.
  6. Problem is unlike Willy and Brohm, Marve isn't naturally a pocket QB so he has a bigger learning curve to overcome to fit in to Marcel's scheme. I'm not sure it is in the best interest of the Bombers or Marve to try to convert him to this role as I prefer the flexibility he offers with his motion when the need arises to use him. Watching the beat down cement foot Sunseri took from the Esks. last night (5 sacks) indicates how vulnerable a pocket passer can be against certain D schemes. Brett Smith who played prior to Sunseri was able to scramble to avoid the rush, looked good and was not sacked even once. Even with an improved O-line whoever the Bombers play has to be able to evacuate the pocket in order to succeed against a team pinning it's ears back to kill the QB. They will not survive the game otherwise. Hopefully Willy can adapt as the Bombers play the Esks. in week five and it could get ugly. Doesn't matter what kind of QB is behind center when a OL is playing as bad as the guys Saskatchewan had in during most of the 3rd and 4th quarters last night. Plus Edmonton started blitzing like crazy with many experienced CFL players still on their D against guys on Sask who won't be in the CFL long. On several of those sacks Sunseri was scrambling. Leaving the pocket early actually makes it a lot easier for a blitz to affect a QB, as counter intuitive as that might seem. It's not an either or situation though. There's a reason why basically all of the great QB's in recent CFL history can throw effectively from the pocket and move effectively within the structure of the offense and at times when they need to. It's what beats defenses consistently regardless of how they scheme. Marve has a long way to go with his brain and arm to even be a serviceable QB. Marve has been a highly serviceable and effective QB so far, regardless of his style of play. Brohm has a longer way to go, plus he's older. So you'd feel comfortable going into this season with Marve as your starting QB if you were running a team based on what you've seen from him to this point? Versus say having a guy like Kevin Glenn or Drew Tate, guys I would call serviceable. Haven't seen enough of him to say that I'd feel comfortable with him as the starter, but I'd feel much more comfortable with him than Brohm. Funny, comfortable is close to the last word I'd use to describe Marve's play. Exciting for sure, but comfortable? If he can start recognizing the coverages and figure out where to go when or even before the ball is snapped, then he won't have to resort to going into fire-drill mode on every play. That would be significantly more comfortable. "The shizzits about to get cray-cray" might get fans to the edge of their seats, but most coaches are looking for efficient execution of the playbook. That's why Brohm will remain the backup. When Marve understands the CFL well enough that he doesn't have to resort to improvisation on nearly every play, then his physical superiority will win him a promotion. We'll get a look on Friday to see how much progress he's made from last season.
  7. OMG, is that geezer Strike Force? I thought it was the rhythm section of Night Ranger. And can someone photoshop those eyes so they point in the same general direction?
  8. Can someone talk about their favourite old-timey wrestler now?
  9. I suspect that's why Allen wasn't kept around for another week. Other than SAM, if an import linebacker is going on the 44 he will have to be able to play both middle and weak side, shifting back and forth while guys like Hurl and Newman rotate in and out, and perhaps taking a spot when we go 3-4. Ian Wild clone hopefully. Great report Cap'n.
  10. Normally the guys they want on the PR make it to the last round of cuts. I am surprised that he was outlasted by Thomas Griffiths, but that is entirely just a name recognition thing - I haven't seen either of them play yet. And considering none of Greaves, Goossen, Chungh, Picard and Neufeld are going on the PR, it seems highly likely that Griffiths will be offered a spot there.
  11. I'd say the loss of West represents the team committing to the next generation of NI talent and wanting to invest in these players. Maybe he re-emerges on the roster once players can be added to IR lists. Maybe not. For now it seems like those 21 NI spots will be hotly contested, rather than in recent years where we're pinching our nose to make some of the choices.
  12. Because of his first go round, Lapo would have no margin for error if hired by the Bombers again. And no margin for error is an unwinnable task. He will have to have success elsewhere before enough people here are willing to offer him some grace once again.
  13. Thanks, good contribution, the site would die without you. It's the what, but it's missing the why. We can probably point the finger at TSN for that. But it is a nice change of pace from repeatedly reading 6.9 yards per play. Oh looky, he wrote it again.
  14. Somethingpointsomething yards per snap!!! Talk to the hand!!!
  15. One negative is everything has to get pushed back, which means the CFL draft almost certainly will have to take place prior to the NFL draft, which re-opens that whole can of worms of player uncertainty.
  16. Yesterday at CFL HQ - "Okay Gord, you're in charge of leaking this out and I'll spend the next few days pretending to be mad at you for letting it slip out. You know, the 'behind closed doors' routine. Then we can spend the next few months lurking on the interwebs and reading the reaction of the journalynchmob before we make any actual decisions."
  17. Allen is the one with the most hype. Surprise? Personally I'd say Randle is a bigger surprise based on my pre-camp expectations. Then he got injured and didn't show well in the game so, as of Tuesday, not so much of a surprise. Based on the amount of NI talent they brought in over the last 4 months, there will be at least 8 NIs from last year's roster that won't have a home here this year. Guess Fitz already reached odd man out status. He lasted longer than Volny and Morley.
  18. ...only one of them will truly be at ease when driving thru the US? I didn't expect anything of him other than to be this year's Jordan Brescacin. Sounds like he's jumped way over that bar. Really looking forward to next Friday. Couldn't get a working feed for the Argo game and I want to see our 2015 NI's in action.
  19. Coverage from camp! Keep fighting the good fight gbill.
  20. Most quarterbacks do tend to be pretty mediocre athletes. Here's the game winning touchdown catch by Yantz in the playoff game vs the Huskies last year.
  21. Unfortunate for him. On the bright side, the release of a player might finally bring this thread back from the ridiculous Marve won't be here this year because he might not be here next year angle. What's that? Oh. Just started right back up again. yay.
  22. Some might think there is no single correct answer when asking for opinions but they are wrong. That is the correct and only answer.
  23. Would make about as much sense as cutting Ian Wild and Johnny Sears before the start of the last season. Or any player with one year left on their contract. How did this get from zero to stupid so fast?
  24. It's just like being there. That is assuming OShea started the practise with "Gather round everyone. Today we're going to spend 2 solid hours staring at a pump."
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