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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. I'm choosing to believe "Just sayin' " means we don't have to do a Kelly debate. Hopefully ever again.
  2. I'd say Bucknor is a must sign. Teams with better NI talent than ours would be in a position to shrug their shoulders at him. I wouldn't say he's a must start, but we have to change something for him to not be a must start. This team might be better by playing a NI elsewhere or finding another NI field corner who slots ahead of Bucknor, but we are unlikely to know if we've succeeded in doing that until training camp. I don't see a situation where we upgrade our NI personnel enough in the next 6 months that Bucknor isn't good enough to be one of the 21 NIs on the gameday roster. Certainly not one where we know that we've done it prior to February 15. And yes, lols for dumping Washington.
  3. Now you've got me all excited and tingly. Probably won't happen, but the alliterative side of me would sure love have Unamba, Muamba and Mulamba all playing in the backfield at the same time. Rod Black's nipples would explode. Aren't Rod Black's nipples always hard? I'll check when I get home. Wow, I never thought Rod Black is living with you. We all have our secrets.
  4. Top end pricing for the 06 Cup was $250, so $50 more nearly 10 years later in the new stadium? Doesn't set off any rage buttons for me. The $400 number is about what I expected.
  5. Oh the irony of out of towners raging against price increases.. Thanks for complaining, now I don't have to.. Prior to the move to IGF, the Bombers had the cheapest premium seating in the CFL.
  6. Now you've got me all excited and tingly. Probably won't happen, but the alliterative side of me would sure love have Unamba, Muamba and Mulamba all playing in the backfield at the same time. Rod Black's nipples would explode. Aren't Rod Black's nipples always hard? I'll check when I get home.
  7. No I really don't like him as a defensive coordinator, I am just tired of hearing all the pissing and moaning about how terrible the defense was when it really wasn't anywhere near as bad as some people want to make it sound. Considering how poor the defensive line play was this season I don't see how the guy deserves a pink slip. Get some better defensive linemen in and see what the D looks like because that needs to happen regardless of who the defensive coordinator is. I get that a lot of people don't like a defensive coordinator who says stopping the run isn't a priority, but the logic is there and it really didn't cost us a lot of games this past season. I've said it before but I am far more concerned about what's going on with the offensive coaching than the defensive. Well I wouldn't really say it's pissing and moaning...it's all about having schemes on defence that allow us to be reasonable on both the pass and run, like some of the other teams that are successful. If you want to talk about getting tired...I'm really tired of having the ball run down our throats "virtually every week". I'm with you on the offence though. Defence wins championships and ours the way it is structured is simply not good enough to do that. My vote is for pissing and moaning. Stats vs points. If the other team's stats don't translate into points then it is successful in what it's trying to achieve. Last week Desia Dunn had a chance to wrap Poblah up along the sidelines. He somehow missed and Poblah went trotting down the sidelines 40 yards for a TD. Should that be on Etchevery? If I'm looking at the Bomber season and asking "what led to these points?", the amount of blame that is placed on Etch relative to the answers from "what led to these points?" is highly disproportionate. Our defence was more often than not a positive factor in the games, not a negative. So my vote is for pissing and moaning. There are many benefits to a traditional style defence, and I too would probably enjoy those more than a disguised defence. My two biggest issues with our defence were: a ) the lack of layers in our defence led to much bigger gains than should happen from fairly simply plays. No one is perfect, and if mistakes are made by defensive players our arrangements often led to huge expanses of field with no one able to get there. So yes, while we can say that the tackler missed and that's on him, we also have to accept that this is going to happen from time to time with even the best players. There are times in every game where a defence has to sell out, but it should not happen multiple times per series. b ) if a QB sees thru the disguise and audibles, oh crap. This happened a lot in the middle of the season when we continued to overload blitz from the left side of the line. Smart QBs just audibled a run to the right. We didn't do that forever, but we stuck with it for too long. In that formation we were often beating ourselves, which shouldn't happen.
  8. There are years when everyone want to land the big prize. If there is a guy like that this year, no one knows who he is yet. Sounds like there will be lots of top prospects to go around.
  9. Now you've got me all excited and tingly. Probably won't happen, but the alliterative side of me would sure love have Unamba, Muamba and Mulamba all playing in the backfield at the same time. Rod Black's nipples would explode.
