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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. It took about 4 quarters of football over 2 games for us to be down to our #3 guy. We have not had much success keeping our QBs healthy. Unless some other team makes the price unreasonable the Bombers should make every effort to get Brohm back under contract. If he can't hold his job thru training camp next year, so be it. If Marve does enough to earn the #2 spot next year, great, but I'm not rushing him in there just to please the fans. He's got tremendous physical gifts and did some awesome improvisation, but until he can consistently read CFL defences, give him more time to learn. Maybe he logs enough film study in the offseason that he's there by training camp, but I'm not in favour of forcing the issue for a rookie CFL QB. Relying on his rocket arm and mobility was the thing that made Michael Bishop both unstoppable and completely useless. Give Marve enough time that he can think his way around a CFL field. He seems to be figuring it out.
  2. It's cleary one or the other for these two options. Mutually exclusive. Next they'll have to decide if they're having cheerleaders or fireworks. There can be only one.
  3. Did he eat his sub straight on? On did he attack it up the middle with several bites? Multiple bites on the left side, but the toppings squirted out to the right untouched.
  4. Standard. So far talking but not saying much... Pretty vanilla. And pretty weak vanilla at that, just another tick on the "to do" list. We probably won't hear from Kyle for another 3 months. Nonsense. They usually get some kind of insight as to which QBs we should watch in the bowl games in December. That should tide us over. But seriously, other than re-signing free agents there isn't much of interest that ever happens in the CFL in December and January.
  5. Of course. They can, should and will explore all options for putting the best combination of 16 imports, 7 NIs and 1 QB on the field. And they won't be so close-minded as to rule possibilities out 5 months before they even have the players assembled.
  6. And what exactly did we win when we had these guys in the lineup? What exactly have we won in any of the last 24 seasons, all 24 of which we didn't start 3 NI's at receiver? Guess they had too much maple syrup available during the breakfast buffets - they got infected with Canadiana. Terrible disease. Another losing season brought on by damaging the purity of our southern receivers with domestic food choices. I got it. You're lining up 7 NI's at center. Pyramid formation or totem? Not sure which is the traditional use. Hopefully when Walters and OShea get together and address how they want to handle the ratio next season they also list retired import receivers. "So should we pursue this free agent nose tackle, draft one high, or roll with Lucas and Thomas next season?" "Bobby Gordon." "Uhh, okay, do we have a report as to whether or not Graig Newman will be game ready by May?" "James Murphy." "Thanks. Well, how about Bucknor? Bring in another guy or leave him as the starter and Alexander backing him?" "Perry Tuttle. You have memory issues Walters? Jeff Boyd. This is so freaking easy."
  7. Yeah but I've never let that stop me in the past. Bring em all back except Bellefool. I got tired of him at the end of the season. Here's the thing with Etch - I'm not sure I want his defensive scheme back but I don't have problems with his defensive play-calling. There were lots of games this year where offences were totally off balance. Running the ball became the great equalizer for disguised blitzes. Some kind of happy medium between the two would sit fine with me.
  8. I'm sure we can find imports better than all 21 of our gameday roster NI's. But since the rules don't allow that...
  9. And to the most important part: (edited "the ****" out, but I'm so impressed that you know those grown-up words) Because it opens up options. Like starting 4 imports on the Dline, or 5 in the secondary. What combination of 16 imports and 7 non-imports is the strongest team we can field? And no one is "wanting" to do anything right now. The season hasn't even ended. We don't know what players will be available in free agency or what our roster will look like in May 2015. We're discussing options for the ratio. Because it sounded like OShea was open to the idea. Open-minded. The opposite of closed-minded. The opposite of you.
  10. So the ratio doesn't apply to the Bombers? You've made it sound like you are familiar with the CFL in the past, but these rules sound like they are new to you. Let me guess, we'll line up 7 NI's at center. I see we have to start over. We already start 6, 3 on the oline, 3 on defence, we only need 1 more at receiver. WTF would you want to start 3 at receiver? Yes, "we" should. Maybe go look at a depth chart and count again.
  11. Sorry, I may have not properly indicated how much sarcasm was supposed to drip off that first sentence. Please insert multiple eye-rolls after "All non-imports".
  12. So the ratio doesn't apply to the Bombers? You've made it sound like you are familiar with the CFL in the past, but these rules sound like they are new to you. Let me guess, we'll line up 7 NI's at center. Stegall, Armstrong, Edwards & Bryant.....you have memory issues? All non-imports. Thanks for solving the ratio problem by listing retired import players.
  13. So the ratio doesn't apply to the Bombers? You've made it sound like you are familiar with the CFL in the past, but these rules sound like they are new to you. Let me guess, we'll line up 7 NI's at center.
