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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Complaining about the Mulamba pick doesn't make much sense. You want a guarantee that picks won't attract NFL interest - draft a guy who sucks. We drafted a guy who against the odds has been good enough to hang onto a job in the NFL for 2 seasons. My recollection of that draft is at that time, Mulamba was one of the top guys who had less NFL interest than the other top guys. Not zero, but less than most. Toronto seems fine with Tyler Holmes spending a few seasons down south before coming up here and looking real good. I'll be fine with waiting a few years for Mulamba if he can do the same. Better than drafting a guy who sucks with the second overall pick.
  2. Rookie Waud and Thomas on their own - not enough to move the ratio. Add Westerman? Now drafting Waud makes sense for this team. I'd sooner suggest that they will look at an all import secondary. Both of these are good problems to have. Keep coming up with good problems Walters - big thumbs up.
  3. I'm gonna spend the rest of the day listening to hair metal. On cassette. Bloody awesome.
  4. Neufeld cut? Yes, that would be a surprise. That's like comparing apples and Canadians.
  5. My expectation is the amount of time Hurl spends on the field in the middle will have less to do with his abilities and more to do with what we find in this year's class of imports. If there's an absolute stud in the bunch, we're not going to want to rotate him off the field. If we're picking from a group of decent but not stellar import MACs, Hurl getting a larger percentage of snaps in the middle seems more likely. I'm not taking any reps away from an Elimimian type to give them to Hurl, but would give him plenty of reps if the alternative is a Kuale type. (I realize this thread will now devolve into Kuale rants)
  6. Hurl as starting MLB is a long shot. Splitting time on the weak side with Newman is much more likely. Newman got looks at middle, weak and safety until he got injured last year. It will be the same for him and Hurl this year. The Bombers will process all of that info and figure out what gives them their strongest 24 and their strongest 46. At this point running a NI on the weak side looks to be that strongest 24, but that's why they have a training camp.
  7. Oh dear. Is Floyd my new best friend?
  8. The stability of Manitoba's economy has almost nothing to do with which party is in power, and everything to do with the businesses and commodities that anchor this economy. Unless people want to give the NDP any political party credit for the existence of grain...
  9. If she and the rest of them hadn't crossed the floor they'd have won the election without question. People got fed up with the PCs and their arrogance and corruption but no one trusted the Wild Rose after that floor crossing. The Liberals were in shambles as well, the only protest vote was to the NDP. They best tread lightly though. They won a lot of seats by the right splitting a vote, if the right gets behind one party or the other it will swing back. I am so disappointed in this province. Seen the NDP **** up Manitoba, don't want to see the same out here. Part of me is all lololololololol, and part of me thinks after 40some years this is something that should happen anyways. But then I go right back to lolololololololol. Enjoy your NDP government Alberta, they'll fix the economy reeeeal goooood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUtdXzBSVaU
  10. Still working out a compensation package...
  11. Under it's previous existence, the Moose had to account for both the fixed and variable costs when setting prices. With the Jets already here, many of those fixed costs are already covered in those margins. I'm not saying this is how they will approach it for accounting purposes, but wherever they put the numbers on whichever income statement, there will still be money to be made at these reduced prices.
  12. Meanwhile in an office at Taylor Field: "If we get Taylor it will put us over the top - we'll officially be the oldest team in the CFL!!!" Meanwhile in an office at TD Place: "$150..no, $175...no, $225,000!!! With $150 of that upfront!!! I won't sign you for a penny less!!!"
  13. Reaves should be a counter since his draft year was more than 2 years ago.Griffins is the only non-counter assuming he has never been to another CFL camp before ( I don't believe he has ) So that means the Bombers have 2 open spots on the TC Roster. How do you figure Reaves' draft year was more than two years ago? It was 2014 by my count. Well I am not sure what his draft year would be because he didn't play football so I assumed that it would be based on his Junior Football age which would have been 22 years old , he is 25 now so that is more than 2 years ago. It could be the Bombers need to a ruling to see if he would be exempt from counting towards the roster limit of 75 this year. It would be logical to assume his senior year in Brandon would count as his draft year, so he should be a non. Of course, based on the precedents set, it would also be logical to assume the CFL consistently doing illogical things is part of the league charter.
  14. Crompton spent more of the season on the bench, so he's the more well rested QB. I'll take a well rested QB any day of the week and nine times on Sunday.
  15. Well that's unfortunate.
  16. I hope the press grills Walters relentlessly over the idea of giving him more money than Crompton. If there's anything about this that makes no sense, no sense at all, it's a world where Drew Willy makes more money than Jonathon Crompton.
  17. They were leaving with expectations (and in ever case they did) of being a starter.. So, still a starter moving in FA.. Yes butt the teams they were moving from had a starter ahead of them on the depth chart. Probably wasn't necessary to call Spuds a butt. Even if we were all thinking it.
