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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Lirim is #70... and yeah Troy was 74 when he was an emergency, out of retirement signing.... I think that was also his number in his first couple seasons before switching to 7.
  2. Rod Black gets even worse during pre-season. "Did you know his mom is a conceptual artist? Such a rich environment. And he plays football!!! After growing up in a house with a mom who's a conceptual artist!!! Truly he's a renaissance man. Bombers recover a fumble for a touchdown. So how do you think family meals went? Mom wants to talk about art, and the son wants to talk about football!!! Boy, I sure wouldn't want to be the dad, getting in the middle of that!!! Seven players from each team ejected. And what a classic CFL name! Corduroy Jones! That's got to be up there in the pantheon of great CFL names. There's been so many names over the years. Appears to be a sniper in the press box firing at the referees. Theodore Wallaby. Glassface McButternuts. Idaho Youdaho. Great names. And the tattoos those guys have!!! Farhan Lalji has a report from the sidelines for us. Hopefully about tattoos. Farhan..." I'll go with glass half full on this one.
  3. With any luck the first person he hits is Marc de Foy.
  4. Every year they line up guys for a look in multiple positions. Last year Newman took reps in the middle, weak and safety. Now's the time of year to do it. Oh thank god you chimed in, I thought it was the final depth chart. Yeah Voodoo!
  5. Every year they line up guys for a look in multiple positions. Last year Newman took reps in the middle, weak and safety. Now's the time of year to do it.
  6. What a strange question. You use the only insurance broker in your small rural town, just like everybody else. Next you'll be asking which store to buy groceries at and which gas station to fill up at and which school to send your kids to...
  7. I highly doubt it. What would be the point? Why let someone else control your contract negotiations. Only benefit is if the trade recipient felt wary over giving up something for a player they might not be able to sign, even as a conditional trade. Doesn't seem likely in this case as Gill was always said to want to play for the Bombers.
  8. While Mark is definitely deserving of the job, I'd like to see Westysucks put in at kicker. See how easy he makes it look. Things could get awfully meta.
  9. Walters was probably kicking the tires on a Gill deal a while back. Or trying to get Hamilton to kick the tires on a Gill deal. The Greaves part is just us throwing poop at a wall.
  10. So his favourite part about coaching is coaching, and his least favourite part about coaching is not coaching.
  11. Even for a second rounder (and Evan Gill) I think it's a good deal. But Kyle maybe looking for another (NI) player instead of a draft pick. I just proposed that because Walters lost the 2016 first rounder in getting Waggoner. But I agree; replace the first for a second rounder and it's still probably a trade I'd make. Greaves is a proven starting NI. Gill + 2nd rounder is not enough value. First rounder was closer. One proven for two unprovens with projected high potential.
  12. Right guard? I guess if Morley could do it...
  13. The discussion was about how stupid your comment was. If that's what you were going for it worked. Why am I only allowed to give this one "like"? Why isn't there a "superlike"? This forum needs to be overthrown, with a new puppet dictatorship put in place. The literal kind. Puppets are hellafun.
  14. Perry Tuttle? I want Eugene Goodlow or James Murphy out of our 4th string! Why limit yourself to just Perry Tuttle (a receiver I have great admiration for btw). I like Tuttles.
  15. Thank goodness Addison Richards was signed - the dilemma that our 3rd string NI receiver might not be as good as Milt Stegall can be put to bed. But is our 4th string NI receiver as good as Perry Tuttle?
  16. Boooooooooooring. Far better to do some pre-crapping on him even though he has yet to walk thru the gates at IGF. What if he turns out to be good? Then we'd really look silly saying how bad he is. Got to get the complaining and insults in now, just in case. It's called being proactive.
  17. All in goes beyond money. He's going after talented players with max aggression. Money is the side-effect of pursuing a player everyone wants. We're a day away from rookie camp kicking off and he's still trying to find better players than the ones he's already recruited. He's all in because he doesn't have a finish line for getting better. We could have gone into camp with the roster we already have and no one would have mentioned that he didn't try to sign Ball. In hockey parlance, he's not taking any shifts off.