  14. On paper the trio of Fantuz, Getzlaf and Bagg probably didn't scare the opposition at first back in '08. Line them up with Dressler, Matt Dominguez, Prechae Rodriguez, guys like that, it can work. A lot of not scary NIs on the Bomber roster had pretty decent seasons this year. I'm willing to give these guys opportunities. It's just flat out unfair to compare Fantuz to the guys we have. He was always seen as a better player than all of them. And the other 2? No one trembled at the idea of the Riders starting 3 NI receivers. But it worked. Fantuz was a highly touted top ranked pick. So is Demski. Bagg was an undrafted longshot. Sounds a bit like Feoli-G. Kohlert put up more yards this year than Getzlaf. Cory Watson 2015 = Corey Grant 2007? Feoli-G put up 210 yards in very limited use this year, the first where anyone tried to use him as a receiver. Getzlaf put up 247 in his first year. The guys I know who are involved in amateur football speak pretty highly of Goodrich. Comparisons to Demski are made. Land him with an exemption and let him learn on the PR, keep Carter in the mix, and maybe look at a free agent. Rather than dismissing the idea just because they are NIs, like we always do, I'm opening up my mind to the idea and realizing we might not be far away from being able to do it.
  15. Makes sense. Since the cups now have steel washers at the bottom, there's finally enough heft to get that lawsuit the Bombers always wanted. And April 1 is so far away.
  16. We need to open up the bank for Wild. I believe he was the heart & soul of our defence all year, and we were noticeably different when he wasn't there. Never mind he was also our long-snapper......which we also need to deal with for next year. My thoughts exactly. Wild needs to be paid as an elite CFL defender. Also need to address the long-snapper situation with a competent backup. I'll forgive the Bombers if they feel inclined to over-pay on Wild as it would leave a huge hole to fill if he left and as has been proven elite LB'ers don't appear to be that easy to find. He might not command Shea Emry dollars but I don't believe he will be signed for much less, time for the Bombers to pony up to keep the few elite players they currently have. "I'll forgive the Bombers if they feel inclined to over-pay on...." anybody ... it always makes me laugh when I see fans trying to judge salary cap issues as if they knew anything about it ... no one here knows even tiny about it I'd say there are a lot of smart people on here who are capable of using reason, logic and memory to paint a pretty good picture of the individual salaries of players. You could probably put your lol paintbrush back in it's bucket.
  17. On paper the trio of Fantuz, Getzlaf and Bagg probably didn't scare the opposition at first back in '08. Line them up with Dressler, Matt Dominguez, Prechae Rodriguez, guys like that, it can work. A lot of not scary NIs on the Bomber roster had pretty decent seasons this year. I'm willing to give these guys opportunities.
  18. So, hypothetically, if there's a rash "down there", might that be related? Asking for a friend.
  19. From what I've read about the 2015 draft class, it looks much deeper at OL than receiver. If Demski is head and shoulders above the next receiver in this class, he might be worth our 1st rounder. We could still get a quality OL in the next round. Speaking in generalities, the chances of us getting a receiver who can start in the first round and an Olineman who can start in the second round in 2015 seems higher than the reverse. Two starters instead of a starter and a backup? I'd prefer that. Now there's still college games to play, free agency, ecamp and other things that will influence the standings of players and our needs. Maybe there is an absolute must-have Olineman that we can't pass on. As of right now, that cream has not risen and there doesn't seem to be much separation, and we pretty much need anything and everything.
  20. Tickets for 06 were 250 with season ticket discount, $275 without. Tickets for this year in BC top out at $445.
  21. Really? ....... ....... ....... (this represents being speechless)
  22. one of the 21? that's a low bar and not worthy of being a must sign. I can think of some situations where we won't need him as a starter though.... Between Newman and Sherman they use a NI at LB instead, hell let's go completely pie int he sky thinking here, Muamba, Mulumba and Bilukidi all come to the Bombers from the NFL, suddenly you don't need Bucknor starting at all. Now sure that's wishful thinking at it's finest but it's a situation where you laugh at the very notion of Bucknor being that important. As far as Bucknor goes I'd bring him back, but he's not in the most important to bring back category. Sure, but how much of that will the team know prior to the opening of free agency? This time last year BC probably thought Lulay would be ready for the start of the season. Will Newman be ready for 2015? Probably, but...maybe not. We can't all be as awesome as Darian Durant. I'm not sure whether to call it best case scenario or worst case scenario, but Bucknor as one of our starting 7 next season has to potentially remain an option until we have more options. And if we have better options and he's just the backup corner, that's still a good scenario.
  23. And many of our alignments only allow help from our other defenders in certain areas of the field. Other spots, large spots, there was just too much ground to cover regardless of how fast the players are. Starting so close to the line will do that. The CFL field is large and a well executed play will always have the ability to go for big yards. Many of the plays that went for big yards against us were not the types of plays that should have. And yet, in terms of points on the board, the design of this defence isn't as big a culprit as it's made out to be.
  24. If I'm Montreal I'm feeling a lot less confident about my QB situation this offseason than I was in the last. And part of that is just lessons learned from the last one. But Crompton gets to be the guy slotted at number 1 in the first week of training camp and not much more. At best. He is "the future" in Montreal about as much as Quinton Porter was in Hamilton. Maybe he can become something, but I'm not putting all of the Allouette's eggs in that basket if I have a choice.
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