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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. Calgary trades Tate for a first-rounder to Ottawa and re-signs Glenn. There. Nailed it.
  2. Saskatchewan is the best fit but I don't think he goes there. Montreal gives him the best chance to start but I don't think he goes there either. So, Edmonton?
  3. Once again, not true. Which is why the premise of the original post and all those claiming how wonderful it was is ridiculous. Because, once again, people are dealing in absolutes. Their wonderfully closed minds only see two possibilities - we decide to keep (pick a coordinator/coach) OR we decide to fire (pick a coordinator/coach). In reality there are far more possibilities than that and all of these other possibilities will still take time to unfold. Such as the Bombers were not entirely happy with (pick a coordinator/coach) and would like to try and upgrade that position, but were not so dissatisfied that the possibility of (pick a coordinator/coach) returning next season was ruled out entirely if no upgrade is available. By my count there are only 3 coaches in the league who are no longer with the team who employed them at season's end - Cortez, Benevides, and Gibson. So all you kings of impatience who want Etchevery gone - what is it the Bombers should do RIGHT NOW, TODAY? Talk to Benevides? Apparently they've done that. So have 2 other teams, apparently. What does that tell you? That 2 other defensive coordinators may be available shortly. Perhaps coordinators that they would like more. Perhaps from places that Benevides would like to go to more. Perhaps the new head coach of the BC Lions decides not to retain Mark Washington, whom the Bombers were rumoured to be interested in for the DC job last year. Why on earth do we NEED to commit to anything today, December 5th? But lets skip past all the possibilities, and I could easily think of dozens more, and go to the one that seems to be the biggest hangup - why not just announce that they are firing Etch today? Well, perhaps they have enough vision to see an outcome where the only DC's available are ones they consider downgrades. What if Barker fires Burke and Benevides takes that job, and the only DC of note was Tim Burke? Tim Burke, back in town, one year later. And then the Bombers realize the best option available to them is to re-hire the guy they fired a month ago, because Etchevery is the best option and all other options are worse. That would be the most ridiculously unprofessional thing this organization has ever done, and that's saying something. Instead, they are behaving like a professional organization. Why some fans continue to insist they should make poorly thought choices - I am confused. Maybe they've always been closet Rider fans and are engaging in subterfuge. Well played. (And most of this topic has been about the coaches, but some have implied the Bombers are outright doing nothing. Their heads must be far down in the sand, because I have never seen this many potential FA's get wrapped up in new contracts before December. Ever. Walters has been a very busy GM.)
  4. So the Bombers should call Mark Washington and tell him he's fired? Cmon Walters, make those dominoes fall.
  5. Appreciating sarcasm myself, I think you've overused it. I also think the word entitlement gets misused on this site at times. This is not how I interpreted the original post, rightly or wrongly as I'm not able to be inside BigBlue's head. For some of us who have committed our lifelong loyalty to this club, feeling we are in the know, as appropriate, on the health and direction of this club is a reasonable expectation not a sense of entitlement. Where I diverge from BigBlue's original post is I believe there has been vast improvement of an inclusive approach with fans from our previous regime of Mack. You rarely ever saw Mack engage. Hmm. That last post contained next to no sarcasm. Plenty of derision, but it was largely sarcasm free. It also was not directed specifically at the original post but rather many posts across many threads that have occurred during the season, and since. However, I would have included the original post in that rather large group. It's why I started with "quite seriously". After nearly every loss and some wins, there are posters who seem to demand someone in the organization needs to stand in front of a camera and blame someone for something, despite continually denouncing the previous coach for doing just that. Clearly they are considering their options on a number of fronts, and no decisions have been made yet. And they've said as much. Let's say hypothetically they want to replace their defensive coordinator. What would a proper course of action be in a good organization? Look around for some possible candidates. Who are the candidates? Well we don't know yet, because there are still plenty of dominoes to fall in multiple organizations outside of ours. And then there will be people not willing to commit to a coordinator position when there is still a head coaching position open. And then there might be another round of dominoes falling. And then the process of filling up each team's dance card of coaches will begin. In the meantime they should be reaching out to the potential candidates that they can reach out to, and let them know they are interested. Which they have been doing, according to sources. So what exactly do they owe us? According to the crowd I was addressing, they don't like some of our coaches and apparently think Walters is supposed to step in front of a microphone and camera and say "Yeah, I don't like that guy either. We don't have a plan yet, but that guy is the worst. We'll probably can his ass. Blargh blargh blargh. No concrete plan, but we felt the fans deserved to hear us talk crap about one of our employees." This is what a terrible organization would do. Why are fans insisting the Bombers should behave like a terrible organization?
  6. Quite seriously, the sense that I get from some people here is the only way they'll be happy is if daily, all of the higher-ups in the Bomber organization appear in front of a camera wailing, rolling around on the floor sobbing, occasionally yelling "IT'S ALL GONE SO HORRIBLY WRONG!!!!". Full sackcloth and ashes biblical funeral mode. Nothing less. That will give them some sense of satisfaction. Sitting in their offices and meeting rooms doing stuff to make the team better for next year? Totally disrespecting the fans.
