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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. I asked the question so I care. Does anyone know? He started every game last season for the Argos at LG. The previous season he started one game at RT. I'd actually like to see Greaves slide out to tackle. i think he's got the arm length and finesse to make that move. Hmmm. I'll admit there is a lot of logic in this idea. An athletic Olineman with decent footwork who seems able to think his way around the field. There would be a significant learning curve, but it might be worth exploring.
  2. Left guard, so him and Greaves are slotted in the same spot.
  3. GBill's convinced Neufeld starts at tackle. I am NOT convinced Neufeld starts at tackle. I proposed that as a very early option of what the OL could look like if the season started tomorrow. Wow. Keep the knickers unknotted, just explaining how one of you gets 6th man and another gets 7th. And it's not like that was the first time you've used 4 NI's on the Oline as your default for the roster makeup. Personally I don't see it with the guys we have now, not even with the addition of Picard, but all sorts of roster changes can and will happen between now and Canada long, so who knows?
  4. Safety. Good luck to him, if he's ever back in the CFL I hope it's in a blue and gold uni.
  5. Well, he gets "picked on quite a lot" because he plays the position that gets thrown at the most on a CFL field. If the coaches had any sense at all, they'd put one of our most talented DB's at that spot. Hey, wait a second...
  6. Slim indeed. It's pretty much agreeing to be totally expendable. Makes more sense to not waste a training camp with a team that doesn't want you and sign with one that does.
  7. I think he played some Safety and some LB in Hall's D, before he signed with Winnipeg. Based on his physical attributes I'd figure him for safety or WIL, or perhaps a spot in the middle in a 3-4 defence. During his extremely short debut in pre-season, my very fuzzy recollection is that all his snaps were at linebacker. Don't recall him getting any at safety during the game.
  8. Nothing that Kyle Walters has done in his first 1.5 years at the post leads me to believe he will be satisfied with the status quo... Nope. About 84 hours since Picard's release was rumoured till his signing here was official. Walters certainly is not being passive in his duties.
  9. The signing is up on the Bomber website now, so it's official.
  10. You're absolutely right Dude you're turning into Roadgriller. Don't turn into Roadgriller. Cole's note version. But I'm guessing they didn't really have a choice in the matter if they wanted to keep Heenan in the fold.
  11. There are negative spinoffs though, the biggest of which is to the drafting process. Compressing the timeline means either teams will have very little time to sign their draft picks before training camp OR the draft has to take place earlier which means CFL teams go back to increasing their exposure to drafting players that end up getting taken in the NFL draft/signing as undrafted free agents OR varying degrees of both. And considering the CFL finally changed the rules for redshirt players for the upcoming draft, it seems unlikely they'd want to bring that problem back before they even have a chance to finally see the benefit of kind-of solving it.
  12. The thought process of the average reporter is pretty uninformed and often lazy when it comes to Oline play. Raised eyebrows are a pretty common annual event here in Bomberland when the nomination for MOL comes out. My guess at the thought process - the Riders had a dominant run game, so reporters figure take a guy from that team. Picard was the guy they nominated, so might as well pick him. Why was Picard nominated? Over 3 other guys I'd have put ahead of him? Who knows? What's the process, one coach vote and 5 local reporters, right? And how do the reporters pick? Often they just go ask the coach. Why did the coach pick Picard (obvious assumption there)? Sometimes they like to reward players for what they've done in their career, and Picard has had a pretty good one. Heenan, Labatte, Best - these guys will get other chances to be nominated. Kind of like Scorsese finally winning a best director award for The Departed after years of being looked over despite his previous work being superior. I don't mind these kind of make-up picks because I don't give the awards much value in the first place. Not to make it sound like I'm opposed to the signing, I never have been, I just don't see a natural fit between the two parties. But without a doubt, Picard has always played a sandpapery game.