  10. He is highly athletic and has great football instincts. That said, he has a lot to learn and has been kind of lucky so far. To improvise that many plays and not have it come back and bite him in the tush? There might be a horseshoe involved. Talking to someone after the first Calgary game I described his play as if he was handling a live grenade. Typically that's an insult implying panic and poor accuracy, but what I meant was you knew something exciting was going to happen on every play - you just didn't know whether it would be good or bad. So far, all good, probably with the help of some luck. Give him some time and the mental side of being a CFL QB hopefully will catch up to his physical gifts.
  11. Not quite fast enough to be a safety, not big enough to play LB. Doesn't seem the like the body type that fits in to any typical NFL mold. Shame for him, he's a legitimate talent.
  12. Our wins were frontloaded this season, which created an illusion of turbulence that wasn't really there in my opinion. Otherwise it unfolded pretty much as expected. Every team craps the bed once in a while. We did twice this year. The other 16 times this team fought hard and didn't quit. That's huge progress from last year. All 3 QBs look better than the 3 we had last year. All 3 were right about where they should be on the QB learning curve given their opportunities and resumes to this point in their careers. That's huge progress from last year. Most of us expected this team's talent from top to bottom would not stack up to the other western teams, and for the most part it did not. There were pleasant surprises though. On the NI front, Thomas, Feoli-G, Sherman and Bucknor were the obvious surprises. There was a small outcry when the Bombers released Maher in training camp and kept Hajrullahu instead. Ah, memories. Steve Morley might have been our best Olineman from start to finish this season. On the import side, every spot in our secondary that saw an incumbent leave was upgraded. Denmark finally had his 1000 yard season. Unamba progressed from athletic special teams guy to capable starter over 6 months. Cotton delivered what we expect from a running back. The negatives: Our Oline is still largely unsettled. Maybe we are fine going into next season with Daniels-Greaves-Morley-Goossen-Tyler. I can't look at that grouping right now and think that's good enough, don't change a thing. How injured was January this year and does he get a camp invite in the spring? I'd guess he's our most expensive Olineman on our roster, even as an import. Anderson and Turner are fine as a Dline interior, but if we're using them the same way next year we have to get a run-stopping MLB. The pressure from our ends was inconsistent, and under our current defensive scheme it has to be constant. Nick Moore needs to be healthier next year, and we need to find 2 more import receivers who can matter.
  13. Have you not seen Willy play at all during the second half of this season? He's been putrid. It can't be THAT hard for Marve to at least be as good as Willy's been lately. And you wonder how Marve can benefit from getting these reps? I'll just reiterate what I said earlier because I think it explains it pretty well... Willy has already played 16 games this year, and will not benefit from playing in one more meaningless game, especially if he's ailing. He's probably already looking forward to the off-season. Marve, on the other hand, could certainly use the experience as he hasn't played a full game yet. Getting that type of experience would allow him to go into the off-season knowing what he needs to improve on and what to expect next year. Iso thinks you're tacky.
  14. Yes, of couse he does. But the Bombers don't. Willy getting 1% better has more value to this franchise than Marve getting 10% better. Very deceitful of you to remove the most relevant part of my post. Willy has absolutely nothing to gain from this game, especially if he's already ailing. ? It's right up there for everyone to read, it meanders thru a couple of different thoughts that just weren't relevant to my point. Do you re-read every original post thru all the re-quotes? That's pretty sweet, having that much time to kill. Willy has less to gain, not "absolutely nothing". That is because he is further along in his development. He's not at the end of it. And every gain he makes now will be incredibly important in the future. Quoting someone's post & then deleting part of it to suit your POV is tacky. And I don't agree with Your Face but I think it has to be said. If you don't agree with his quote then don't use it. I get it. You don't like me. Removing 2000 words that have been requoted over and over to create a shorter post and isolating a single point, the point I am addressing, is something only I have ever done. This moment is so special I'll use an emoticon. To suit my point of view? To focus the point of discussion. From now until the end of time, I will remind everyone who isolates a shorter portion of a very long post that Iso thinks they are tacky.