  7. I believe the bolded is inaccurate. You and he are both raving lunatics right now, but you're a vocal minority... Most fans could not even name the assistant coaches. Most fans are not sitting around waiting for an announcement on the coaches so they can decide whether or not Walters has earned the privilege of having their season tickets renewed. Most fans are not thinking about the CFL at this point, and are out Christmas shopping. The 100 lunatics who come visit this site multiple times every day, we are not representative of most fans. Most fans would think we have a problem.
  8. There was a time when it was the program everyone in the country looked at as the model For a moment I thought you were talking about Oregon State! Yeah, it's glory days are in the past, at least for now, but back in the 80's and 90's being a blackshirt was pretty much the ultimate status a defensive player could achieve in college ball. And they were the kings of trench warfare on the offensive side. And considering the lack of obstacles (relative to a place like Oregon State), re-building that program into a annual contender is possible.
  9. Khari's chuckle always brightens the day. They would be required to use a clip of it to open OShea's daily presser with Irving.
  10. Oy vey. It's like someone found a mountain of crap, climbed to the top, and took a dump. That's a lot of back line misery to pile on at once. (that said, our powerplay became surprisingly more effective once a certain blood-oath-committed-to-never-shooting-the-puck defenceman stopped appearing on the powerplay)
  11. Wow, talk about horribly misrepresenting a story. Here is the actual story for anyone interested: http://www.oregonlive.com/sports/oregonian/john_canzano/index.ssf/2014/11/canzano_her_name_is_brenda_tra.html Thanks for that link (even though it's a really long read). Horribly misrepresenting might be an understatement. It's good to see some positives come out of such a negative. Anyways, the real story, Riley moving to Nebraska, it sounds like there are plenty of people in the fan base not sad to see him go. They are always going to be a small player against the other PAC12 monsters, but it sounds like there are expectations that they should be competitive with those other schools more than intermittently. Nothing wrong with expectations like that, but I suspect a new coach will do little to change the dynamics of that conference and the recruiting disadvantage Corvalis will always have. Riley was the only reason I cheered for Oregon State. That, and cheering for the underdog. Now what? Cheer for the Huskies? Yeesh.
  12. Whoa - Keanu Reaves With the rollover options in his contract and family ties, and passing on the USC thing 2(?) years ago, yeah, it seemed like he was going to be there much, much longer.
  13. I think you might be misinterpreting their point. They were making that point to show how poorly Edmonton has drafted, and outside of their multiple top 3 picks in recent years, have almost nothing to show from the other 40 (?) draft picks they've made. Contrary to that, the Jets look to have picked up a lot of talent outside of the first round of the draft. From a managerial point of view, these are teams headed in totally opposite directions.
  14. The most interesting takeaway for me was the low scoring - it's anecdotal but it seems like every Jets/Oilers game in recent years combines for 9 goals or so due to the total inability of both teams to play defence. There is usually one moment in every Jets game where Byfuglien does something out there that only he can do. His combination of skills and attributes is entirely unique in the NHL. He sure had a whale of a game last night. Ladd on the other hand...that shift where he took the penalty, and the one that followed, that was just terrible. It looked like he forgot what sport he was playing. Thankfully he got his head out of his butt in time for the back half of the third.
  15. Dickenson has had multiple opportunities in recent years to interview for head coaching jobs and has passed on them. If he's trying to push his way up he's not pushing very hard. It seems like he's more than happy preparing to succeed as a first time head coach instead of the standard sink-or-swim approach most coaches get.
  16. Cut the legs out from under Buono pretty quickly, that sly old Huffer.
  17. And gave up his first rounder for a one year rental of Glenn. Shh, don't question the genius of the ... genius. Cool, noun and adjective. Love those.
  18. For personal reasons, I prefer to think that about the Riders.
  19. I'd be surprised if at the end of 2015 season the Bombers weren't still looking up at the Lions. Wally's teams are always competitive. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002_Calgary_Stampeders_season He left Calgary a mess it took them 5 years to clean it up. This Buono as a bulletproof football god nonsense...sure, if you choose to only remember the good years.
  20. If it doesn't work out, we've lost nothing. And I assume that any signing bonuses are being tucked away in the 2014 books to keep as much 2015 cap space clear as possible for chasing a tasty free agent or two.
  21. Sask is making changes but are they the right moves? The team was 8-2 when Durant went down. Don't you think they might be overreacting by reportedly firing both their coordinators? Any GM can hire and fire guys every year. Does that make him a better GM than one who sticks by his guys? I'm not saying the Bombers are right if they don't make any changes, but the simple act of making changes isn't always the right move. The truest measure of a successful offseason is being the team to fire the most coaches and cut the most players. And it's also a race. The speed portion makes scoring who had the most successful offseason a bit more difficult than just counting cuts and firings, but I'm sure DR. CFL has developed a complex algorithm for this purpose. He is a doctor after all. Once the swimsuit competition part of the offseason is officially added (2017?), the winner will be readily obvious. No more of that nasty math needed. Buono is a genius. He'll figure out a way to rock an orange speedo.
  22. Must be a conference where they've never seen the jet package before. I wonder how he got another year of eligibility for Brock Ralph?
  23. You may not like his humor .. but that dude is one self depricating son of a *****. Pretentious? Not in the least. You may be right...its more so his fans. I'd raise an eyebrow, but then my monocle would fall out.
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