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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Can't see any draft picks stepping in this season and starting right away and making a difference. Could easily see a top ranked receiver or defensive lineman stepping in and playing right away. Any players good enough to step in and play right away are the same players that will attract NFL interest. And I doubt any receiver will be good enough that we're switching our ratio and only playing two imports. If he's that good, that just means JFG is back on the sidelines.
  2. This, exactly. I get why he has to put so much homer spin on it, but it makes for a boring read. The essence of drama is conflict. Don't gloss over the SVR To OTT thing...tell me why it sucked and how you fixed it with Plan B. But again, I get why you can't do that either... So MBB is the essence of drama?
  3. Gazuntite! Gesundheit! That's right, the Deutsche grammar police are on the scene. And believe me, after pulling these jackboots on over our pyjamas, we are not in a good mood.
  4. He appears to have terrible taste in fashion. I'm guessing we can change that.
  5. Probably means it's something they are actively working towards right now.
  6. Bergenheim is exactly the kind of player the Jets could hope to get for a low price (although last week I would have included Winnick in that group). The problem there is the Panthers are still in the hunt for a playoff spot, so their timeline for moving him might not match up well with our immediate need for him. If they start eying the future soon instead of the present, Postma might be a player of interest for them. I doubt he's enough on his own though, more likely him and a 5th. In our favour is that Bergenheim no longer appears to be part of the plans for Florida, as they shift to being a young team. Not in our favour is there are 28 other teams to trade with, some who will have more than Postma and a low pick to offer. I think Bergenheim on our 3rd line could be a pretty good fit, so I hope it can get done.
  7. Why didn't it work out with Kurt and the Bisons? Didn't he have two separate stints with them in 2010 and 2013? There are players who don't want to spend 4 years working on a degree just to play high level football. It may not be their aptitude, they may have economic reasons that make having a job more important than studying, any number of the same reasons that non-football players have for not going to university. None of that is specific to Goodrich, whom I have never met or seen play, and only have second-hand knowledge of from some friends involved in amateur football. They say he is very much the real deal, whatever that means and for whatever that's worth. Well, he's a Canadian kid who I believe has used up his eligibility and has not gone thru the draft, so yes, I'm going to say the only way that's possible is by using a regional exemption. Unless it's not. I've never read the CFL CBA.
  8. Holy crap, this thread is still a thing? Oh wait... Can. But won't. It's pretty straight forward. If you make a list of the best QBs in the CFL that aren't starters as of right now, number one should say Drew Tate. If it doesn't, it's because you don't like Drew Tate. Number 2 should say Glenn. The only reason not to is maybe you caught a bad case of LeFevour last season. I'd have him at 3, but the further down the list we go the smaller the sample size for evaluations gets. Those are the easy ones. I'm not wasting a second of my life thinking about whether Beck was better than Doege. (This is the point where Floyd will declare that Tanner Marsh is the best backup in the CFL, cause that's the most Floydian thing he could do - never change) Tate was not a free agent. Glenn was. I like Brohm, but to put him any higher that 6th on that list means I'm lying to myself (and 6th might still be generous). That list will move around once the season starts and some starters get hurt, but right now as subjective as it is it's still pretty clear. Once Ray misses 5 games and Harris gets an extended chance, that may change. Whoever signs Glenn starts the season with the second best second string QB in the CFL on their roster. Any argument against that is going to ring pretty hollow. And it blows my mind that some people aren't willing to give Glenn the title of "second best second string QB", like that's some kind of huge claim to fame. That's a lot of baggage to carry around for one football player not involved in a felony. The point always was that the Bombers committing in February to being in a position where they are one hit away from Marve as the starter and Portis as the backup was a big flashing red light and something that needed to be addressed. Now it has been.
  9. The city of Detroit teeters on the edge of economic apocalypse, but the Red Wings retain their players and attract the occasional noteworthy free agent. They are the franchise the Jets should be modeled after - they draft well, the players come up thru a great system and are treated well by a quality organization, families settle in long enough to see there is more to that city than just being the butt of easy jokes from outsiders (sound familiar?), and the pieces needed from outside the organization become less and less over time. And they aren't as hard to get, because free agents look and see that despite being able to go anywhere, Zetterberg and Datsyuk want to be in Detroit. There must be a reason. The opportunity to win and a good environment for the players is exactly how this team can disappear from that list.
  10. I am showing why there isn't a single compelling reason for another NHL team to give up anything of value for Postma. He has potential? So does every other player in hypothetical team's farm system. Postma may turn into a regular NHL player someday. Right now in early 2015, there is nothing he has demonstrated on the ice that will convince another team he's worth trading anything of value for. That doesn't mean other teams wouldn't trade for him, it means there will have to be a bigger piece included by the Jets for them to do it. Postma is the throw-in. Unless Postma for a 5th or 6th rounder is considered a trade for value around here. I agree he could get us that.
