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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. They don't "sit on announcements", they "spread out announcements". Huuuuge difference.
  2. I can take a look at that for you if you want. I've written a little code in my day... 10 "BOOBS" 20 GOTO 10
  3. Sam Miller is 5'9" 182lbs. 5'10" 190. Lots of SAM linebackers have played at a similar size. Kent, Malveaux, both guys in that ball park.
  4. We did it for Nick Moore. And I'm not opposed to doing it. But there's better value out there. MUCH better value. If we really want a receiver, let's go out and get one in free agency. While everyone is battling it out for SJ and Dressler, let's sneak in there and grab Chiles or Ellingson. We don't need a number one or two. We need a number three and those guys would be great in a WR3 role. Going after Green wouldn't be the first, second or third thing I'd do in free agency, but if all the big fish end up on someone else's hook and we have a fat roll of bills in our pocket with no one to spend them on, arming Willy with Denmark, Moore and Green is something I'd give serious consideration to.
  5. I am an unabashed Fred Stamps fan. There are almost no players from other teams that I pull for. Stamps is all class and talent, and I wish he'd been a Bomber instead of an Eskimo. He didn't have a great season last year. He had 4 incredible ones before it. Maybe his best days are behind him, but I'd have been happy to have him on our roster in 2015 to find out.
  6. Total nonsense. The Jets payroll for goalies is 4.5 million. That is less than almost every other team in the league (finding all the numbers post-capgeek is too time consuming). Cam Ward is making 6.7 million this year. Anton Khudobin is making 800k as the backup. Combined 8.5 million at that position. We could give Hutchinson a 3 million dollar raise today and still be paying a million less per season for our goalies than the Hurricanes are. You don't like Pavelec. So be it. His contract makes him difficult to trade if we wanted to do that. It does not impede decisions for other players, affect the "salary structure" of the team, or create a social injustice that must be addressed. It just pisses you off because you don't think he's worth it. Turns out the Jets don't really care about your feelings. That's not very nice of them.
  7. Pavelec broke the internet.
  8. FB argument between 17to85 and I from earlier today...for whatever reason, I'm a big believer that JFG is *potentially* a really special receiver...higher ceiling than Kohlert. But he disagrees vehemently, and that's fair... Interesting - I can see an argument for Feoli having a higher ceiling than Kohlert, but I'd agree that it seems unlikely he'll ever reach it.
  9. He'd have to become a favourite of Willy's for that to happen, cause he's not going to be the recipient of too many deep passes in a season.
  10. Based on what I've seen I'd flip those and have Brackenridge closer to the line of scrimmage. He's an effective blitzer.
  11. There's only 9 teams in the league and I wouldn't put us in the top 5, so by the definition of the word average we are below average. It will take a long, long time to fix it. A lot of things will have to go right. Calgary has the best by far, and it's taken them years of savvy moves to do it. Accumulating talent to trade for picks, using those picks to move up the board, landing the odd free agent here and there. Now they have backups that are more talented than our starters at some positions. But Hamilton made many similar moves for a decade and constantly had them amount to nothing until recently. We need a little luck on our side. The distance between us and the top teams is what it is. Are we lessening it or letting it grow? As long as we take more steps forwards than backwards, we're headed in the right direction.
  12. 3-5 weeks?? I thought they said next 3 games + All Star weekend.Nope, it's 3-5 weeks.http://www.nhl.com/ice/m_news.htm?id=748770 Well that's fantastic news. For us, I mean. Hopefully for my fantasy team as well. Lining up my trade proposals for Rinne's owner.
  13. No problem, he's got 5 months to put on weight. Get him into Pizza Ranch every day, he'll be up to 250 in no time. Perfect for a DB.
  14. You know what? He's being aggressive and going after a guy who can get them to the next level. Say, 4-14.
  15. http://www.leaderpost.com/sports/football/roughriders-football/Vanstone+Roughriders+shouldn+break/10730640/story.html You really needed to bold that part. Building up hope will make the eventual letdown all that much more dramatic.
  16. Speaking of unannounced signings, is there any news related to Kurt Goodrich? I was give the impression by people who seem to understand the eligibility rules that if he wasn't signed by Dec 20th (or sometime like that) that the territorial exemption period ended and he became part of the draft class.
  17. Y'know, now that you mention it...looking at that pic on the left...the porpoise-like forehead...MY SON IS AN HGH USER!!!
  18. Someone who has no clue who Stubler or Hall or anyone and who gets all of their info via TSN / CJOB / Sun / Free Press .... Someone who doesn't get manic depressive over staffing decisions in January....
  19. You're entitled to your opinion and so am I. I'm convinced Adrian Peterson is an HGH user. My son's convinced I'm the strongest person in the world. And he's right of course, because of the massive amounts of HGH I take.
  20. Based just on percentages, it seems very unlikely. About 30 WR taken per draft. Simon Fraser is very low profile by NCAA standards. On average about 1 or 2 low-profile school receivers get taken per year. The chances it's him are not favourable. But his agent could get him a free agent tryout. Odds of that happening have to be a lot higher than him getting drafted.
  21. Even then, Waud/Durant might be worth making a deal. It's all hypothetical anyways, unless these guys project extremely highly there's no need to deviate from whatever the current plan is, and whatever the current evaluations are for these players, they will not likely change at all until Ecamp (outside of Waud's upcoming game). And if there's 2 guys we feel we absolutely must have, we still have to find a dance partner for a trade and hope the second guy is still on the board for us to take. Can't plan for any of this in January, but we can be open to the idea.
  22. I thought that was TUP's total in the Jets threads. Thanks to Rich and the gang for making this exist, it's a pretty fun place to be.
  23. I understand the logic in trading down and acquiring more picks in a draft this deep, but if the Bombers have identified some players that they feel are can't-miss future stars, I'd rather they burn some lower picks to get another high one and not leave it up to chance. They believed in their evaluations of Briggs and Jones enough to makes moves and get these guys rather than hope they float down to them. If they really like Waud and Ruby, for example, or Groulx and Durant, then let's be aggressive and get those guys. We can't get every elite player, but if there's an opportunity to seize, seize it. So far the actions of Walters leads me to believe he will do that.
  24. I'm trying.... Nope, can't think of a single thing to say that doesn't turn into high levels of sarcasm. Let's see what's happening in other threads.
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