  15. I know no one is allowed to say anything complimentary about Romby, but I will say this - when what appeared to be coverage sacks started to escalate in the last game I paid more attention to the receivers. The coverage was tight and Willy should have thrown it away most of the time. But one of those times (sack #9?) there was a receiver open over the middle, at least as open as any receiver was going to be that night. It was Romby. So if you're OShea and you're watching game film with the receivers, how do you sell benching the one guy who got separation from a DB when it was desperately needed and the other 4 guys didn't? It was one play, and yes, there isn't much chemistry between Bryant and Willy, but when we needed to move the ball he got open in first down territory. He doesn't grade out to an F on every single play like some think he does. Denmark and Kohlert had a better night (and a sensational catch each), other than that, who? Watson and new guy? I thought Romby did more than them. I don't even recall Feoli-G being on the field offensively. I would not expect to see him or Kelly or new guy back next year. Your point is taken, shaken and dismissed. JK But really, there was a play where Cotton was wide open, for multi yards, and I'm sure we could find multiple instances where we spot the 'Waldo'. That just wasn't Willy's game for sure. But If Bryant was consistently open, then they have to find a way to get him the ball. And that's on MB. But is he open consistently? We just don't know. We do know that Willy and Bryant never seem to be in the same ball park, never mind the same page, so what's that worth? I'm not making an argument to keep Bryant, just addressing why he hasn't been benched yet. Which is probably a response to a comment that isn't in this thread now that I think of it. Bryant does an alright job of getting separation most of the time, which is probably why he's still out there, but him and Willy just are not seeing the field the same way, which makes it all moot.
  16. I know no one is allowed to say anything complimentary about Romby, but I will say this - when what appeared to be coverage sacks started to escalate in the last game I paid more attention to the receivers. The coverage was tight and Willy should have thrown it away most of the time. But one of those times (sack #9?) there was a receiver open over the middle, at least as open as any receiver was going to be that night. It was Romby. So if you're OShea and you're watching game film with the receivers, how do you sell benching the one guy who got separation from a DB when it was desperately needed and the other 4 guys didn't? It was one play, and yes, there isn't much chemistry between Bryant and Willy, but when we needed to move the ball he got open in first down territory. He doesn't grade out to an F on every single play like some think he does. Denmark and Kohlert had a better night (and a sensational catch each), other than that, who? Watson and new guy? I thought Romby did more than them. I don't even recall Feoli-G being on the field offensively. I would not expect to see him or Kelly or new guy back next year.
  17. I feel these points have some merit. I will now drink some rye until that feeling goes away.
  18. Players always say they love to play the game. Alternate answer - next week they will do what other players won't, so next year they can accomplish what other players can't.
  19. That could be said of almost every team in the league this year. Cornish would win it in a walk if he could stay on the field, but he's only played half the games. He's proven that he's an exceptional talent, but he won't get it with that kind of absenteeism. Reilly is the only no-brainer on his team out of the west, BLM will win the nod in Calgary over Cornish because he stayed healthy(er). Us, BC, Sask? No one player is head and shoulders standing out of the crowd. I shrunk this. Too loud. I agree with all those reasons - there is certainly an argument to be made for Willy. It's just not an entirely convincing argument.
  20. It's not fair. Women/natives/blacks get all this great advice from white men on how they should feel and act and think and dress and speak, and what do we get in return? Not even a national holiday.
  21. I had wondered the same thing (I didn't care enough to start a thread about it, so thanks for getting the ball rolling). As I understand it the players get paid after each game, and if there are no more games there is no more pay, so do the Bombers have any leverage in making players stay another week (if they even wanted to)? Seems unlikely. There might be a few players added recently that could use another week of evaluation, but it's probably not happening.
  22. I want penalties to be called too. I just don't want it to affect the flow of the game and IMO, it does. Bombers aside, this has been the lowest quality of CFL football in quite some time. A lot of that has to do with the penalty parade. Something has to change and this is just a compromise that benefits the fans. If penalties are called and applied CONSISTENTLY (and that's the biggest issue in the CFL) then players will learn and adapt .. as it stands right now, players don't know what to expect from an officiating crew from week to week .. or game to game .. I'm of the mind that if it's a penalty .. throw a flag. Tickytac is tickytac. Might as well put a penny on the top of the center's head before each snap. If it falls off - illegal procedure flag, automatic. He moved. A rule has been broken.
  23. I suspect what some here haven't found the stones to say is that they've fallen so fast and hard for Marve that they want him to have a chance to prove he should be the number 1 QB next year.
  24. He might have another season or two of acceptable football left in him, but that isn't the direction this team should be heading in. This thread went from daydreaming about guys so good we'll probably never see them in a Bomber jersey to last resort options for starters in a real big hurry.
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