  18. ... are we really going to act like the potential downside of him signing elsewhere doesn't exist? I thought I threw him a couple of life preservers, yet he insists on drowning. Que sera sera I suppose.
  19. "The Jets are everyone's second favourite team".
  20. no kidding. The Jets are in big danger of becoming the Riders of the NHL and that's not a compliment. Last week I was reading some Jets article in the paper and that same thought popped in my head - the level of circle jerking going on was really starting to remind me of something. And then it hit me...Rider fans. They were the same justifications I've heard from Rider fans. The bowl of cereal suddenly had an unpleasant taste in my mouth.
  21. Got to hear the new (and first and only) radio ad from Stuart Olsen Dominion on the drive home last night. They are in our community. They stand behind their work. They adopt all cuddly puppies and kittens and give them loving homes. Etc, etc. Apparently they are feeling unloved these days.
  22. That's just a silly game to play. If we played that game 2 months ago, why sign Stanley Bryant, cause he might get hurt. Go with the smart money, start Taormina and save 80 grand. What a silly answer. Bryant is a known upgrade over January and we sorely needed O line upgrades. Well worth the money especially over a guy who shouldn't be starting in the first place. Willy's a sophomore starter who was great for the first 5 games then looked like a rookie for the rest of the season. If he was one of the top 2 QB's in the league, we'd not be having this discussion. BTW: The point I was trying to make, which went over your head, is that we have a lot more on the line if we give Willy his 150K raise, 100K of it as a signing bonus than we do if we simply wait and let him earn his raise. No, we'd have nothing more on the line than the $150k. I have yet to argue for or against giving Willy a big raise, by the way, and agree with about 1/2 the points you've made. I have simply pointed out that there is no big negative consequence to doing it, something you keep claiming. What, mid season Calgary cuts Mitchell AND Toronto cuts Ray AND a free agent bidding war ensues AND Walters decides we must have both? But can't win it because of the $150k? Well, if that happens, I'll buy you a beer, and graciously admit I didn't see it coming. This franchise and fanbase dreams of being in a position where we have a top tier QB. The ones who get paid the big bucks. Is Willy among those guys now? I agree with you, absolutely not. Does he "deserve" to make the same coin as them based on what he's achieved so far? I agree with you (if using the standards of social justice), he does not. Is there a reasonable chance of us not getting the same "money's worth" from Willy as Toronto will get from Ray? Indeed there is. But there is still no great negative consequence to doing it. As far as I can tell going thru all reasonable scenarios, the biggest hypothetical negative is that money could have been put towards one of two things - rolling a portion of 2016 payroll onto the 2015 books thru contract extensions, and paying down stadium debt. 150k, on the other hand, is approximately the amount of increased revenue thru beer sales alone from increased attendance that Willy could bring into Bomber coffers if he does the only thing that matters to casual fans - winning. In other words, it's a pretty insignificant amount to spend given what the real stakes are. I find it endlessly amusing that the people who undoubtedly advocate "spending to the cap", or even "spend over the cap and pay the fine" in pursuit of a winner turn into armchair accountants, wringing their hands at the thought of giving a player a raise that he hasn't "earned". Giving out raises based on potential and projecting forward is just one of many realities of pro sports that all GMs face every year. If you want to take a run at commissioner and revamp the model to one where salaries are determined only after a season is over and we know what a player was really worth, I might vote for you. The potential negative consequences of not signing him now seem much more impactful to the Bombers than the possibility that Willy might not provide a ROI that you consider proper value. Two related points: - This isn't 2004, when people were freaking out because MOP Khari Jones is making over $300,000 per season; the pay scale has moved dramatically since then and these are not crazy numbers being thrown around. - While I used $150k just because that was the number some people want to throw around, I really doubt that the Bombers and Willy have ever been more than 50k apart in spirit. Sure, both camps will have started out further apart than that, but as always during a negotiation, that's just to allow space to move and let the other party know that they have moved. And yes, I know the $150k is difference between no extension at all vs giving him everything he wants, but if you are advocating not even trying to extend him, then I'd say you're way way way out to lunch.
  23. That's just a silly game to play. If we played that game 2 months ago, why sign Stanley Bryant, cause he might get hurt. Go with the smart money, start Taormina and save 80 grand. What a silly answer. Bryant is a known upgrade over January and we sorely needed O line upgrades. Well worth the money especially over a guy who shouldn't be starting in the first place. Willy's a sophomore starter who was great for the first 5 games then looked like a rookie for the rest of the season. If he was one of the top 2 QB's in the league, we'd not be having this discussion. BTW: The point I was trying to make, which went over your head, is that we have a lot more on the line if we give Willy his 150K raise, 100K of it as a signing bonus than we do if we simply wait and let him earn his raise. Good point. If only Willy was an upgrade over Max Hall, I'd be able to counter it. What a bummer for me...
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