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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Many people feel that we would have been better off starting Goossen at right guard and Sears at SAM. It's not like any of the Americans we started at right guard were anything other than truly dreadful. The team did not necessarily "screw him over", but it is tough for a pro athlete to sit on the bench and watch far worse players starting in front of him when there is a perfectly acceptable solution available. More favouritism by O'Shea and Etch, I'm afraid. You're arguing that Sherman got starts because of favourtism? Dude, that's pure butt-pulling-out-of-ing there. That's based on nothing. Goossen was kept on the bench most of the year because of a conspiracy? When drafted he wasn't considered "pro-ready" like Lavertu was. After 5 months of practising against pros and having Wiley work on his technique, they felt comfortable enough to give him a shot.
  2. Having been in Prince Albert and Kelowna, Morrissey lucked out in more ways than one with this trade.
  3. Well they got their butts handed to them by Ohio State (and their 3rd string QB) in the conference championship and his Heisman finalist RB has said he's declaring for the NFL draft. Maybe he thinks the Wisconsin program is going to be in bad shape for some time to come, and is pulling the parachute. ie, being a quitter. I don't think that's it though. Maybe Alverez is just an awful guy to work for.
  4. If something like that happens and I'm Washington, I'm telling Buono I will wait a while in good faith since that organization has been my employer for my entire career, but I want to be kept in the loop as to what's happening with the HC hiring process, and it better not take long to be resolved. There is a limit to how long I'd allow uncertainty to hang over my head when I know there is stability available 4 CFL cities over.
  5. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there may be some bias. Call me crazy, I know, but something makes me think Banks isn't being 100% clinically objective. Reduced role met ego. Turns out reduced role and ego don't get along well.
  6. There's absolutely no redeeming quality to those jersey's at all ..To each their own... I think they that they are soo odd that they are cool.. Like a hairless cat or a white albino rat lol I'll clarify .. I don't mind digital camo .. I think there are a tonne of examples out there that I could pull that would be infinitely better than what the Bombers got this season .. ours .. terribly done .. top to bottom .. Oh i agree.. If it wasnt bomber related, id not even consider it.. But its bombers and due to mass hatred, rare i like things that are oddities... Thinking of getting one just in case the MBB football game ever happens. Just as an OBannion's lick paddle to everyone.
  7. Mine went away. 411. But hey, continually stating shoot-from-the-hip opinions as facts...mazel tov!
  8. The things a good agent can do never ceases to amaze me.
  9. The thing to keep in mind is that the rankings mean very little going forward until the draft. People will use them as law in discussions on forums, but the reality of the situation is this list is formed by the rankings submitted by the nine front offices in the CFL and teams are going to be deceptive with a purpose as we get closer to draft day. Yep. But if the Bombers are hoping to have an OL that is comparable to the Als, the Stamps and the Riders, I think this pool is the best chance to expedite that process. A couple of top picks OL combined with a stud OL picked up in the free agency, I think it's not impossible for the team to field 5 national OL next year. There really would be no sense in using 5 Canadian offensive linemen next year. Especially considering none of these top tier prospects are strong options at tackle. Alex Mateas has played center and only center for UConn ... last time he played tackle was in the CJFL. Chungh and McEwen in Calgary are guards. Danny Groulx ... maybe but I'm not banking on him (or Dillon Guy or Jacob Ruby) being contributors at tackle in year one. Yup. To expect us to run with 5 national o-lineman barring massive injuries to our tackles is a pipe dream.. We would manage to either regress development, kill Willy or Marve or whomever is left back there and probably have a comparible or worse line to this last season.. Not sure it even makes sense. It's just an old-school mentality. Canadians aren't as good, put them somewhere where their screw-ups do the least amount of damage. Yeah, Oline, all they have to do is stand there and block. Until your starting QB is on the shelf for the rest of the season. The days of the Oline as non-skill players is long in the past. What they do matters. And from a dollars and cents perspective, a top quality starting NI tackle has become the second most expensive player in today's market, only behind a starting QB (and Heenan is setting himself up come February for a salary higher than Crompton's I'm guessing). Get all the best NI's we can on this roster and let the rest sort itself out. If that happens to be 5 on the line someday, so be it, but that is not necessarily the "best" option. It's just an option.
  10. ? Take away all the receivers and the quarterback's passes all fall incomplete... That's stupid, the defensive backs would intercept most of them! I'm double stupid, they'd all be flagged for intentional grounding. But you can review pass interference though True, and with the consistency CFL command central demonstrated this year, it's 50-50 we'd win those, even without a receiver.