  11. Start a tradition of winning and slowly but surely our name should slide off that list.
  12. Just move a word, and viola! Buffalo was a perfect storm for that trade. They saw a couple of players they wanted, had a couple of pieces that fit our needs that they also needed to move, and would be able to take a bigger step towards guaranteeing the first overall pick while doing it. That's not going to happen again. The asking price for Vermette will be stupidly high, just like it always is for that type of player at this time of year, because there's always at least one team willing to pay it. Teams are trying to re-build using those players as chips, they aren't going to take our offer of the hockey equivalent of pocket lint. I have yet to see anything from Postma that doesn't suggest he'll play in the AHL for five more years before having a successful career in a European league. Every other defenceman who has graced our roster this year and last has shown me more than Postma. Redmond, Clitsome, Pardy, Chariot, Harrison, and even Ellerby. Any trade that happens involving Postma; he's going to be the Jason Kasdorf of the deal. A throw-in to help grease the wheels.
  13. Show too much? Just wait till I'm on the cover next year! There won't enough eye-bleach in the world to un-see that.
  14. I wonder how good Myers would be right now if he hadn't been trapped in that black hole of suck for so many years? This has been Bogosian's best all around season, so I really did not want to lose him, but that's unfortunately the price of the deal we made. I don't think Trouba has anything to do with it. And while I don't think Myers is currently physically able to replace Bogosian in the defensive end, he has the potential to grow into that as he develops. And his offensive upside is fairly high. So while he's not there yet, the potential for him to be better than Bogosian exists. We'll have to wait a few years to see if the Jets can get that out of him. Buffalo sure wasn't going to do it. He was being asked to carry that team defensively long before he was ready, like he was supposed to be their Shea Weber. It's the same mentality that Atlanta used to ruin so many of their prospects. Thanks Atlanta!
  15. I'm going to have to refer you back to the facepalms above. What does David Thompson have to do with anything related to personnel decisions? I know you're smart enough to know that Chevy isn't calling up Thompson on the phone and asking for an extra million so they can sign Frolik, so why are you even suggesting that he's even tangentially involved in hockey operations? You're going to accuse people of being lazy? That's lazy. Cmon Floyd, I know you're better than that. (and fyi - losing 7 million dollars makes a difference to everyone)
  16. It's simple, they want to end the day with some rides down the waterslides at Canadinns.
  17. Fargo tryout will largely consist of running limbs thru a wood-chipper
  18. The Bombers having one of the top Olines in the league is extremely cart before the horse right now. When everyone standing to the right of your left guard is a question mark for one reason or another, mid-February is a bit too early to say what they are. But as also suggested, Walters has acquired what appear to be better carts and horses, and for that I am happy. We all have high hopes for what they might be.
  19. Exactly. Montreal released troy Smith a day after the deadline. I don't think we'll see a lineup of players avoiding Montreal anytime soon. Montreal was silly enough to think Troy Smith could somehow come back to "haunt them". Does anyone here seriously think Nic Grigsby will come back to haunt us? All those willing to let their names stand on behalf of Nic Grigsby's talent level, now is the time to identify yourselves. Step right up.
  20. They are falling into the trap of viewing last week's trade as an easily disectable trade that can drill down to Myers for Bogosian. As an overall defenceman, Bogosian was nearly the ideal player for the style and system the Jets are playing this year. This system really played to his strengths. But the trade was about much more than Myers for Bogosian. Myers needs some time to get comfortable both in the system and with his new partner. He won't likely ever match the physicality that Bogosian brought, but he has other strengths to his game that will emerge over time. Patience is needed as thankfully what they were doing in Buffalo has no resemblance to what we're doing in Winnipeg.
  21. Interesting hire. The AD went against the alumni, huh? SFU was burned badly by Jacques Chapdelaine. I think there's a lot of hesitation by the AD to hire a CFL assistant as a head coach now because of what happened. Jacques promised the university a long term commitment. Then he jumped to the Riders first opportunity he got after only one season as HC. SFU can't afford to be hiring their fourth HC in 4 years if Reinebold decided to jump back to the CFL a year after he was hired. Too risky so this was the safe hire. I just messaged my son what you posted. Thanks. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming. Reinbold is such a rah-rah kind of guy, he seems the least likely coach in the CFL to pull a one-and-done on SFU. College ball seems like the ideal atmosphere for him. But I know nothing about Fowles, and he may well be the best man for the job anyways.
  22. I'm picking the Bombers to finish 6th in the west. I love it when my expectations are exceeded.
  23. When I saw that, I thought it might be time for an Alberta road trip.
  24. With 9 teams there has to be a weekend with 5 games to get all 81 on the schedule, so at least one team will have to bite the bullet one time every year until the CFL has 10 teams. Of course that 1 team 1 time per year. All the other times it happens is totally avoidable.
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