  13. That's why I'm surprised Picard would want to be involved here. He knows contracts aren't guaranteed and we can cut him at any time. It's not some kind of trick we can pull on him. This is a team that offers less job security for him than some, unless he's been hiding his talents as a guard all these years.
  14. No longer being associated with the Leafs will make it easier for me to once again access the "good memories" section of my brain for Carlyle.
  15. No, there is nothing wrong with this. More like it's approaching change for change's sake. There are probably very few people strongly opposed to bringing Picard here (but since it's the internet, I'm sure there's a few who will claim he's the devil). And considering we have Goossen who should be ready to get his feet wet at that position in the near future, if it's not an upgrade over the status quo (Morley), why bother? And just from the pure nuts and bolts of it all, Picard isn't going to sign a one year deal with a team at this point in his career, while there is no way we will defer giving Goossen starts at center until 2017. It's just not a good match right now unless the Bombers have seen enough from Goossen in practise that they don't think he'll be ready to play center for 2 more seasons (or ever). I would not know if that's the case, but there has never been any indication of this. And Picard is smart enough to look at our roster and realize his career prospects are worse here than several other teams. We're like a less sexy version of Calgary (with Lavertu) at the center position. There will be places where he can get more money and more snaps than here. Recognizing the poor fit for both parties isn't the same as being opposed to the player.
  16. Sure, sure, I can do that... uhhhhhh.... Let's just file this under a-swing-and-a-miss.
  17. And right there the story loses all credibility.
  18. The secondary was the best part of this team last season. Another piece of it potentially back in place. Huzzah.
  19. Your grammar choice impedes the strength of your argument...
  20. You have to help us doc. We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas.
  21. They've turned the guy into a celebrity. He's probably the network's biggest personality since Jay & Dan left. Sportsnet also offered him a pile of money to take over Millard's duties there. Black must have some fans, or they wouldn't keep bringing him back. As much as we might like to think so, a couple dozen fans on a message board don't speak for the general population. The things that annoy us, like him shrieking "WHAT A CATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DID YOU SEE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" multiple times per game for anything slightly beyond routine, the higher-ups at CTV like. They think his level of excitement influences the level of excitement and interest in the common fan. And for a casual fan they are probably right. They might get tricked into thinking an average game was a good one and a good game was a great one. For the folks who are on the live-and-breathe-football side, it's annoying. We know a great play when we see one, and we know when a guy who's best work comes when he's covering figure skating is overselling the product and demonstrating insufficient knowledge of the game in the process. He's a good all-purpose sports guy for sports broadcasts. I'd rather have a great football guy for the football broadcasts.
  22. After carefully reviewing the rules, I cannot find any way for both Detroit and Dallas to lose their playoff game, so one of those miserable franchises was going to have to win. The collection of human garbage vs Murrrrrrrica's team. I was cheering for the meteor strike.
  23. Riders cut him because his salary vs age vs quality of play is not favourable compared to the other options they have. If they weren't forced to make that decision for cap reasons, maybe they keep him for one more year. Maybe they still cut him. Someone will sign him because he's still better than the scrub they're keeping on their practise roster or hidden on a 1 game IR. They won't pay much for him because of the same reasons Saskatchewan cut him. He'll be the "break glass in case of emergency" guy for some team in this league. That same logic works for us just as well as any of the other 8 teams. Fine if we get him, but the top end of what we'd pay him should not have any wiggle room - he should not be a signing that hinders our ability to sign more important players, which would probably be almost every other player on the roster. As for a starter at center, if we're making a change, I'm wanting to the Goossen era to begin if he's deemed ready enough. Otherwise, based on what I think I saw last year, our line should look better by replacing the guys around Morley more than it would look better by replacing Morley, so just roll with him again.
  24. Separating players from scheme makes it hard to draw conclusions. The Riders were pretty bad defending the pass but pretty good against the run. We have the makings of a very good secondary. So hypothetically does Hall benefit from our good secondary or ruin our secondary with bad schemes? Right now that's unknowable.
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