  11. ? Take away all the receivers and the quarterback's passes all fall incomplete... That's stupid, the defensive backs would intercept most of them! I'm double stupid, they'd all be flagged for intentional grounding.
  12. ? Take away all the receivers and the quarterback's passes all fall incomplete...
  13. His personality isn't any different than 2/3's of the players in NBA and NFL. He doesn't bother wasting his time pretending to be an aw-shucks prairie farm boy who grew up playing on a pond and is totally humbled to get money to play a "kid's game". Michael Irvin shows up for work every Sunday with diamond studs in his ears the size of AA batteries, dressed in a full length fur coat. While I can't relate to wanting to be a playa or a balla - not even sure how to correctly misspell those - how Kane chooses to play with his money isn't my concern. Is he utterly tone-deaf to the market he plays in? Oh yeah. Is he a poison in this locker room? Not that I can tell. He buys in and works hard. Do we share a common value system? That seems unlikely. And personally I think he should have gotten 4 games. Lowry 2 or 3. If you're serious about getting it out of the game, be serious.
  14. In a coaching role, hasn't he just been with the Riders and Eskies? I think a change of scenery would do him/us good, i.e., Bombers. Yeah I suppose bouncing around wasn't the correct term. He went from the Riders to the Esks to the Riders. He does have 3 GCs in that time period. His wiki page says retired......hummm It's wiki. Let's change it to say "cannibal".
  15. I like the signing. I also don't know what to make of it, big picture-wise. The Oline needs to be better; almost no one would dispute that. But the pieces we have now...when you break it down, what are the moves that make the line better? Some might argue about Neufeld, but from what I've seen his health is the concern, not the level of play when he's healthy. I consider Morley to have had a good season, and we used the second overall pick this year to draft his future replacement. And here we are lauding the Greaves signing. Jace Daniels? Lots of us think he can be our next left tackle. So where does that leave us? We just need one player to make this unit better than the 71(?) sack-surrendering squad it was this season? That doesn't add up to me. I don't have an answer here, it's just something stuck in my head - there has to be more than one of these guys that aren't keepers when you're last in the league in sacks surrendered.
  16. a ) All used up a while ago, and this is just 2015 money. b ) The space between the floor and cap is about $350k, so maybe this is the end of it. c ) We were well below the cap this year and some of these signings will help us get past the minimum and meet requirements. Any one of these 3 options is realistically possible. I have never heard Walters suggest one way or the other where this team falls on cap space this year. He's identifying players he wants here going forward and wrapping them up now. Huge thumbs up. Now we just hope he's identifying the right players.
  17. I'm half asleep right now. Red bull gives you massive intestinal distress!
  18. In a coaching role, hasn't he just been with the Riders and Eskies? I think a change of scenery would do him/us good, i.e., Bombers. I sure hope the Bombers set their sights higher than Richie Hall. Call him plan H. Keep him on a list just to be prepared. Call him plan Preparation H.
  19. Walters, you silly mmmfff mmmffff mmmmfffff (Rich has tackled me and locked me in an old upright freezer)
  20. How do you know they don't already have arrangements in place with someone? And the notion that Ritchie Hall is a highly desirable candidate for DC? Check the battery on your watch, it might have stopped in 2006.
  21. Sigh. I know. This is head against the wall stuff. And yet... Please list all the candidates. Benevides and Washington if the new BC HC doesn't want him are two that immediately come to mind. Uh-huh. That thing we don't know and probably won't know for a month. Give or take. So you've listed a guy that we've already contacted and a guy that it is "illegal" for us to contact at this time. Alright. So the list is actually one person. Or is Walters (since for some reason no one is even pretending this is OShea's coaching staff anymore) supposed to act TODAY on that thing he won't know for a month? Give or take. Am I with you so far? I think we can work our way thru this.
  22. l'm looking for a smiley-face guy with duct tape over the mouth...
  23. Heenan. Yep, those were the rumblings last month. We'll see if it actually happens come mid-February. Heenan is unlikely to go anywhere. He'll let a bidding war ensue, take the top offer to Taman and tell him to put $5000 on top, then re-sign in Saskatchewan. Holmes is at least a possibility, but who knows. Dude may have a love interest in Toronto, season tickets for Toronto FC, a stake in a pizza parlour, whatever. It's not like Toronto is trying to implode. They will come at him with cash in hand before the FA deadline. Maybe it's enough cash that he says "good enough. besides, gotta keep an eye on the pizza parlour". I hope the Bombers can land a quality Olineman in free agency, but I would never plan around it. It's not in their control. You just hope they can seize the opportunity if it presents itself.
  24. I agree. My first instinct was to not include them. Then I remembered, Marcel Desjardins is terrible at his job, and possibly insane.
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