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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. ...This is massive. I can actually come home for it this year... Hear that everyone? BEERS ON NOELLER!!!
  2. If his contract doesn't have any big bonus coming up, I'd prefer to wait until camp to make that decision. See how Everett looks. See how our draft picks look. But if I had to bet a buck right now I'd guess he'll get nudged towards retirement before then. Stashed away on the 6 game in case of emergency is something to consider if neither Everett or the picks look ready to play snaps.
  3. Your name insults the Bombers all-time leading scorer. If my high horse keeps me from sinking to that level, I'm fine staying up here. Like Jane Seymour says, if you keep an open heart, love will find it's way in.
  4. It's many factors....one of the biggest is downplaying every loss he's ever had and blaming something...anything....other than himself. No credibility. No leadership. No drive. No to KG. No to mediocrity in this, the longest current Grey Cup drought. That's not how Stegall described Glenn in the huddle, but what would he know? After all, Glenn didn't interview well. That's by far the most important thing to consider.
  5. Is it wrong that I actually have more faith in Marve in November then Glenn simply due to watching Glenn all these years? Lol Of course it's not wrong. It's the reason why half of us hate him. Hate him? Interesting. I'd be curious to know if you've ever even spoken with him. Grow up.
  6. Ah, the old "this is where I want to be, just get me the best deal and I'll sign". That's a pretty rare one. I doubt the gap in price is any closer now than it was last summer. If the Jets are willing to offer more, the agent will be asking more. That's what they do. Like I said, it will be an agent thing. If it's Frolik and Chevy sitting in a room a deal probably gets done for less. That's true of almost every player, and that's why they leave it up to the agents. With Ladd and Buff's contracts on the horizon, Chevy will have to be very mindful of where he sets the bar for players who are considered lesser. It's one thing to be able to point out deals around the league as evidence of why you deserve a bigger contract; Chevy can always say those aren't his contracts. When you can point to players in your own locker room as precedent for why you should be getting 7 million instead of 6, well that's a corner Chevy will try and not paint himself into.
  7. And J Richardson, Emry, Watson. Its the roll the dice year for us. We apparently are just going to wing it from here on out. You guys are nothing without Durant. Proved it last year. Any team without its starter is in big trouble. Pretty basic football 101. The more surprising part for me was how ineffective the passing game was when Durant was still healthy. It's one thing to be a run-based offence, but the passing game looked completely out of sync for most of the year no matter who was under center. I don't know what to expect from that team this year.
  8. Montreal might give him more carries - not sure how they could give him less - but I don't think he's ever going break that 4.5 yard per carry average that seemed to be his benchmark here. He's a good depth guy to have; I'd have had no problems if the Bombers brought him back. I also would not have confused him for the next Cornish, or even the next Calvin McCarthy. He's a guy who does his job.
  9. At this point I don't think Frolik will be back. It's an agent thing. They might meet on term but they won't meet on price. Even if the Jets can fit it under the budget, every time you raise the bar it raises the bar for the next player you need to sign. GMs handing out willy-nilly contracts is why the NHL keeps having lockouts. Chevy will not fall into that trap. Frolik is a valuable player, but I'm expecting his agent to dig his heels in at a price the Jets will not go to.
  10. As was TJ Rubley. I understand the fascination with Marve, he seems like the complete package when it comes to physical gifts. Right now I don't think he's ready yet, not ready enough to be the starter long term if Willy gets knocked out for multiple games. He did some amazing things when he had a chance, but what I also saw was a lot of chaos. Too much. Some of that is playing with the team that we had last year, but before I'm sold on him being ready, I want to see more plays that are calm and efficient. Give him some more time to learn. He made amazing progress last year, don't cut his feet out from under him by rushing him in before he's ready. It's mid February. I don't want this team essentially committing to Marve or Portis as our number 2 with the season this far out. If one of those guys wins the job in camp, that's fantastic, but there is no reason to not try and bring in someone with who is currently better equipped to carry the load for 6 games if need be. This isn't an argument for Glenn, this is an argument against settling for the status quo. Glenn is definitely better than the status quo. And if Brohm or Lefevour get brought up, I'd argue for them too. Let Marve prove he's ready - don't assume it 4 months out of training camp.
  11. Why? cause he may win us a couple extra games if Drew gets hurt? KG will just suck fn ass as soon as the temp falls to anywhere near 0. He's shown it time and time again. Yes. That is exactly why. Good job answering your own question.
