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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. That's why in hindsight world Stoudamire is still with the Riders.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qg48ZZ2wYfM Had to be posted.
  3. Today comes with a 2 for 1 special with this post. What a country!
  4. The team should get him to come in and do a guest spot in next year's Recycle Everywhere ad.
  5. That move puzzled me at the time. Was it his off beat persona that teams didn't like? I thought the ability was there though. A puzzling coaching decision from 2009? You don't say! A player cut under curious circumstances in 2009? Surely an isolated case! Oh crap...my sarcasm meter just broke after reading that. Does anyone know where one can get it fixed? Sorry. or Suuuuuh-ooooooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrry. Whichever you'd prefer. Now that this season is drawing to a close, I hope this is the last thread about Grigsby I ever see. Obsessing about a player who isn't here anymore and didn't do much when he was, just to point out he's not doing much elsewhere - I think we can all be over it now.
  6. Another horrible decision by my favorite team. Disagree. I like the idea of wanting improvement but there will always be someone somewhere that somebody would Argue is better than the guy you have. I don't think marcel was a negative thus I am fine giving him another season. Walters needs upgrade the talent. I have a position contrary to yours, but am unable to express it in a wildly irrational manner, so it probably does not fit in with the tone of this thread. I dont think my point was irrational so Id certainly like to hear yours. Im somewhat biased because I've met Marcel several times and like him personally. But I like the hiring at the time and I still do. It was not. I was speaking off your post, not about it. The world is full of fans who dish out blame to the easiest target whether it belongs there or not. People who scream at the QB for an interception despite having no clue what way the receiver was supposed to break. People who swear at the Oline for a sack despite having no clue what the protection was supposed to be. I don't like to be one of those guys. So I'm not going to blame MB for any one play, or series, or game. Would he have done better with better players? I should hope so. That idea should hold true for any coach. He was here last year. He got a pass for 2013 because of the whole Lapo to Crowton to Burke to Crowton to Bellefeuile clustersmooch of a transition that happened over that time, and the lack of any chance to have a coherent playbook of his own. This year doesn't just become a fresh start in my mind though. He had many of these players here last year and still had a chance to build off of something, even if it wasn't something spectacular. He didn't seem to do that beyond the first bunch of games. In the last two thirds of the season the offence spun it's wheels to the point where Neil Young should have been upset about the environmental damage. More often than not the defence kept this team hanging around in almost every game. This year was already MB's mulligan for last year. Two mulligan seasons in a row? I can't advocate that. Bellefeuile does seem like a likeable guy. Never met him, but his hard-knocks story certainly makes me want to root for his success. Odd thing is, I will always root for the success of anyone associated with the Bombers, cause his success likely means the team is succeeding too.
  7. That move puzzled me at the time. Was it his off beat persona that teams didn't like? I thought the ability was there though. A puzzling coaching decision from 2009? You don't say! A player cut under curious circumstances in 2009? Surely an isolated case!
  8. Another horrible decision by my favorite team. Disagree. I like the idea of wanting improvement but there will always be someone somewhere that somebody would Argue is better than the guy you have. I don't think marcel was a negative thus I am fine giving him another season. Walters needs upgrade the talent. I have a position contrary to yours, but am unable to express it in a wildly irrational manner, so it probably does not fit in with the tone of this thread.
  9. 3 pages in the books and the thread isn't locked yet - colour me surprised!
  10. Agreed. I wouldn't mind the Bombers taking a chance on him, it seems like he should be able to do some damage up here - obviously won't happen due to neg rights - but I'd also probably get annoyed after the first month of the world looking at our team as a social experiment.
  11. to this: at all. How are you connecting these dots? Why are you connecting these dots? Hutchinson is getting the start in Boston for the same reason Montoya got a start in Chicago last year - it's a place that has special meaning for him and the hope is that he will elevate his game because of it. It's a pretty common theory NHL coaches subscribe to when picking a starting goalie, although it doesn't come up very often. If Martin Brodeur signs with someone and New Jersey is on the schedule, you bet your pretty hiney he's getting the start that game. Except Maurice said it had nothing to do with him being a former Boston draft pick. Try again. Uh, okay. ? Gouda. ? Maurice didn't want to give that as a reason. Fine, I'm sure he has his reasons for it. I'm not going to dedicate any amount of worry as to what they might be. The above leap you made doesn't have any logic to it, or really anything at all to base it on.
  12. I agree, most players probably DO have a problem with it. Doesn't make it right though. Fortunately, society is changing very quickly. This will be a non-issue in 20 years. Right, just like race relations are a non-issue now. According to Fox news...
