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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Shudders. Posts like this make me wonder if some folks just will never be happy around here. You still wonder? Some folks will never be happy around here.
  2. It's a fantastic trade. That's about the least we could give up, and Harrison isn't a bum.
  3. I wondered after losing Trouba - what's Wade Redden up to these days? It is true, not every player ended up with a dance partner during the offseason.
  4. Maybe. That part of it is out of their control. But they definitely like him enough to bring him back to training camp next year. The front office is busy busy busy. Or doing nothing, in a cone of silence, and leaving us twisting in the wind. Potato, potahto...
  5. I'm aware. My point is outside of nostalgic reminiscing, reserved for guys like Mike Riley and Cal Murphy and a few select others, there have not been any coordinators that I can think of that have not been met with complaints from a not insignificant number of people. People argue that Lapo should have been fired on his first go-around as OC because in the second year the offence dropped to 4th in the league. 4th. The grass is always greener until it's planted on our yard. Whomever is hired is just going to be the next guy some people will demand we should fire.
  6. Which guy? Eh, I don't care. People will be complaining after the first first down against the Bombers. Separating scheme from personnel is next to impossible anyways, talented guys will make a bad scheme look good and lesser players will make a decent scheme look flawed. With the secondary we have to build off of here any of these guys should be in a position to have a top 4 defence with just a couple of new bodies in the front 7. The Lions have a defence I'd like to have, so what the hey, Benevides I guess.
  7. It's a joke. Thanks for that. I must have sat down too soon. Yes, you did. Now get off me!
  8. As a fan who wants the team to win, by far the most important thing the Bombers can do is swiftly and thoughtlessly act in a manner that appeases my angst. Coming up with a thoughtful and reasoned plan of action? Screw that garbage! APPEASE ME! ME ME ME ME ME!!!
  9. Yeah, you're gonna get mediocrity. I'd like someone who can win, not just be average. Who was the last OC or DC that people didn't endlessly complain about? Etch was a bum. Burke was a bum. Reed was a bum. Marshall was a bum. Lapolice has been fired twice here. I don't believe the fans "liking someone" is something that will ever occur.
  10. You can't really open up the playbook if you can't sustain drives, and you can't sustain drives if you can't establish a run game. As much as I enjoy a double reverse flea-flicker, keeping a defence off-balance shouldn't require 8 a game.
  11. Cause it matters so much considering it's ******* december.....smh Just goes to show the rampant dysfunction that still exists in the Bomber front office. Power struggle for a month and a half over firing a coordinator. Why are you married to this idea that the length of time it took to make the announcement automatically means there was a power struggle? That's a pretty huge leap, based on complete lack of facts to support that. It's a bit of a recurring phenomenon in these parts. If you wear a hat it deters some of the temptation to pull one's hair out. That's all the help I can offer.
  12. Who do you replace him with? Gary Crowton.
  13. The first photo is missing... I'll just assume it was a picture of monkeys flinging crap at a wall.
  14. Turns out it was just Devon Claybrooks.
  15. WHY WON'T THEY LET US KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS!!! Please say you're being silly when you say that. Never. I'm being facetious.
  16. Nowhere near enough credit for a guy like Bucknor ... he played great for us last year. Great? No let's not get delusional here. He was adequate. You bring the guy back for sure but let's not pretend the team wouldn't have continued along just fine without him. For a Canadian on the corner, he was great. Would we be worse off if he left? Yes. That statement is skewing your perception. Just because it's a low bar doesn't mean his play was great. He didn't **** up too badly that's all you really need out of the guy but I would suggest that if he leaves you just play an american in that position and actually improve your secondary overover all. Can likely find a way to replace the NI somewhere else. Maybe a linebacker position, maybe find a DL, maybe they even go with 3 receivers, or 4 OL.He's a useful player to have but he wasn't great. Starting Canadian corner who didn't embarrass himself continually and you don't see that as a great signing? At the very least, he gets bumped to 5th DB/STer/excellent backup... I'm confused as to why this irks you so.. He proved more then capable last season in a wonky defense.. Imma chalk it up to being argumentative simply to be argumentative because you had so much etch defense left to use and can't now lol my issue is with the unwarranted superlatives being tossed about Indeed. Overstating things is the number 1 problem.
  18. Agreement was burned for warmth yesterday...
  19. You can't take a step forward if you're constantly taking 2 steps back. He's a starting NI. Keeping him means we can work on upgrading our starting 7. Losing him means we're searching for someone to have a starting 7.
  20. It's a complicated procedure. 1) Get on a plane. 2) Leave. 3) Don't go back. It's all a bit technical, sorry for all the legalese.
  21. And awesome drafting by Walters. Yup. Great pick and value. It wasn't a well kept secret that the Bombers were high on Briggs and Jones leading up to the draft. Walters made the moves to get players he wanted rather than picking from what was available when our turn came around, and that's what I give the biggest thumbs up for from his first draft as GM. He worked to take control of his destiny. Time will tell if his pre-draft scouting of these players was correct. Good signing. If this is a guy we want to keep, make sure we keep him.
  22. It's definitely very locker room dependent. At face value hiring (keeping) a teaching coach for a very young team makes sense. It did not work out. I suspect some of that might have been residual Thrasher mentality. To me Eakins is just another example of the real problem. They brought him in for an assistant coach interview and liked him so much they fired the head coach, whom they weren't looking to replace. So much of this, it's just schizophrenic. It reminds me of some of the fantasy hockey managers I pool with. No concept of the big picture, or at least not enough self-discipline to stay with it. Henrik Sedin was put on waivers in my 12 team league. Stupid low waiver priority. Even if they loved Eakins, there was no reason at all to fire Krueger at that point in time. They still could have hired Eakins as an assistant and had him in place for that eventuality. It's just trickle-down stupid.
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