  18. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courtney_Smith_%28linebacker%29 I feel like holoman Better than looking like holoman. Both of you wish you could be Holoman It's not that hard to do, just grow a beard and take your radio out of your car. I think that's all there is to it. Maybe some religious aspect, but it's mostly about beards. Sorry, I thought we were talking about Holdemans.
  19. If you can't move past the infamy of the "first rounder" tag, then sure, I could see how one might think a potential 3rd string NI receiver (potential 4th if they sign Richards) could be considered a coach killer. Actually, I still can't, but I'm trying to play along. Your emotional investment in the player seems much higher than OShea's would be. If Poblah doesn't perform he's gone. No one is keeping him around anymore just because of his draft situation. I don't know how draft position comes into this at all. I never mentioned that once. As far as emotional investment in Poblah? I don't even know what you're talking about. You clearly misunderstood my point but feel free to continue being a total ****. Mondays, eh? You and several others seem to have attached negative emotions to Poblah. Why? My guess is because he was supposed to be all that and a bag of peanuts as we used a first rounder on him. Turns out he wasn't. I have zero emotions attached to Poblah. Either he's better than Bastien, Reaves (who's really just competing with a minimal standard to prove he deserves a PR spot to develop) and Millington, or he is not. Your point wasn't much of one. He's not getting Kohlert's job based on a couple of good practises, and he'd have to have a whale of a camp to knock JFG a spot down the totem. Behind those two guys we have depth that consists of 0 catches for 0 yards as career totals in the CFL. As a Bomber fan, I'd prefer to have at least one guy with experience challenge the 0 for 0 crew. Fantuz isn't currently available. I'd prefer him. If Addison Richards is signed in the next few days, Poblah's potential value to this club decreases, yet may still be higher than Bastien, Reaves and Millington's. And if we're rostering 4 NI receivers, that's all it needs to be. Yes, it is very asterixy of me to note the lack of depth that Bombers have for NI receivers. Must be Monday. Or a quick glance at the roster. One of the two.
  20. If you can't move past the infamy of the "first rounder" tag, then sure, I could see how one might think a potential 3rd string NI receiver (potential 4th if they sign Richards) could be considered a coach killer. Actually, I still can't, but I'm trying to play along. Your emotional investment in the player seems much higher than OShea's would be. If Poblah doesn't perform he's gone. No one is keeping him around anymore just because of his draft situation.
  21. Could be wrong, thought he was a divisional all-star during one of his Argo years. Nope, he was not. Thanks Google Obama. Good to hear we're still chasing after every potential impact player out there. Getting better has no finish line.
  22. I don't think I ever saw Rick House or Joe Pop drop an easy one. I don't think I ever saw them drop a hard one either. Same goes for Milt, and Perry Tuttle. That's some pretty selective memory. The Stegall I remember seemed to drop an easy one almost every game. It just doesn't matter as much to people when you're also putting up multiple TDs in the process. Every receiver drops easy ones. Poblah had a tendency to lay out for diving catches along the sidelines and injure himself in the process, usually without hauling in the pass. My concern with him isn't not making an extremely tough catch, it's why he had to go horizontal that often. Was he misjudging the ball? Was the QB misjudging his speed? Unable to get separation from the DB? I saw all of these happen on different occasions. Would the new PI rules help him out? Considering the only route he ever ran was sprint down the sidelines, it probably should. It should help all receivers out. Remove all those sideline dives from the equation and his percentage of muffs were not much higher than any other middle of the pack NI from what I recall. Given our current options for depth coming off the bench, I would not have any complaints with the Bombers signing him. If he gets beat out in camp, he gets beat out in camp. If he doesn't, he's a better option than Bastien.
  23. He definitely made himself part of the community while he was here. And some team will offer him a contract. It's the CFL. He's Canadian. Most of the time as a Bomber he was on the wide side doing go routes. That didn't seem to work. If he ends up back here, hopefully we try and use him in a different way. If Addison puts ink to paper, it probably doesn't happen. If camp gets close and there's still no contract, Poblah might become a consideration.
  24. Uh, excuse me, we're trying to do some complaining over here! Some people!
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