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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. NEVER! I was going to, but then Spuds made such a compelling argument. Never it is.
  2. That's not how accounting works. I know. Debt payments don't hit the income statement, they reduce the debt outstanding on the balance sheet. The only portion of a debt payment that hits the income statement is the interest portion of the payment, if there is any interest. Those here accusing the Bombers of "creative accounting" etc. don't know what they are talking about. They posted a $3.9 million profit. During a losing season. They put another $500K of cash into their emergency fund. All that means is that they had cash come in that covered their operating costs, paid the debt payment, and STILL had $500K left to throw into their emergency fund. All of this is GREAT NEWS and yet, why I am surprised there are people here that are pissing all over it. Just unbelievable. You must be new here. Welcome.
  3. Got to be honest here Gbill, I'm just not getting how your mind works. Did you seriously expect Walters to answer that question? "Well the draft is still a month off and we really won't know our full list of personnel needs until we go thru that, and normally a players future is a private conversation I have with a player, but what the hey, since you asked he can read about his future in the paper tomorrow. After 6 seasons with this team and a decade in this league, for him to expect any amount of respect or classy treatment from this organization is just way over the top. Who does that clown think he is? His ass is grass. Print it. Weicek, Friesen - it's a contest now! Which one of you gutter dwellers can write the most personally humiliating headline about Morley? Winner gets a week in Mexico with my wife."
  4. Wow, this is painful. So many things in this thread....painful to read. Here is how a goalie can be out of position on a breakaway - if he's standing in the corner talking to fans, if he's by the bench getting a drink, if he's gone to the bathroom, or some variation of this theme.
  5. Was waiting for a Justin Goltz/oxycontin story... uh, ya, good signing
  6. WHERE'S THE ANGST??!! Ridiculous. Who does he think he is, using his blog to give his thoughts? I SEE RIGHT THRU YOU CAMERON!!!
  7. It's the record since the CFL went to electronic timing (2011), so really it's the fastest in the last 4 years. My recollection is that only 2 players have run sub 4.4 40's in the history of the CFL combine, so Campbell put himself in elite company regardless of the timing system.
  8. Genetics do not determine athletic or intellectual performance, otherwise we would have a lot of hockey players named Richard, Mahovelich, Gretzky, etc etc and have our scientists all named Einstein, Feynman, Da Vinci and so forth. The only three generations of pro athletes are named Wilson. That's right Adam Lowry. Take your lousy hockey skills and go home. And take Brenden Lemeiux with you.
  9. Wake me when it's over, and the inevitable deal for $350k + incentive bonuses is signed. (+/- 10%)
  11. NFL dbs don't have to deal with the waggle. NFL field has 40% less space to cover than a CFL field.
  12. Except the player they removed from their neg list to add Reaves. But I agree it's a low risk, potential for high reward situation. Oh well, I guess someone else will have to sign Tim Tebow.
  13. He's big, he's athletic, he's got the right passport. The Bombers have something to gain, and absolutely nothing to lose.
  14. I'll check the rulebook, but I'm almost positive lining up 7 non-imports on the interior of the offensive line won't work when it comes to meeting the ratio requirements.
  15. Probably around the same time Buff and Myers got healthy, Postma suffered a sprained roster management joint.
  16. I saw one of the preseason games where he got the majority of reps for the Vikings and he looked quite good. He found the holes and was making consistent gains. 5 to 7 yards on most carries. Being smallish likely did him no favours in landing a roster spot. Don't know if he does returns, but the smaller guys have to offer some added value or be truly exceptional like Sproles to keep a roster spot in the NFL.
  17. Disagree. He was skating fast, right on Enstrom's tail, and trying to get the puck. Switch the jerseys up - if that was Lowry I'd want him to be doing exactly the same thing, skating as hard as he can after the puck carrier. Then Enstrom decides to get cute and hit the brakes, cut back to shake him rather than continue in the direction he was heading. Time between Enstrom doing that and Kucherov hitting him is what? About a third of a second? There is no reasonable way to avoid that hit once Enstrom makes his decision to cut back. Kucherov was lining Enstrom up for a hit the whole time. It was going to happen about 10 feet further down the boards, halfway between where they were and behind the net, and Enstrom was going to get absolutely wallpapered. Enstrom thinks his chances of not getting hit are better if he cuts back. He is incredibly wrong and steps right into the path of the player coming to crush him. Switch the jerseys around, pretend that was Lowry hitting a Lightning player who made a similar bad decision in his corner and we end up getting 5 min and eventually losing the game. People here would be losing their minds about how bad a call that was. I don't hate the penalty call, it was made by the back ref (who was closer to the red line than the blue) and he couldn't gauge how little distance there was between the two players from where he was on the ice. I'd be happy if all incidents like that were removed from the game, and if mistakes are made with incidents like that I'd prefer they be too harsh rather than too lenient, but 2 minutes for boarding would better reflect how Enstrom did more to cause that collision than Kucherov. Supplemental discipline for a player who was forechecking exactly the way I'd want him to if he played for us? I disagree.
  18. The goal is to have the best team of 46+ players.
  19. I'd also like to see Morley kept around, but Walters didn't mention him as being part of this years plans. Walters also said he needs to cut some salary from the OL. All signs point to Morley retiring or being released. And when talking about the NI Olinemen for the 2015 team in an article last month, he did the opposite - mentioned Morley and didn't say anything about Neufeld. These aren't prepared statements vetted by a team of lawyers. He's just talking like a normal human does where not every word leaving his mouth is weighed against being taken fully literally and placed under a microscope by the internet people. While I agree odds are Morley probably isn't in the plans anymore, nothing about this article "reveals" anything about that.
  20. "Bring out the Shrug Of Indifference!!!" "No, not the Panties All Knotted Up In A Bunch. Definitely not the right occasion." "Well, look in the closet marked Who Really Cares?. It's supposed to be in there."
  21. Noeller's just working on his grumpy old white guy impersonation. They can't all be Al Jolson. #arentyoualittletoooldtobeusinghashtags?
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