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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. The Jets seem to really struggle against the Flyers and play up to the Pens. If I'm Maurice I'm starting Pavelec tonight and Hutchinson on Thursday. It's what the gut's telling me.
  2. He fights to keep his position... nothing wrong with a little competition... being a ST ace also works in Unamba's favour And he played WIL last year, so maybe he can play both sides. Great use of a DI if he can back up both positions and be a monster on special teams.
  3. Good for him, but I was hoping we might sign him as a 3rd WR to replace Kelly/Bryant. Yeah, I was hoping Chiles was somewhere around 4th on Walters' FA to-do list. Ellingson isn't a bad runner-up, but I had a definite preference for Chiles. You think Kuale can convert to receiver? Interesting. I like it!!!
  4. Gary Bettman gets off the phone with the Brick - "I finally nailed down a delivery date for that new furniture. Wife was getting on my case about that. The Cindy Crawford collection will look great by the fireplace, and the Sophia Vegara pieces will be really comfy in the basement." Bettman chatting with his friends - "I finally nailed down a delivery date for that new furniture. Wife was getting on my case about that. The Cindy Crawford collection will look great by the fireplace, and the Sophia Vegara pieces will be really comfy in the basement." TUP - Everything Bettman said was 100% accurate!
  5. sigh..... As a member of the Communications staff at the Bombers, I can tell you that we do not use a specific calendar to determine when to issue releases. There are a number of factors that have to be considered as far as when a release is sent out, every single one is different. I can't speak for other teams in the CFL, however. No idea what they base their release dates on. Hey, thanks for taking the time to answer a question for those interested in the minutia of their favourite football team... ...is something a non-horrible person might say
  6. Are they calling it the Ray Rice rule or the Adrien Peterson rule? Joking, joking, obviously they're calling it the Adrien Peterson rule - they just cut Rice without paying him.
  7. I didn't think we'd have much interest, since we already have Leggett on a longer term deal. Good for the Riders though. All that, plus anything that might make it tougher for them to re-sign Heenan gets my thumbs up.
  8. Why wouldnt the Jets want an All Star Game. They make money and brings all sort of sponsors and business tycoons to town. It creates 3 (do they still do the young guns game?) additional events that they can sell tickets to. What's the average ticket price - $150? 45,000 x 150 = I can think of 6,750,000 reasons why they would want the all star game. Plus concessions. $150 for tickets? You think? That seems awfully steep. But really I have no idea. That's entirely an assumption on my part, that they'd charge the same amount for this game as they would a regular season game. Offered as an inclusion with the season ticket packages, and those that are declined get offered to the waiting list people. Between the luxury boxes and the 300's the average ticket price for that should be in the $150 range.
  9. Why wouldnt the Jets want an All Star Game. They make money and brings all sort of sponsors and business tycoons to town. It creates 3 (do they still do the young guns game?) additional events that they can sell tickets to. What's the average ticket price - $150? 45,000 x 150 = I can think of 6,750,000 reasons why they would want the all star game. Plus concessions.
  10. I'm sure they gave a buy-out a lot of thought but in the end chose not to. Paying someone 20 million to do nothing is not a choice most people make if there are alternatives. He's won 2 cups with them. They hoped his game would come back to the level that warranted his salary. It has not.