  12. Probably just expects too much money. His rookie contract was crazy overpriced, he squeezed out every penny possible based on combine numbers and a short stint with the Colts. Now people will be offering him significantly less than what he made previously. Most players don't go into FA thinking that will happen, and with the limited choices available for NI receivers, he probably thought he'd get comparable numbers to what Hamilton paid him the first time around. He's going to have to get past his disappointment before a deal gets done. There seems to be two camps with him; one that still buys into all the hype from his combine numbers and another that thinks he's a bust. He's somewhere in the middle of all that, and given what we have right now I'd be pleased if the Bombers signed him. Kohlert, Feoli-G, Goodrich and that kid from the Watson trade - unless we've already decided to take a receiver with that 2nd overall pick, I think we need another good NI receiver on the roster to meet our ratio needs. I hope Goodrich and whatshisface are amazing, but right now they have a combined 0 catches for 0 yards in the CFL. If Kohlert gets injured, we are in trouble.
  13. Forgot about that Thanks. You've been quite distracted since changing your avatar.
  14. At this point you could probably get Glenn for not too much money, but half of it gets paid up front and the contract would have a lot of performance bonuses. If I had to guess at what kind of a deal gets KG a job in 2015, something both parties can live with.
  15. Hate losing Bogosian, but I'll keep reminding myself that we have to give up something to get something. The Jets were never going to use Kasdorf, so using him to grease the wheels was a good idea. Bogosian and Kane were both top 4 picks, so this isn't highway robbery on our part, not even close. I'd probably give the whole thing a thumbs down without Armia included, but he tips this whole thing into the win column.
  16. Walters zips up jacket, exits arena thru a side door, and heads back south to his office to sign more players.
  17. Actual answer to Guigere question is Ottawa is likely only starting 1 NI receiver, and with Sinopoli and the guy they had last year and potentially using a high draft pick on another receiver, does not think they need him and don't want to spend money on him.
  18. First thought was wondering if there was something he knows that we don't know. Second thought was what an excellent game that would make - "What does Marcel Desjardins know that we don't know?" Q: What does Marcel know that we don't know? A: The location of every Arby's in North America. (not the best day for this game as he managed to look totally not-incompetent yesterday, but I just can't help myself)
  19. Penton wasn't saying the Bombers preferred SirVincent, he was explaining why they might prefer him over Bryant.
  20. ...and preferably one that isn't built like Bryan Guebert.... ALL football players should be built like Brian Guebert.
  21. Yes, 3 or 4 of the targeted players would be nice, but that doesn't mean he won't fill in with roster players if the 1st choices aren't available. Still could end up with upwards of 5 or 6. "Targeting" 5 or 6 guys may very well mean multiple players for the same position, not 5 or 6 signings. ie - He's targeting Bryant and Rogers, and wants to get one, Curran and Peters, wants to get one, Sinopoli/Watt/Guigerre, wants to get one. Because as a good GM, he will have a fallback plan.
  22. And as much as Marve has a huge fan club in wpg, I'm not completely warm to the idea that we've already committed to him as our backup in early February. Those were some exciting snaps he took last year and there was lots of raw potential on display, but he looked really, really green out there. Some of those snaps shouldn't have been nearly so exciting. Professional football shouldn't resemble a sandlot too often. Once in a while, but not that much. He didn't get burned for all of the improvising he did, but that won't hold true forever. Give him more time to learn before he becomes the guy that is one hit away from being the starter. And if he beats out all the other competition for that spot, all the better. For now I'd also like to see Brohm back.
  23. Of course not, but it's his dream and his last opportunity to take a shot at it, so why not? Good for him, really. No regrets, that kind of thing. If Brohm returns to the CFL looking for work, there will probably be a couple of teams that will consider him. I'm guessing Walters would like him back because you can never have too many good QBs, but he's not getting into a bidding war over Brohm. No one will be that anxious to sign him. Whatever amount Walters was willing to offer Brohm, say $115k or something like that, I doubt he'll go a penny higher just because Taman starts calling. No one was certain what they'd get with Reilly, but he was the only guy with any potential that spring, and with multiple teams searching for a starter. There was a seller's market. That doesn't exist this year and no one would look at Brohm as anything more than possibly a backup, which is the same distinction 2 other guys on their roster will already have. He did alright with his opportunity. Maybe we've gotten so used to our backups crapping the bed that it's become our expectation. I'd like to have seen a bit more from him, but the same can be said of Marve and Portis, so hey, what can you do?
  24. If Jones had made it to free agency, I would have expected BC to make a pretty big push for him, despite Buono's insistence that free agency isn't his thing.
  25. Sounds like he is as good as gone. There's always a few players that re-sign with their original teams after free agency opens. For some it's just that they needed a bit more time to get a deal done, others quickly realize the bags of money aren't showing up anytime soon. And there might be a few guys signed later on who will be making less than they did previously, but teams don't want to commit to them yet in the hopes of finding someone better. Maybe Cornell and Volny end up back for training camp. If they do, it won't be because Walters didn't explore other options, and it won't be because they turned down huge cash elsewhere to stay here.
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