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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. It's an opinion that seems realistic and reasonable to me. I'm curious as to which other 2 teams reached out to Benevides already. Almost certainly the Riders are one of them. Who's the other? Toronto? By process of elimination, them and Ottawa are the only options left that make sense.
  2. IF he reaches free agency. Very few of the guys we dream about in December are still available mid-February. Toronto will do their best to re-sign him.
  3. Wasn't really expecting this. And let the games begin. I wonder what Oiler fans are thinking . . . Yup, lots should be boiling over at the OMB right now. Now is the time to fire Eakins. We got lots of choice now between MacLean, Bylsma, Nelson, etc. The Oilers are doomed as long as Kevin Lowe is there. Spends years building a franchise with holes up and down the roster, says "my work is done here", and gives himself a promotion. As a Jets fan, I think they should add 20 years to his contract. And allow him to provide consultation services to other teams in the Western conference.
  4. Sigh. I know. This is head against the wall stuff. And yet... Please list all the candidates.
  5. Any reunion of Buff and Enstrom - complete and total opposition.
  6. If you had included the networks I could have printed off that list for my viewing guide. (real viewing guide: get 3 kids into bed, turn on any game, immediately fall asleep)
  7. pffft Thor. Sexiest man alive (when I'm wearing it). 'Nough said.
  8. Hmm. Not sure coaching is the place I would have started with that team. I know it's a what have you done for me lately business, but I thought Maclean's coaching had more to do with any of their success than the roster. And now what is that super-funny Maclean lookalike who sits behind the bench going to do? Shave?
  9. Pretty much all goalies do that now. You just need an absolute perfect shot to best it. Yeah, if it's done right at that angle it takes away about 98% of the net. Once in a while a sniper is going to hit that 2%. More often than not they shoot over the crossbar trying to find that sliver of space. That was an amazingly accurate shot. I must have been a bad luck charm yesterday - I watched about 3 minutes and saw two Duck goals. If I had stopped walking past the TV the Jets probably win 3-2.
  10. It isn't, but Leggett isn't the only guy in the league. This is all anecdotal, but my recollection is that mid-seasons contract extensions turning the current year into part of a 3 year deal are more common than an outright 3 year deal offered to a pending FA. But I could be entirely wrong, it's just an impression I have.
  11. But is he a non-import and can he play Oline?
  12. The timeline he's on right now probably makes his next contract the big payday if he ever lands one in the CFL, so hypothetically we're putting off that pay raise from 2016 to 2017. I wish they signed more players to 3 year deals. If we had a talented NI Olineman with a bright future, I'd be thrilled if they did 4 or 5 year deals. But the PA tends to frown on those.
  13. "Rose Bowl". Like that's a real thing... Got some beauties this year. Wonder if the people in St. Petersburg know they're getting paid in imaginary money? And why wouldn't anything involving the "Heart of Dallas" be sponsored by Lipitor? They're missing out on some obvious cholesterol problem based synergy there.
  14. You seem to shoe-horn trading Buff into every post, even when it's hard to argue it's tangentially related to the rest of the content. In case you are puzzled by the blow back you are getting (is what I've observed reading thru this (and most of the other) Jets threads).
  15. My suspicion is that they want to bring Mark Washington here, but the complete fallout from BC might not happen until they hire a new head coach. They're being smart and hanging on to the guys they have now until the new coach officially says he doesn't want them.
  16. CFL Pat White? Not sure. NCAA Pat White? The memories still make my heart flutter. This is why the Heisman is seldom indicative of future success in professional leagues. Professional teams don't run read-option plays 60 times per game. Something about the QB eventually getting pounded into a coma.
  17. Great signing. Walters is knocking those pins down in pretty rapid succession, and the guys he's re-upping are obvious talents worth keeping.
  18. So many screws loose in that man's head. Always has been. Serious rage issues. Fun game, good job team.
  19. Sort of. He's not actually interested in hearing about how the organization functioning. He really just wants them to say over and over that nothing is functioning. It seems to be the only thing that could bring joy to his world. I don't know why.
  20. but is Newman better in that role than Sears? I wouldn't look at is as Newman starts there or Sears starts there, more likely Newman rotates in for 3-4 beside Sears on second down while Thomas rotates out. Something along those lines. Sign as many talented NIs as we can and start the 7 best ones.
  21. I was also a Pat White fan. Wouldn't it be something if him and Steve Slaton get reunited in the CFL at some point? How could someone not be a Pat White fan? 4-0 in bowl games, carrying that team to wins.
  22. I guess Edmonton can do the same... trade Nichols to Ottawa or BC and signs Glenn. That was the first thought, but they seem to be crushing hard on Pat White, so I wasn't sure how Glenn fits in that mix unless they pull back on the White-love. The Calgary situation, on the other hand, no Pat White. And Glenn will still have lots of connections there. (full disclosure, I've also crushed pretty hard over Pat White during his UWV days and I was pretty happy when I found out he was on our neg list a few years ago. but I'm over him now)
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