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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. I call shenanigans. It's been well documented that coach OShea treats everyone disdainfully with a smirk, and coach Wiley no longer attends Bomber practises, as he only keeps his title for money-laundering purposes. Thanks for the report Bubba. I've got my eye on you.
  2. The problem with doing something like this is the roster is so large and the salaries of most non-star players never get discussed in the media. Jake Thomas, for example. I could conceive of salary structures that range by $40,000, and both would make sense to me. Knowing the salaries of Willy, Moore, Picard, etc, is only half the battle. The other half, the Teague Sherman's of the CFL, are much harder to nail down. And if you're throwing darts for 20 to 30 players, there's really no point in this at all. The margin for error becomes huge.
  3. Just logical. Up here he can play 18 games. Down there he can only play 12. It's all about the playing time for a guy like Brady.
  4. I usually do 2 or 3 updates per year but I just haven't felt like going with the format the way it is. I like to just relax a few rows up and take it all in and unfortunately can't do that this year so I don't really have any motivation to go. This. I can see how the experience would be so much better if TC were in the stadium. This FIFA crap better be worth it. Last night I watched Global Winnipeg on the satellite to get the Bomber news, and there was a 30 second blurb on injuries and then a five minute segment on how the organizers are covering up logos on IGF for soccer. Yawn. At the old stadium I could whip over there in 5 minutes. New stadium is less convenient for that purpose; I have to commit a minimum of an hour and a half for it to be remotely worthwhile. For me, being in the stands or down at field level doesn't factor into it at all.
  5. After reading riderfans for the first time in a while, he clearly is trolling these boards. I assume he was the guy that was just banned since only he has so much time to post long winded nonsense. uh hello?
  6. Just the banned goofball. What are you implying?
  7. How can there be lots of tickets left? Rider fans are the best fans in the CFL. That's Canada's team right there. Not a bad idea for a Bomber road trip at all, unfortunately any Bomber road trip money has already been spent on the July 18th game at McMahon.
  8. Just can't do it. The cap makes it a bad decision. Let Toronto pay him 5$.
  9. When building lines you always start with the knowns and move the unknowns around them. We know Lowry is our 3rd line center. Rather than who is the best player we can bring in, who is the best winger for Adam Lowry that we can bring in? From that list above, Joel Ward looks like a really good pairing. I'd be surprised if those two couldn't develop chemistry immediately, and a line with those two would probably be the most entertaining line the Jets could put out. I would not bring Ward in for any reason other than to play with Lowry however.
  10. I'll be on campus tomorrow. It might work to sneak over for a bit. I'm hoping, but no guarantees at this point.
  11. Friesen wanders into the Sun office with a latte in each hand (not for sharing), 10 am sharp, feeling awful proud of himself for getting up so early. A first day intern wanders by, awestruck at being that close to a local celebrity, struggles to find something to chat about. "So Mr. Friesen, what's the story today?". "Hmm, well Bobby (not his name), one thing I've learned in this business is that the stories usually write themselves." "You mean with a little investigative journalism, the truth always comes to light sir?" Friesen spits out his latte in laughter "TRUTH? INVESTIGATING? JOURNALISM? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh kid, are you ever in the wrong office." Friesen glances out the window to see who's looking. "Alright Timmy (not his name), I'll give you a quick pointer or two." Opens his desk drawer, pushes aside a bottle of Potter's Vodka and a Russian mail-order-bride catalogue, pulls out an old spinner wheel from a Twister game with writing scribbled all over it. "You wanna succeed in this business Kenny (not his name), I've got one word for you - click-bait headlines! Come here, give the wheel a spin!" The intern looks at the wheel. Scribbled over "left hand red" was "Stadium Controversy". Over right foot green, "Quarterback Controversy". "Coaching Controversy", "Player Controversy", "Management Controversy". The intern's head was beginning to spin. "I don't understand sir, what if that isn't a story that day?" Friesen spits out his other latte in laughter "That's the beauty of it Jerry (somehow actually the interns name because even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut, as Friesen's career has proven), that's the beauty of it!!! IT DOESN'T MATTER!!! Just by saying there is a controversy, there becomes one!!! There is nothing that can be said or done by anyone to prove otherwise!!! If they argue, well that's pretty much a controversy right there!!! Don't you see!!! They're like self-fulfilling prophecies!!!" The intern looks down at his feet, saddened at having his ideals crushed on his first day on the job. "Is that how Mr. Penton does it sir?" "Penton? @$#& that guy!!!"
  12. I've tasted it, and I have no reason to believe it isn't made in an old clawfoot bathtub down on the edge of the Seine river.
  13. Club is considered craft beer, right?
  14. If you have a bunch of posters getting real annoyed with a poster who is obviously posting BS and stuff simply to get a rise out of folks... Is that not a clear sign he should be removed? Or do you reaaaaaaaaaaally need all of us to post an issue with his posts to have some reason.. Cuz it's at the point where I imagine the admins will get a bunch of flagged post warnings lol. Just sayin. If we banned everyone who a bunch of posters get annoyed with real quick ... well ... you know my punchline for this one. But honestly, we need to go through the process the right way. Even if that means tolerating a bit more than we should sometimes. If you could post the "flowchart to getting banned" in the sticky section, that would be super duper helpful. I'd like to know how much progress I've made.
  15. Booch, any thoughts? Any opportunity to get Bob Cameron back on the team should be taken. It would be a PR bonanza. Most of his quick cuts would have to come from his mitre saw though.
  16. And yet the idea of a player not practising due to a sore hamstring or groin - the thing that happens to multiple players every single year - is completely beyond comprehension.
  17. Marve has all the physical tools. It's the other ones he needs to work on. That's just a normal progression for the CFL, not a knock on him. Most guys don't make the progression though. If they did, finding a starting QB wouldn't always be a talking point. I'm not sure why his knee comes up though - he was running full sprint on it last year and putting massive torque thru the joint, and it held up fine. If it gets hit directly or twisted up in a pile, yes it could get re-injured, but that doesn't make his knee any different than the knees of our other 4 QBs. Brohm's edge over Marve will be his ability to ready a defence and pass from the pocket. If Marve can progress with those elements he can steal Brohm's job. "Yantz doesn't look out of place" seems to be the only thing people say about him. I've said it too. Until it becomes "Yantz is standing out", he won't be the reason the other 3 backups are in danger of losing a roster spot. His nationality and the possibilities it creates at other positions may be enough that not looking out of place can earn him a PR spot.
  18. Finally someone shows some love for Dan West, but don't fret, he's still on the team. (Wild?)
  19. Watching Marve play last year was very exciting. The main reason it was exciting is because every play included high levels of chaos. His high levels of athleticism compensate for his low level of understanding the CFL game. Give him time to learn and he might become something, but 60 chaotic plays per game, 18 games per season is not a recipe for success. Just like Hellebuyck, he's the shiny new penny that the impatient want to rush out onto the big stage. Taking your best looking tomato out of the garden and throwing it in a pot does not mean you've made a great marinara sauce. Patience.
  20. I think he's referring to the "Predict your starting lineup" thread. While I think it's silly to try and predict a starting roster before camp even starts, I get that people do it for fun. Calling out people for their missed pre-camp predictions done entirely for fun? That's a whole new level of silly. A really dumb level.
  21. So this is what it feels like to have a GM who wants to win. Feels nice.
  22. Durant is the one player we can make conclusions on - the Bombers liked him less than Richards. The rest of it is just farts in the wind.
  23. 8:30 - 12:45 http://www.bluebombers.com/media_schedule
  24. Sadly, outside of the prairies...soon, maybe soon, oh the times, they are a changing. Maybe.
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