  13. Calvillo was done like dinner in 2007. The masses felt he needed to retire. In the following 5 seasons he threw for approx 25,000 yards, went to the cup 3 times, won the cup 2 times, won MOP 2 times, won divisional all-star all 5 times and CFL all-star 3 times. Was 2014 the beginning of the end for Stamps? Maybe. But when a guy has 5 1000 yard seasons in a row prior to this most recent one, I'd be more than happy if the Bombers found a way to get him in uniform over here. And it helps that Stamps has been nothing but a total class act during his CFL career.
  14. I just don't follow how you get from this: to this: at all. How are you connecting these dots? Why are you connecting these dots? Hutchinson is getting the start in Boston for the same reason Montoya got a start in Chicago last year - it's a place that has special meaning for him and the hope is that he will elevate his game because of it. It's a pretty common theory NHL coaches subscribe to when picking a starting goalie, although it doesn't come up very often. If Martin Brodeur signs with someone and New Jersey is on the schedule, you bet your pretty hiney he's getting the start that game.
  15. Even if they report themselves as straight, they are still gay.... The question is whether or not the same percentage would be applied to professional sports, and why wouldn’t it be? You could argue that it is a small sample size compared to the general population and the stats would be skewed somewhat, but by that rationale, the percentage could just as easily be larger as it would be smaller. Seems people want to believe that the percentage would be smaller because professional athletes should be more “manly”. Yes and no. The idea that professional athletes are more manly is the neanderthal view that some still cling to when refusing to believe that the percentage won't be as high in sports as in the general population, but that doesn't change the possibility that those percentages do not correspond. The percentage of latinos in the United States is relatively high in the general population, but I don't see any corresponding percentage in any of the 4 major sports. Baseball has a high percentage of latinos playing, but the percentage of them who are from the US is much lower. Typically one would expect that over a few generations that the percentages in specific demographics will catch up to the general population. Latinos grew up with soccer and baseball, so their interest level in football would not be immediate, but over 5 generations the interest level would rise. The comparison between latinos and homosexuals is a lousy one, but it makes exploring demographics easier than arguing over "10%", which shouldn't even be the point. Does the percentage of homosexual football players represent the same percentage as the general population? There's really no way of knowing as that would require it's own set of surveys. I allow for the possibility that those numbers do not align, not because gay men aren't manly enough, but because the percentage of their population that is interested in football may not correspond to the percentage in the general population. Once again, there is really no way of knowing without extensive surveys.
  16. And yet your comment is about the discussion around his orientation and not his football abilities.
  17. Why? Each has his own personal decision. If Dickenson is happy and comfortable to remain being an OC no one can fault him for that. Plus he is successful with it. If Garcia wants a big jump from QB coach to Head Coach no one can fault for that either. He believe he's ready for that. Will he be successful? That remain to be seen. Matt Dunigan went from retired qb to studio analyst to Stampeder HC. It was a huge fail. Garcia has the playing but not coaching experience. I truly believe that he needs to be a successful coordinator first before he becomes a HC. Other than the discovery of John Grace it was a tremendous failure, but a not insignificant portion of that failure has to fall on that joke of an ownership group. Would Garcia have a playbook? That's not the kind of thing you just sit down and bang out over a cup of coffee. He'll remember some of the things he's done over his career and could cobble something together, but guys spend years adding and removing concepts to their playbook as they get vetted. His next step up will be a huge one; if he hasn't started preparing for it years ago he won't be ready now.
  18. I use the forums and the evil spyware. Noeller, you should get that mole checked.
  19. I highly doubt there's a CFL landscape where Ernest Jackson is worth 200k In a league where Marcel Desjardins is in charge of a team, never say never.
  20. Unless they're willing to play another position, Canadian QBs just don't get drafted. First two weeks of camp I had Yantz ahead of Brohm on the passes I watched. Man, Brohm looked useless at the start of camp. But more to the point, Yantz did not look at all out of place next to the other 4 QBs. If you didn't know their numbers you would not have been able to tell which was the CIS player.
  21. I think they already are giving him more playing time than they initially planned. They will ease him in and see how he reacts to the pressure/opportunity. He still has single digit starts in his NHL career. Fast-tracking him is probably not necessary or productive. All of this is a move towards determining what they will do next season and how far along they are in the overall goalie plan. Hutch as number 1, 1A, 60-40 split time, none of that is going to happen this year unless Pav totally craps the bed. Major dookie pile. Which he is so far not doing.
  22. This was the first time I ever clicked on "pages". It seems unnecessary/redundant. The blogs have value, but the content would not be any different if just added as new topic posts instead of blog posts. From a bang for your buck perspective, there's probably not much bang. And thanks for spending the bucks.
  23. Then we're not good enough yet. But I'll save you the suspense of waiting for April, we're probably not good enough yet. In the meantime we still have to put a team on the ice. As we accumulate collateral, our opportunities to be buyers will increase.
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