  11. No. Wasn't a good idea during the summer and hasn't gotten any better now. His salary would have to get a haircut, followed by a buzzcut, and we already have players on our lineup who have many of his intangibles. K, well I'd answer Jpan85's question with the same answer you gave as well, but... - Bringing in Richards makes far more sense now than it did in the offseason. We were largely considered a playoff longshot then, now - legit playoff team who *may* be aspiring to reach round 2. Clearly the weakest link on the roster is the bottom 6 FW group, which Richards fits perfectly. - We don't have anyone who matches his intangibles. I have no idea how he's fallen as far as he has the last couple of years, but what he has accomplished is signifcant and shouldn't be ignored (nor should his play this and last year for the record) A champion at every level - Jrs, Pros, International. Tough, physical 2 way forward with goal scoring ability. No, I wouldn't want him for anything near $5M. And no, certainly not for another 5 years.....but let's not pretend this is the worst idea ever. Richards would certainly help the Jets. I agree, but disagree. Nothing wrong with Richards the person or Richards the player, but Richards the player at 6M/5yr on the 3rd or 4th line is a problem for the Kings and it's a problem for the Jets. His resume is fantastic, no doubt about it. "Tough, physical 2 way forward with goal scoring ability." Absolutely. But, we already have that guy in Andrew Ladd, and his goal-scoring ability over the last 3 seasons is trending up, not down, and he costs less than Richards. Would I like to have another guy like that on the roster? Sure, probably every team would. The Jets have the youth coming up and Ladd and Buff to extend over the next season or two. 6M/5yr just doesn't fit that plan unless you do something like dump Ladd, and considering Ladd is significantly more productive than Richards, it isn't a strategy that makes sense. I like Richards, but he's screwed by his great contract. If the Jets go shopping in the next while a forward in the 2M/2yr range suits them a lot better, and some of those guys will come with great intangibles too.
  12. No. Wasn't a good idea during the summer and hasn't gotten any better now. His salary would have to get a haircut, followed by a buzzcut, and we already have players on our lineup who have many of his intangibles.
  13. I'll just edit out your temper tantrum and get to the meat: Yes, the 30% of the facts he presented was 100% true. Wade took exception to Bettman leaving out the other 70% of the truth to paint them as the bad guy in this situation. Which seems to have worked on you. Funny, my kids know that deliberate omission isn't the same thing as telling the truth. You and Bettman, well, I guess my children could teach you some maturity.
  14. 278 additional seats. If I understand what I've heard correctly, they're basically stripping down the current LED ribbon, extending the overhang of the 300 level over the suites a bit and using that space to add 278 more seats. They'll add the new ribbon to the face of those seats. Danke. I guess an additional 3000 seats added to the overhang was out of the question.
  15. Maybe they'll want defensive depth more. Rather than "buying" and "selling", it would simply be a trade based on a good fit for both teams. If they'd take Pardy or Postma (or both) for Kassian and we don't have to give up anything else, I'd do that trade in half a heartbeat. It's not a great idea for this team to give up futures for a UFA.
  16. Desjardins and Rick Campbell weren't in Mobile for Senior Bowl week. Campbell missed the plane trying to talk Desjardins off the luggage carousel.
  17. So does that mean an additional 278 seats will exist? Or is the capacity remaining the same? Or decreasing (premium seats tend to take up more space than regular ones)?
  18. Ah, the classic "No offence, but (says something incredibly offensive)." Saying you have nothing against Wade in a preamble means very little when you have demonstrated on multiple occasions elsewhere that you do. So that was your takeaway from reading that article? Goodness. All parties had agreed on a date in February, then 2 weeks ago the NHL changed it's mind. They scrambled to find an alternative date. Two possibilities were looked at. One in January, one in December. The Jets nixed the one in January. The Bombers nixed the one in December. Your takeaway from all of this? Miller is a **** who is out of his league? Give your head a shake. Better yet, don't do anything to enhance the concussion you may be experiencing, and re-read the article:
  19. What makes you think we even get a chance to match a better offer? Say Sask throws down 250 and we offer 260, Taman says "275 if you sign right now." Maybe we are willing to best 275 and maybe we never get a chance to do so. It's not just an open auction floor where the highest bid wins. We can do everything right and still not win. Unfortunately. But I don't think we'll come away completely empty handed on the Oline front; it just might not be the H's everyone is hoping for.
  20. And an almost negligible cap hit. He's one late-season injury to another team's defence away from being called a "smart move" during a playoff broadcast.
  21. I don't think so either. He reminds me of Hall Gill, but smaller and a better skater. He's not very good 5 on 5, but he's a good penalty killer and has good size. Teams will take a chance on him for those two attributes. Every team wants some depth going into the playoffs. I don't think he clears waivers.
  22. Just like two former Bombers making the two biggest plays to get the Seahawks in the Super Bowl was last weekend! grumble grumble
  23. Probably on his way to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
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